


I'm Detto, the dickhead running this podcast. Podcasting and sharing my lifes experiences have been a goal of mine. The past 2 years have been a tumultous time in my life, but I have made it through with an amazing kid, great friends and sassy bitches . Many you will meet through our "Sockeytome" journey. Work, family, friends, football!  I will turn any comment into a dirty moment! Join me and my friends for what can only be a crazy ride......


Hi everybody, I am Casey. I am super excited to start this podcast adventure with my friend for over 20 years, Detto. I like long walks on the beach, legal work and tall shiney boots. I also enjoy a wonderful glass of water. I am the tether that keeps Detto tied to the ground and help keep the show and business moving forward. I look forward to creating as many hours of amazing content as I can with Detto and help keep him under control. As you avid fans listen to the show you will get to know us better and we hope you enjoy it. Thanks for checking us out.

Kat (aka T BOT)

Hey I'm Kat, "this broad that just shows up!" I am here to keep Detto in line and check his ass. As I celebrate my 25 birthday again this February I look forward to making this year all about positivity and focusing on my personal growth. My kids are grown and this will be the year of me loving me! My goals are to spend more time with family and friends, adding some extra me time in to walk, enjoy a mulitude of pasta dishes and Japenese foods, all while keeping Detto's mouth from hurting feelings!



Hey everybody, I am Keebler. Yes I do live in Detto's treehouse and make all of the cookies that you give out to Santa but in my off season I enjoy a great podcast. Detto is great and has allowed me to come in and spout out about stuff that I love and dont get to talk about due to my busy schedule. Im just gonna make it as funny as I can because there is nothing funnier that a fire in a tree house that doesn't have electricity.....
