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The Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
On this episode, we dive into the often uncomfortable topic of hair loss, but with a humorous twist. With changing perceptions, baldness is now being embraced as a style statement rather than a source of shame. Join us for an engaging conversation filled with laughs as we share personal anecdotes and stories about realizing we were losing hair.
We explore various myths surrounding hair loss, including the classics about hats and weather, while comparing notes on treatments like Rogaine and the growing trend of hair transplants. As we weave through our past experiences and navigate today’s landscape of masculinity and self-acceptance, we encourage our listeners to embrace baldness with open arms. This episode is not just about hair—it's a celebration of finding confidence in who we are, regardless of societal standards.
If you’ve ever worried about thinning hair or have dealt with the emotional rollercoaster that often accompanies it, this episode is for you. Laugh along with us, share your thoughts, and maybe even turn your worries into witty stories. Don’t forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review! Let’s normalize this conversation!
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey everybody, welcome to Saki Tumi. Saki Tumi, hey everybody, and welcome back to Saki Tumi, where we connect people to people, even if it hurts. It's like hair loss that hurts, that hurts.
Speaker 1:I'm back here with Keebler. Hey everybody, how's it going?
Speaker 2:And we are, in fact here the cops are coming for me Again.
Speaker 1:Again still.
Speaker 2:We are here to talk about hair loss.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and how cool it's become. It's a big thing with mostly men. Yeah, I mean it happens with women, but I mean it's more common with men and men. Really, you know, it's like a status. It's become one. It's become one for sure.
Speaker 2:Now, the bigger you grow your beard and have a bald head, the cooler you are. You throw some sunglasses in there, forget it. You're a golden god. I hear that the first stage, though, is denial. Yeah pretty much.
Speaker 1:A lot of people don't want to admit it. I was one of them.
Speaker 2:Were you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was starting to lose my hair. I mean, I had half a head of hair. Yeah, you get haircuts. I do get haircuts, but I used to. I don't know if you remember I used to shave my head for a while it was probably like a four or five year span and then I actually started growing it back when COVID hit because we couldn't get haircuts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I remember that, remember that I got haircuts though you did.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh you, son of a bitch Haircuts, I mean.
Speaker 2:COVID was a joke.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but anyway, I started growing my hair because it was like when we have a shutdown for a couple months and Mrs Keebler said, wow, you can grow hair, I go yeah, I got hair, I don't have a lot of it, but I can grow it she goes I kind of like it like that, like what are you talking about? So she showed me some pictures. I actually looked older with my head shaved. That does happen. Yeah, that does happen. Yeah, it has to happen. And it seemed to be. You know, she says I was a cutie pie. I'm not gonna argue with her.
Speaker 2:So I said, all right, I'll grow my hair out. Do you ever blame it on anything when you're talking to people?
Speaker 1:my hair. Yeah, losing my hair, well, you always blame it on your wife or your mother, or work, or work. Yeah, stress is a big thing. Yeah, but I mean joking around. I used to, you know, tell, say to my daughter, I mean gray hair or no hair is this is because of you, honey, I worry all the time. It's a true story.
Speaker 2:Yeah, mine thins, yep, it's thinned out a lot. I haven't really lost much, knock on wood, yeah, but one of the things I have been honestly, my hairline as it is, and in the video you can see it's receding no, it's been like that my whole life oh, has it been.
Speaker 1:Oh, you've had it. You've got it. This is my hair. Instead of a forehead, you got a five head.
Speaker 2:Yeah, basically with a bunch of wrinkles. You count the wrinkles, I probably have a 17 head. That's just from the sun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay yeah, well, you do work outside. Um, people do say you know, does rain cause hair loss? I mean it, not specifically rain, but I mean the stuff that's in the rain. You know, I don't think it helps can doesn't help at all.
Speaker 2:You know, like dirt chemicals like runoff from asphalt roofs that gets into the water exactly everywhere back in the atmosphere.
Speaker 1:Right stuff like that stuff like that doesn't help, right? I mean, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Yeah, like, what can you do? There's not much you can do. I mean, one of the things that first came out when I was, you know, going through my probably like 20s and 30s, was rogaine. I mean that was one of the things that used to be on the market, you know, as a foam you used to put in your hair and supposedly your hair is going to grow back, but, but I don't know. I think a lot of those things were gimmicks. That's my opinion anyway, with that kind of stuff.
Speaker 2:Rogaine and Propecia, I don't think were gimmicks, I think they were real, they really worked.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it grows back, but it kind of slows you.
Speaker 2:It slows it down and then over time it will begin to grow back, but you have to continuously use it. You have to be consistent with it.
Speaker 1:And that stuff gets expensive. That's the thing I mean most treatments do you know.
Speaker 2:That's why it's almost like to get a transplant. It's probably your best way to go, because then it's there.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, and it's, you're right, it's there and it's your own hair, right? They usually usually for a transplant. They take it off the back of the head, bringing it to the front or wherever you have your problem areas. And I know, for guys, I mean, I know, I know women the ones I talked to are like 50, 50 I guess, liking men, bald, and it depends. Like we were talking earlier, it's like you ever noticed the bald guys have really nice heads. Oh yeah, that was my theory. Ditto has a theory.
Speaker 1:And if you have hair, it means your scalp sucks.
Speaker 2:It means you have an ugly head.
Speaker 1:You've got an ugly head. You've got divots, ridges, yeah, all kinds of shit going on in there Probably a mole or something on there.
Speaker 2:Yeah it could be, or a birthmark or something like that. Right, right, guys that are bald and guys that shave their heads have good looking scalps and heads.
Speaker 1:I know, like my son, he's got a good chunk of hair still. He's in his 30s now, but you're right, I mean he used to shave it down when he was younger. You know, give your kid the buzz cut for the summer. He's got this weird ass mole or birthmark sitting in his head, like you said. I was like damn, what the hell is that he goes, why you don't have that. I go. No, and you know, when my head was shaved we were looking around like nope, good to go Apparently, it's you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, people you see Bruce Willis, the Rock, people like that, even people you might know in your everyday life. Oh yeah, the people that are bald have solid looking heads. Yeah, bish Zacco. Yeah, there are guys like me. I guarantee you I got scars or something. Oh, there's got to be something going on there, nat.
Speaker 1:Hey, when we go to video, maybe we can get some clippers and we'll check it out, don't you dare.
Speaker 2:I'm saving the time I have left. But then there's now. There's hacks. Like you must have gone to a hat.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, I wear hats all the time time because even though I do have hair and I can grow it back or it grows, it's very thin now Because I mean, you know, I just hit 60 last year and I notice it blows around like crazy. It doesn't take much for it to come out of place and it looks off. I'll fuck it up when we get to video. I'll show you a little. I'll take my hat off and give you a little scrub down and show you. It sounds so sexual. Yeah, this is a PG show, but maybe mature audiences only. Yeah, it's more. I'll mess my hair up. Should I say it that way?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I kind of try to keep it to PG-13, but I fail a lot.
Speaker 1:But yeah, it doesn't stay in form like it used to. It's not thick and full, right, but it has thinned out.
Speaker 2:Mine is so thin that I have enough of it to help, right, but it's so thin that any kind of static electricity, oh my God is frizzed up everywhere In the wintertime.
Speaker 1:I got shoes on in the house and I touch a wall. The thing goes you hear a pop and then my hair just goes poof, just like in the movies. You know, stick your finger in a light socket or something.
Speaker 2:This winter especially, I found myself having to spit in my own hand.
Speaker 1:And wipe it out.
Speaker 2:Anytime I go by a faucet, it's like a little dab to slick it back, like what the hell is that? I was the only one with that problem? No, that's the thing I bet you. You're not. I bet you haven't for a lot of people. Yeah, and that's one of the lighter topics that nobody really talks about. Yeah, true, who's going to tell you they spit in their hand and rub it in their hair? Just this guy. I'm sure there's a lot of people that do that.
Speaker 1:I'm glad we're sharing this right now. Exactly, it is a sensitive topic for most men. I would think it shouldn't have to be. It shouldn't have to be, no, because it's genetics. There's nothing you can do about it. Well, they say 80% of this problem, or 80% of your hair genes, is from your mother's side. Right, and I look back at my grandfather now and I'm like damn, I got the same hair that he has my uncle, you know, one of my uncles on my mom's side. I'm like what the hell I go, my I should. If I would have known that earlier. You know, maybe there's something else I could have done. But I mean, I'm the type of guy I do wear a hat, but it doesn't bother me. I mean, whatever my hair does, it does right.
Speaker 2:You know it was a big step for men to start shaving their heads and making it a popular thing. Yeah, because now it's easier to talk about hair loss. More guys are doing it when I was in school.
Speaker 1:I don't know about you, but we barely had any bald guys Nobody, I mean, they went to the hat early on, you know. Yeah, nobody really shaved their heads back then, unless it was a Mohawk for the football players or something For a big game. They would sometimes shave their head like that.
Speaker 2:I don't remember anybody really shaving their heads. Oh wait, yes, I do. That's a complete lie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we used to have some guys that would just go to the Mohawk.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they would go to, Not the spiky one.
Speaker 1:No, not the spiky one, just a strip. Not the spiky one. No, not the spiky one, just a strip, just a strip Down the center. Yeah, yep, that was one of the first things for me growing up.
Speaker 2:A lot of guys on the wrestling team would do that.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right.
Speaker 2:That way you didn't get in the way. Right, that's washing, and you put the headgear on. Well, you save money on shampoo. It's funny. I can almost see and feel the amount of shampoo. My hair's longer now and I use a certain amount because I'm stingy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wow.
Speaker 2:But then I noticed in the summer, when I cut it shorter, I use so much less. I'm like it's crazy, why don't I just keep it short, just keep it short.
Speaker 1:yeah Well, you probably keep your head warm in the winter.
Speaker 2:It does Plus. I like my hair a little longer. You got Keep your head warm in the winter. It does Plus.
Speaker 1:I like my hair a little longer. Hey, you got a good head hair hair guy. Well, thank you, thank you. I wish I could say the same you got a nice Bazinga Bazinga.
Speaker 2:There's a lot of myths out there that hats cause baldness.
Speaker 1:My mother used to say that all the time Take your hat off, you're going to go bald.
Speaker 2:There's got to be some science to it, though I don't know how many times my mother said that to me growing up. Yeah, without the sunlight you'd think it would have to hamper something a little bit, you would think it would you know. But it doesn't necessarily cause baldness, because it's genetics again.
Speaker 1:It is mostly genetics. Yeah, it's going to happen, whether you want it to or not.
Speaker 2:Well and the All right, this is what I got. I'm going to work with it. Let's work with it, and as soon as you do, people look at it differently, like if you're the type of guy that's so insecure about it and you're combing it over people are going to notice that.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, the big comb.
Speaker 2:I mean Just be like all right, I'm losing my hair, let's make this look good.
Speaker 1:I have changed my style. I mean whatever. I can't remember what that hairstyle used to be.
Speaker 2:Move the rug.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, when you're younger, kind of like yours, you kind of comb it back, oh, part it in the middle and, yeah, yeah, the bowl cut. Yeah, put a bowl on your head, take a handful of gel and just kind of put your hand through your head and you're fine. But now I kind of comb it to the side because I don't have as much and it's thin, but you'll see in video, because you're aspiring to be a banker, put on a clip-on tie.
Speaker 2:There you go, pocket protector, it's a clip-on. You sure? There is one shampoo that they keep advertising and I cannot remember the name of it? Oh, nutrafol, no. Poo that they keep advertising and I cannot remember the name of it, oh, neutrophil, no, no, no, it's. It's like that kind of like that. Yeah, I feel like it's got like a I've been seeing so many on tv lately.
Speaker 2:I mean, like we said, it's like a big money, money thing it's a huge money thing and I guarantee you they could figure out how to stop it right completely. If they know what causes it, you should be able to stop it somehow yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean your follicles are shrinking.
Speaker 1:The DHT clogs it up. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Clogs it up. What gets rid of DHT? I don't know. I didn't do enough research on it, but there's got to be something I'm sure there is. For every action there's an equal reaction.
Speaker 1:Exactly. But I'm sure these companies making all this money on hair products, or Companies making all this money on hair products you know, or products that bring your hair back, don't want you to find out. No, they don't. No, because it's probably, you know, millions of dollars.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, and I wonder how many people spend how much on products just for that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the average person. Have I done it? Yeah, I mean, back in the day I bought my can of Rogaine, tried it. I was like, like this stuff sucks and it didn't even smell good. Get in your hair and it's like what the fuck?
Speaker 2:it's like george costanza when he gets that stuff from china. What does that smell?
Speaker 1:it's your freaking head dude. Oh, but yeah, I I can say it right here, right now. I've tried it I?
Speaker 2:I would imagine that if you have that issue, yeah, like going bald, you were going to try it because you almost eventually yeah you get you like you said.
Speaker 1:You have pride. Yeah, you don't want to be that guy that's like going bald. I mean mine isn't that bad. I mean it's mostly receding hairline. I do have it all in the back on top, which is nice and I'm not. And the one good thing for my mother's jeans, I got very little gray man.
Speaker 2:That's the thing. I'm going, gray, are you really? Yeah, I'm going gray and I'm going gray, my beard's got it and I'm just like, oh, your beard definitely has it. I'm just like you know what. It's gonna happen one way or another. Oh, one way or the other. Why am I gonna hide it?
Speaker 1:Just own it.
Speaker 2:I have a beard and I have gray in my beard and my hair is starting to go a little gray.
Speaker 1:Basically, kind of like. We're trying to say that you guys out there, if you think you have a problem and you're embarrassed by it, don't you know, let your just go with it. I mean, there's not much you can do.
Speaker 2:You know there's almost nothing you can do about it, really, because you're stuck. You're stuck Like you can go and use all these topical lotions and even the organic stuff the clam works Right Onion oil or whatever it is.
Speaker 1:Snake juice Laser therapy. I think they've had to try to open up the follicles. If you're really that concerned, about it?
Speaker 2:just go get a toupee, yeah, but then own the toupee right, right.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I got it. Do you know anybody that has a hairpiece or no?
Speaker 2:I've known him. Yes, I don't know currently anybody off the top of my head.
Speaker 1:Plus, I wouldn't throw it out there anyway, because I had an uncle that used to, but then he owned it after a while. Yeah, and I'll tell you what after he one of my mother's brothers, he ended up getting all kinds of chicks. He dated like. Even when he was older I was like, damn yeah because it gave him more confidence. It gave him a lot of confidence.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then he started, even if somebody found out he'd be like oh yeah, you tried being bald or whatever. You know what I mean? Yeah, it sends a fake message to people, but it's not fake if you actually own it. Yeah, I feel better wearing it. I want to wear it, Yep, so I do. Yep, people just be like ah cool man.
Speaker 1:So yeah, if you go to my house, I do have a good collection of hats. I have a good collection of hats.
Speaker 2:Hats and sneakers and jackets.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I'm waiting for my. I officially ordered my Sakatumi gear. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm waiting for my.
Speaker 2:I officially ordered my Sakatumi gear. Oh yeah, yeah, I can't wait. I know that's the one thing I don't like about it. I'm going to say out there, it takes a little bit to get to the merchandise Right, but it does come, and the shirts and hats are great. Everything that I put out there hopefully people enjoy and like, because I mean I keep going to store every campaign Right. I add more to it when I figure out how to.
Speaker 1:Maybe after this episode we'll add hats. I would love to. I actually bought one. I'd buy one.
Speaker 2:I have one. Oh, you do. Yeah, I tried a sample from Vistaprint. Okay, now I use Bonfire for the clothes, right, so shout out to Bonfire, yeah.
Speaker 1:Bonfire Kick Kick-ass stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the shirts came out really nice. Yep, they feel good. They're great. I can't wait. They're high quality, I was impressed.
Speaker 1:My next episode or our next episode. We should have some Sakatumi merchandise on. Yeah, well, I do, it would be cool. Oh, you do yeah.
Speaker 2:I try and wear it every episode. Yep, just to show, go to the store and while you're there, hell like and subscribe. Yeah, absolutely Become a bigger fan.
Speaker 1:Going back to the hair, I'll tell you one guy who has a nice head of hair Ham.
Speaker 2:Oh God, he's not going to want you to blow his head up.
Speaker 1:I love that guy. Shout out to my boy Ham.
Speaker 2:I want to give a shout out right now, real quick, before I forget, because the last few episodes I forgot to do this. The listeners that have joined I got to start doing that all the time.
Speaker 1:We getting a bigger crowd, or what? Yeah, awesome.
Speaker 2:We are, and they are all over. They're in Europe. I'm trying to find them Europe.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, shout out to our boy in Germany, still Got it.
Speaker 2:Here it is. We got listeners in Japan, ukraine, australia, france, germany, the UK, canada and well, I think UK is Ireland, because I know that one's on there and Australia. I already said Australia, but I want to give them shout outs thanks for listening.
Speaker 1:That's fantastic.
Speaker 2:I'm psyched about that and they've been listening to at least the last few episodes frequent, like all of them really. Yeah, that's awesome. So they're consistent listeners and we really appreciate you guys. Yeah, and the episodes are piling up and I'm thankful for it and I want to give them a shout out and say thanks, guys, keep listening absolutely, absolutely.
Speaker 1:Someday, hopefully, we can connect. You know, either emails or call in, take a trip and go do it live, let's do it. I mean, I'm always in for a road trip. Make sure I bring my hat with me. Well, you know, another trick for me is you take the sunglasses and just flip them on top of your head in the summertime. That way it keeps your hair down.
Speaker 2:Actually, if you're bald and have sunglasses, that's like instant cool.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:And then you throw a beard on yourself. Forget it, forget it. You just sit there by the pool with your Bahama Johns shorts on, or whatever.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there you go, you'll be flocked. When was the first time you noticed you were starting to lose hair? I didn't.
Speaker 2:Oh, you didn't. I still haven't. My hair was always thin to begin with, so as a kid, when I was bald already.
Speaker 1:Really yeah, Because it's like a higher hairline. The first time I noticed is when it took longer and longer to wash my face. I hate you. I hate you. I'm serious man.
Speaker 2:Oh, that was a good way to sneak that in there.
Speaker 1:Hey, once you're gold bald, you never grow back. My role, that's it.
Speaker 2:I got to go, drop the mic, mic drop You're such an idiot.
Speaker 1:I suck. I fucking hate you.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, You're such a dick. Once you go bald, it never grows back. You never grow back. You never grow back. Such a dick.
Speaker 1:Once you go bald, it never grows back. You never grow back, you never grow back. Always a good time here at Sakatumi. Let me tell you.
Speaker 2:Dude, I can't stand you. I can't stand myself. You're my least favorite host. This is going to take a lot of editing now, that's alright, that's all right, I freaking love it.
Speaker 1:I'm his favorite dwarf All right.
Speaker 2:Come on, ditto, be professional, pull it together, let's pull it together, guy.
Speaker 1:We still got to go to video after this. Don't act like a child. Make it like you've been here before. Oh God, I should save this for video. I screwed this up. This guy is hysterical right now.
Speaker 2:It's the worst time for a laughing fit.
Speaker 1:Always a good time here at Socket Toomey let me tell you Freaking love this guy oh my God, all right, pull it together. Yeah, let's do a final, Great Final take on baldness here. All right, let's recap real quick. Yeah, recap.
Speaker 2:This whole thing starts with denial.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:It ends with a bang, with a joke.
Speaker 1:Nothing against bald guys. I love all you guys out there. Yeah, basically I'm just having a little fun with my my host here if you're going bald, do it all like go bigger, go home I agree I agree, accept it. Shave your head, yep, own your baldness whatever, if you have a, I'll tell you what. The first time I shaved my head it was like oh god, I was looking, no, no no, it's not, I'm just pulling it together.
Speaker 1:I swear to God, I had to look in the mirror for I don't know how long and it was kind of just what the hell did I do? You don't even have to tell a joke, no, I'm just talking. You can just tell a story. I just told a story. We are screwed, my the hell. Oh, screw you. Kepler, you owe me cookies. I will bring cookies. Oh, speaking of that, well, we'll show you on video, but down to 203 a couple pounds more.
Speaker 2:Look at you yeah, trying. We should start tracking this on the podcast. Oh, we probably should. And maybe the thinner you get, the more hair will grow. You know it's possible. Well, it's obviously. It's got less space to grow in your body. Yeah, it's going to have to go somewhere.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's going somewhere, all right.
Speaker 2:The other way to regrow hair I don't know if you know this is you just hold your nose and sneeze what's that Like a chia pet or one of those monkeys there.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, we have derailed completely. This has gone off the fucking wall.
Speaker 2:I want to throw out, thanks to the Rock, bruce Willis, jason Statham, the guys that literally made that popular.
Speaker 1:Oh, absolutely Made it better Zacco G-Mac and Bish Yep. Here's a shout out to all you guys again.
Speaker 2:And, honestly, just through on sunglasses, you are instantly, oh god, I don't even know where we're going. We were in a recap yeah when you're listening to this, recommend it to a friend who's got to get rid of that snapback yeah, snapback indoors alright somehow we've stumbled our way to the end of this, oh are you shitting me?
Speaker 1:it's the end already. Yep, it's the end we're here.
Speaker 2:Oh, I had a good time doing this one. Yeah, this was good, and I'm glad that we did it, because it opens up avenues for further shows about stuff that guys don't talk about, especially oh, guys, keep all their feelings and emotions and whatever they got going on let's make it cool to do that All inside themselves and just open up and let it out, let it all pour out. It feels better? Yeah, it sure does. It doesn't manifest itself into hair loss.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it gives you less stress. Yeah, that's part of the reason you got it. That's what we're here for, yeah. Connecting people to people, people to people. You know, stress, stress.
Speaker 2:I can't even speak. It's stupid dad jokes. Stress free zone. Oh my god. All right, guys, I'm sorry for the derailment. I apologize sincerely. It's typical.
Speaker 2:I hope you enjoyed the show. Catch us, catch up with us next week. Don't forget to hit sake to me and like and subscribe. And again, hope you had a good time with this one. Hope it's not ear piercing when we're done. But as always, guys, be good. Hey, everybody, it's Ditto.
Speaker 2:I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps, he does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to Legendarycom. That's Legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. Alright, guys, thanks, be good. Saki to me. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet. That's our sponsor. Then you can really do some business. All right, as always, everybody be good. Socky Doobie, thank you.