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The Fun of Hidden Links
This episode focuses on the intriguing concept of six degrees of separation, highlighting the surprising ways we are all connected. Through personal anecdotes and discussions about social interactions, the hosts emphasize the importance of connection and the impact of both real-life and social media friendships.
• Discussion of six degrees of separation theory
• Anecdotes of unexpected connections
• Influence of Kevin Bacon on the concept
• Contrasting social skills among individuals
• Reflection on social media's impact on relationships
• Story of connecting with a newfound cousin
• Closing thoughts on the beauty of connection
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Hey everybody, it's Ditto, we're back. Another episode of Saki To Me. I'm here with Keebler.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, how's it?
Speaker 1:going and we are here for the bacon.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love me some bacon.
Speaker 1:Saki To Me, the podcast that connects people to people.
Speaker 2:A little bit of eggs, side of toast. Oh boy, not that kind of bacon.
Speaker 1:You are in a jovial mood this afternoon.
Speaker 2:I am, that's because I got my Celsius over here.
Speaker 1:I think you should stop drinking it. All right, at least put a nipple on it Slow it down, man Slow it down. Anyway, we are here. We are going to talk about six degrees of separation, six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Yeah, I'm ready to learn. We are all about connecting people to people.
Speaker 2:What better way to do it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, with a little bacon, and it's crazy because there are some people that are really really good at it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we know a few.
Speaker 1:And there are some people that absolutely suck yeah.
Speaker 2:And you might be looking at one of them right here.
Speaker 1:No, you're one of the ones that are good at it. I could be, you are, but there are people out there that just have a hard time making friends. Yeah, that's true. And then there's people like me that can't shut up.
Speaker 2:No, I could probably walk down the street in maybe New Haven. Hey, you know Ditto Shit. Yeah, I know Ditto Fucking. Guy's a righteous dude.
Speaker 1:That's how it goes. That's how it goes. Are you talking about the prophet? You talking about that prophet up there? Yeah, yeah. And the six degrees of separation is a theory. Okay, that was devised way back in in the 1800s by a guy.
Speaker 2:It's right at the tip of your tongue.
Speaker 1:Yes, it is yes, it is yes, it is Frigges Kierenthe.
Speaker 2:Oh, I believe it was his name. That's a good name. I like that. Yeah, you spit that out nice, and he started with handshakes.
Speaker 1:Okay, his whole thing was six handshakes out of 30 people.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:They're going to turn around.
Speaker 2:Shake another six.
Speaker 1:Shake another six, or shake another 30. And eventually you will have literally shook everybody's hand, which is really, if you think about it, common sense.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. Eventually you're going to shake everybody's hand. You think Right?
Speaker 1:So you are in it. It combines with like wow, it's really a small world if you think about it. Yeah, it's like I called for a mortgage to a thing in Tennessee, right, right, yeah, and I got a guy from the town over from us.
Speaker 2:No kidding.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's working in Tennessee at a mortgage company. I call him. He's from the town over from where we live and we're talking about the construction that's going on.
Speaker 2:It's like, wow, are you talking about the thing in cheshire?
Speaker 1:yeah, gotcha yep the new uh uh shopping mall and all the condos, the condos and we're talking about it. I'm like I can't believe. I called from tennessee. A random mortgage company right in tennessee got a guy from cheshire and we had a conversation, really kidding and we kept in touch love it. He's really yeah, he's like. Anytime something happens, I'll let you know no kidding, I love it.
Speaker 1:Perfect. This is what you do. This is what. That's how easy it is for somebody like me, right, but it isn't easy like for people. Some people can't do that. No, true, which is crazy, and it was all by chance, right, none of it. Not only that, but he owns a restaurant chain around here, mission barbecue. He doesn't, I lied, his cousin, his cousin does okay, yeah, his cousin does.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's some good barbecue too that's some good barbecue up here that really is, and they do a great job, I agree, but anyway, I wanted to get into talking about how people meet people, yep, and why there are people that are really good at and why there are people that really aren't, and then we'll get into talking about six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Oh boy, because I'm one degree from Kevin Bacon. Yeah, you are.
Speaker 2:I'll tell you that story around the end. I can't wait.
Speaker 1:But anyway. So it's a mathematic equation or algorithm of six steps. Right, that's the degrees of separation, and it's been glamorized, it's, it got glamorized. It became famous in like the 90s. Okay, because kevin bacon himself said that, something like he had worked with everybody, or he's worked with eddie right. Somebody that has worked with someone else, entertainment, yes, right and so that started out and three guys in like pennsylvania and he didn't really at first.
Speaker 2:he didn't really care for first. He didn't really care for it. No, he didn't. He thought it was like a diss against him. You know Well, like putting him down, I wouldn't really call it a diss, but it wasn't the most positive thing, no. But then he grew to like it because he realized that he knows a lot of people or worked with a lot of people.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, and that's why it became about Kevin Bacon. Right, it was three guys from Albright College in Pennsylvania that came up with this because they watched two movies back to back, okay, and they're like, wow, he really did work with everybody, he's been around. So the story is that you go and you take an arbitrary actor.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And then you have to go and see how many you have to do it within six steps to get to Kevin Bacon. To get to Kevin Bacon, okay, and most of them now are like two steps. Wow, yeah.
Speaker 2:And you're one step, I'm one step, but we'll get to that later.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, that's the story of the day. Social media says it's three and a half steps, which with social media nowadays it probably is. It could be, because you're probably connected to more people not necessarily connected. It's not like you're shaking hands anymore.
Speaker 2:Right right. Put your friend requesting yeah. On social media you get around a lot quicker than shaking the hands.
Speaker 1:Which we talked about last episode. Right, so they claim it's less now, but it's no fun at three and a half steps. No, no, and you're not picking any actors to do this with. True, it's like yourself, like I'm, I'm two degrees, two degrees from kevin bacon. I'm not one degree.
Speaker 1:One degree would mean I actually had to work with kevin bacon gotcha so but and like I was saying, this ties in with a small world that small world theory like you turn around like, oh yeah, now I have noticed in the small world, that small world theory Like you turn around like, oh yeah, now I have noticed in the small world theory that there are a lot of people that name drop.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And they'll go. So let's just say we're going to go back to New Haven for pizza and we're sitting there talking with a waitress.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Donna At Sally's. Yeah At Sally's.
Speaker 1:We're like Donna, where are you from? And she's like I'm from Park Hampstead, Right yeah. And we're like, oh, Park Hampstead, Do you know? Such and such.
Speaker 2:That's where my in-laws live.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah. So you say do you know my in-laws? Yeah, all of a sudden your world just got smaller. A lot. Yep, yep. So now, you are now two degrees away from Ravazio's Right, because of her Because of her. That's how that all goes and that's how people meet and it's funny to watch because, like I said, there are people that are naturals at it and there are people that just absolutely suck Right. And I've watched people and it's funny to watch him.
Speaker 2:And you have a friend that's awesome at it. He's awesome at it.
Speaker 1:He does it all the time, he does it everywhere, and it doesn't matter, he's just so good at it. Yeah, and his name is Ham.
Speaker 2:Our boy Ham.
Speaker 1:Ham will walk up to anybody and just be like, hey, how are you? I'm such a Tom Ham. They'll tell him his name, he's like at it and he's pleasant. I love that guy, I do too, and he's pleasant about it and it's just crazy how well he can do it. Yeah, I obviously do it in a different way. I like to use humor. First, I don't go in and start saying, hey, do you know this person or this person? I go in and I'm like, yeah, I wouldn't have been able to handle that Something, whatever, it is Right, and crack a joke real quick to break the ice, yep. And then I start talking to people.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And that's how I do it personally.
Speaker 2:But I don't. Mine is probably through my profession when I was a mailman. You probably know everybody. Anyway, I've known quite a few people. Yeah, yeah, I, I actually met. Well, you wouldn't know him. Major League umpire used to live on my route back in. Yeah, didn't you deliver to Berman? Oh, chris Berman, yeah, yeah, used to call me Tom. Could never get my name right. I love you man. I mean, he was a good, righteous guy. Come to his front door. Middle of January. Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals.
Speaker 1:You right now. Yep, I didn't know this. This is completely out of the blue. Connect yourself to Kevin Bacon through Chris Berman, through Chris Berman. Oh, I know, I don't know if I can do it either, but let's try oh man.
Speaker 2:Well, I can't think Chris Berman was on.
Speaker 1:Chris Berman was in a movie with Will Ferrell.
Speaker 2:He's been. I believe, Hasn't he been on, like the Adam Sandler movies?
Speaker 1:Yes, what movie was Will Ferrell in the Adam Sandler? So that's how you do this.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:So now you would go. Was Adam Sandler ever in a movie with Kevin Bacon Right?
Speaker 2:This is how we put it together. Oh, that's how you put it together, got you?
Speaker 1:I know Chris Berman Yep who was in a movie with Adam Sandler, but there's other people in Adam Sandler movies who have probably been in a movie with Kevin Bacon for a show.
Speaker 2:I wish I would have thought of that before we started this, because I could have gave you the rundown.
Speaker 1:Right? Well, it will take too long right now to figure it out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Well, when we get to video we'll have it figured out for you.
Speaker 1:Well, it's going to be too late because we're going to get the video first. Oh shit, You're still struggling with the video stuff. I am.
Speaker 2:Dude, I don't pay attention. Like I said, if I paid attention I'd learn something new every day.
Speaker 1:I got to remember the movie right here and I'll tell you my story right now because it seems to fit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is running right into our.
Speaker 1:All right, I'm two degrees from Kevin Bacon. I met Mary Steenburgen in Martha's Vineyard, did you really? Yes, talked to her, said hey, how are you Nice to meet you? Blah, blah, blah. Which says to me that we are now friends? Not at all, but it says to me we are now friends. Well, yeah, I Line with Kevin Bacon, no kidding. So that would be my connection to Kevin Bacon. Wow, that's pretty good. I love it, and I'm sure if you IMDB'd Berman, you could figure it out right now.
Speaker 2:You probably could. You know who could figure it out really quick Greg, yeah, but he's dead.
Speaker 1:He's on the McAfee show. I gotta stop saying that.
Speaker 2:He's a the McAfee show. I gotta stop saying that. He's a couple steps up from us now. Yeah, God damn you Greg. Well, look at it this way we're gonna have to edit this out.
Speaker 1:Berman has been in a lot of things.
Speaker 2:Well, he's been in a lot of movies. Yeah, usually he's himself sports broadcasting, all right, he was in Necessary Roughness to Program.
Speaker 1:Uh, eddie Kingpin Coach. And just real quick, see if anything overlaps, real quick, and then I'll just type them in together. Alright, this is where I I'm, I'm failing.
Speaker 2:You're yeah, this is where. This is where you suck, shut up. Okay, chris Berman was in Grown Ups 2. Yeah, hold on. Damn, kevin Bacon's been a lot of shit, chris, we could have used Greg, yeah.
Speaker 1:All right.
Speaker 2:Let's just do it this way Use the necessary roughness Draft day they both live in.
Speaker 1:Connecticut. Okay, no, I'm just kidding. Anyway, we have wasted a lot of time there. I should have pushed pause.
Speaker 2:Probably should have.
Speaker 1:Anyway, we should have. Anyway, we'll get that for the video.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that'd be great. Yeah, give me a story.
Speaker 1:What kind of story? You ever run into anybody in your life that you didn't know you were related to?
Speaker 2:Yeah, you want a funny story. Yeah, I'll tell you a funny story. I'll tell you one back, alright, alright. This goes back to when I started dating. After I got divorced, went online Tell me you didn't date your cousin, I went on a date with one of my third cousins. Stop, swear to God, but she was my third cousin.
Speaker 1:I didn't go on a date but mine's kind of like that yeah, we went on a date.
Speaker 2:Mine's kind of like that. We started bullshitting and next thing, you know, we're like wait a minute. And I was like are you kidding me? And she's like no. I'm like, well, this is my father's name. She's like are you kidding me? So we both made a call at the same time, got our parents on the line. I was like, yeah, that's my second cousin. So I'm like wait, holy Christ.
Speaker 1:So it's a little family reunion.
Speaker 2:See Through social media, through social media, yeah, and I media through social media.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I had nothing to do with that everyone, I just want you to know that no, I was at a golf tournament okay, once and I'm sitting there and and it was for, uh, the rotary club, I believe, yeah, and I'm sitting there and there's like four people up on stage and one of them's a young girl, younger, younger girl. Yeah, I'm like, why does she look familiar? There's something about that girl. I either know her from somewhere or I don't. I had no idea who she was. Zero. Now, just to preface this whole story, I have a whole side of the family I don't really even know. Okay, I don't even know Mother's side, father's side, father's side, father's side. And so I'm sitting there, we finished a round of golf, we finished the tournament, we're sitting there for the dinner afterwards, blah, blah, right, and that girl walks up to me and she says hey, you're my cousin just out of the blue.
Speaker 2:Out of the blue, how did she know your name?
Speaker 1:she knew who I was she did, she did. She knew who I was. I didn't know who she was and she walked up to me.
Speaker 2:She's like, you're my cousin, and then you went on a date with her no I never went on a date with her.
Speaker 1:I gotta save face here but it was weird, because I was looking at her. I'm like, why do I know her? Right, how do I know her? Why is she so familiar? Okay, and I had I'd never met her before, I hadn't ever seen a picture of her. No kidding, and I'm at this golf tournament and this girl just out of the blue, yeah, is like it wasn't anything weird. It was just like why do I know her?
Speaker 2:right, right, you could. You had a feeling, I had a feeling yep.
Speaker 1:And then she walked up to me. She's like you're my cousin. No, I'm like, wow. And she was from the other side of the family that I have never really met.
Speaker 2:No, wow, yep, and she's like hey.
Speaker 1:That's pretty cool. How are you? And we hit it off, obviously because we're family now, yeah, now yeah. Exactly.
Speaker 2:She lives in Connecticut, she lives in Sout.
Speaker 1:Are you kidding me? I wouldn't know if I was related to him or not.
Speaker 2:How the hell does that happen? I don't know, but I'm trying to find it out. What's your father? What else has he been holding out on you?
Speaker 1:No, he didn't hold out, oh, he didn't. I knew this the whole time. Oh, okay, so long story short. My grandfather was exiled from the family because he married an Irish woman.
Speaker 2:Oh boy, oh boy.
Speaker 1:And so that side of the family said nah, the Italians didn't like the.
Speaker 2:Irish.
Speaker 1:They didn't like it, so they just, they disowned them, gotcha. And then so my father and his brothers and sisters and my grandmother were by themselves. Okay, so I have a whole set of family members. I don't even know who they are.
Speaker 2:Really. Yeah, that's crazy, that is crazy.
Speaker 1:I go, I got stories for days. We should talk about that stuff at some point in time.
Speaker 2:Oh man.
Speaker 1:I could tell you stories that would make your head spin.
Speaker 2:That one. I'm still trying to stop my head. It's like the exorcism in here. She walked up to me.
Speaker 1:She's like, yeah, we're cousins. I was like who the fuck are? We hit it off. It was great, it was nice to meet her. Yeah, it was really nice to meet her. Then I find out my aunt went to Italy. Okay, and I have relatives over there, same name and everything, and they're loaded.
Speaker 2:Apparently.
Speaker 1:Really, what happened to you? Where's your cut? No, they make their own olives. It's nuts Olives, yeah, but this is how small the world really is.
Speaker 2:It is, yeah, I mean, once you reach out and you really think about things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm calling Tennessee, I get a guy from Cheshire, I'm at a golf tournament, I meet a cousin I don't even know I have, and then I find out I've got relatives in Italy that I've never met.
Speaker 2:Wow, I'm like wow, this is nuts, this is crazy 23andMe bullshit.
Speaker 1:Ditto bro, the prophet. The prophet brings people together. What's got two thumbs in as a prophet, this guy.
Speaker 2:We went way off track here, not really, no, no, we're going to have to do a lot of editing. I also met Chris Fowler from ESPN.
Speaker 1:They all lived in Cheshire, you know we could sit here and just go like I'm one degree from Will Ferrell because I met Ditka oh yeah, Ditka. Emmett Smith, Sean Salisbury, Really who's in Adam Sandler movies? Yep, who else? Rich Eisen, Where'd you?
Speaker 2:see all these guys Downtown, stuart, scott, downtown.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, downtown Southern Always. Yeah, because ESPN is right up the street, true, true, so they were always downtown. Yeah, and I used to play basketball at the Y with Stuart Scott and Rich Eisen.
Speaker 2:Oh, he played there. Yeah, no kidding. God rest his soul. Yeah, he was a good guy. You know what? I got a story for you talking about Stuart Scott. You'll see my shirt and video. But I took my kid the Gaho, the Gaho, yeah, gho, what it used to be called the Greater Hartford Open here in Connecticut Took my son to the Pro-Am Day and Stuart Scott's coming down the fairway and Keith walks up, seven years old. Hey, mr Scott. He says to him, can you sign my hat? And the guy says Stuart Scott says to the security guy he goes, let this kid come out here. He walked the whole hole with Stuart Scott. No way, yeah, I swear to God. Yep, signed his hat, gave him a couple of golf balls, a little bit of candy too. I guess he had a stash in his golf bag. No kidding, I swear to God.
Speaker 1:He always had a rap of being like a mean guy Exactly.
Speaker 2:But every time I met him or saw him he was always very pleasant, very pleasant. Yep, he's like how does he get this motioning? You know, give him the motion to the, to me, to let my son come, and he says hey, let that kid come out here. And he walked. The whole keith was ecstatic, it was awesome.
Speaker 1:Oh, little things like that, you know yeah, and it's funny seeing those guys walk around. Yeah, because they're supposed to be like these superstars.
Speaker 2:Yep, and then they're just out of the bar, yeah, and they're sitting there having drinks, right.
Speaker 1:They walk up to him and they're like, hey, what's up, man, yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, you talked about Ditka. I remember him now that you said he goes, went. Well, then they're like friends because he'd go into the fireplace and he's like buy my girls around. You know, they'd be all sitting in the corner. Yeah, my sister and her wife and some of their friends, hey, get my girls around. And they all stopped and talked, yeah, and they exactly, they weren't really dicks. No, no, well, he was a dick, he was Mike Ditka.
Speaker 1:He didn't want to be bothered.
Speaker 2:No, he didn't Right.
Speaker 1:But he wasn't really a dick.
Speaker 2:Right, I mean, if you mind your business and just gave him his space, they open right up. Yeah, especially him. He was like a big teddy bear.
Speaker 1:One night I sat at a bar with Sean Salisbury. It was he and I and we were watching Red Sox and Yankees game. No kidding, he and I. Now, I don't know this guy. I know who he is, obviously, but he doesn't know me.
Speaker 2:I've never met him before.
Speaker 1:We're just sitting next to each other.
Speaker 2:Chatting away.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and we're talking about the girls at the bar. Yep, which ones are hot?
Speaker 2:and which ones aren't, oh boy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and all of a sudden and I'm waiting for two girls to come get me Really they walk in, they come up and they're like, hey, you ready to go? I'm like, yeah, sorry, but I gotta run. He looks at me with like three glances what he's like.
Speaker 2:That's my guy. That's my new friend. It was good hanging out with you see you later.
Speaker 1:Loser. Yeah, I felt bad, but what are you gonna do, hey?
Speaker 2:come on, sean, when you got it, you got it.
Speaker 1:Apparently he doesn't have it he was was a good guy too, though, was he? Yeah, yeah, it was funny sitting next to him, he was pleasant, he was nice, he was funny. Right, he was cracking jokes, because obviously, if you make it to the big leagues in any sport, you can break stones like nobody's business, absolutely level of breaking stones in order to get to that level?
Speaker 2:He wasn't, was he not that high of a draft pick, was he?
Speaker 1:I don't know. I can't remember either, but I just know he was a quarterback for the Vikings.
Speaker 2:He's backup quarterback basically. No he was a quarterback for a while, was he? He was a starter.
Speaker 1:A couple seasons he was a starter Really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that I don't remember.
Speaker 1:He was, but there were a couple of years where he was the starter Gotcha and he did well.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, if you make it to that level.
Speaker 1:So here we are, sitting here talking about connecting people, and this is what happens around here, right? Yeah, yep, and now we're connecting ourselves to Kevin Bacon.
Speaker 2:We're trying like hell, trying like hell to do it, and it's nuts how simple it really is and if you take a long look at it and because they reflect on where you've been and who you met, and it's like, damn, I'm one step, two steps away everybody's right there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, especially with the internet. Now you're two steps away from anybody. Oh, it's really close now you could legit send kevin bacon a message right now yourself. Yep, that's how easy it is, no kidding. But back in the 90s, if you could get within three, you were a legend. No shit, that's how that went.
Speaker 2:I'll tell you one person you don't want to be connected to. Who Diddy?
Speaker 1:Hell, no, hell, no. It's funny how all those people said those bad things about him all those years.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a little rewind that we're doing here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's not do that though.
Speaker 2:No, okay, yeah.
Speaker 1:We're getting to the end of this. I hope I have enough. We might have to redo this whole show. We might have to.
Speaker 2:We might Because we have brain freeze in there.
Speaker 1:I have a whole set of notes written out. Yep, they were useless, absolutely useless. I didn't choose any of them.
Speaker 2:I told you I'm just coming along for the ride.
Speaker 1:Oh man we got off on a tangent on that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when you told me about this show, I was like I'll just come and share some airspace with you. That's right, because you know I like to hang out, yep.
Speaker 1:And now we're going to head over to the old video.
Speaker 2:Oh boy, and we'll go from there. A couple of clowns, sammy.
Speaker 1:J come and watch. Yeah, Sammy J, I always forget to throw out shout-outs.
Speaker 2:Yeah well, sammy J, well, we nailed Ham today. Yeah, ham got the big one today.
Speaker 1:He got the big one. He got credit and everything. He's good at what he does. He's really good, except I'm still pissed at him for not talking to Julianne Hough.
Speaker 2:Are you kidding me?
Speaker 1:No, I swear to God oh. Oh my god, I'll tell you that story quick and hopefully it makes it into this. We went up to Vermont Yep For a ski trip. Oh damn ham. And we were at. I believe it was a wobbly barn.
Speaker 2:In Vermont. Name it a bar.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's the Pickle Barrel and the Wobbly Barn. There were two big ones. I think it was a wobbly barn, I can't quite remember, but Chuck Wicks Was performing there that night. Okay, he's a country artist, gotcha, she was dating him at the time. No, yeah.
Speaker 2:And she was in the house.
Speaker 1:Oh God, yeah, and Ham and I are up there, yep, and I'm like Ham, I'm elbowing him Right. I'm like go talk to that girl. She's freaking hot, because I do.
Speaker 2:You didn't really know her at the time.
Speaker 1:I had no idea he did, and he's like dude. Do you know who that is? I'm like no. That's why I want to find out.
Speaker 2:You don't look like a Dancing with the Stars type of dude. No, this was well before. This was almost before she was actually Julianne Hough.
Speaker 1:No kidding. Yeah, this is right on the cusp of where she became her status.
Speaker 2:He's like that's Julianne Hough, I look at her and I'm like who the hell's Julian Huff?
Speaker 1:Who the fuck is that? I have no idea. I can see your face.
Speaker 2:I'm like all I know is she has blue eyes and she's hot. Let's go talk to her.
Speaker 1:A little blondie he's like I'm not going up there, I'm not going up to her I to do it. Oh, ham, and that's because she was actually dating Chuck Wicks at the time, gotcha and whatever. So he knew the story. You didn't know, no, but I tried to get him to do it and that's one of the stories, yeah. I love it, and if you ask him, he'll tell you it's true.
Speaker 2:About the time and I want to run off on another tangent here when you and I went, we had Miller and Hamm drove up before us and you and I hit every bar going up the hill and I said they're going to be sitting there and you're going to be sitting in one bar and I bet you they were here all night, yep, and they'll be talking with the bartender.
Speaker 1:That's when I was going to get a free tattoo.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Because there was a tattoo. You're a blank canvas. You're a perfect canvas because you have nothing going on. But long story short, Denno and I go to about seven bars, eight bars, having a great time. We get to the last bar. There they are sitting in the corner talking to some bartender hey, what have you guys been doing? Wow, we're waiting for you. We've been here all night waiting and you're like of course you have.
Speaker 1:No, I looked at you and I said I told you.
Speaker 2:I told you, so I told you. But Ditto was right, again the prophet, and we went to. We hit every bar.
Speaker 1:Every bar we were crisscrossing the street. Screw them, they're going to be waiting for us, yeah, crisscrossing the street. Where the hell are these guys? We want to go do something. That was a good time.
Speaker 2:That was a good time I don't know if it made any sense, but it was a good time.
Speaker 1:It did make sense, because that's look. Even then we made friends with that tattoo artist oh my God, yeah, her name was Elisa, I believe. I think you're right and we tried to get into that tattoo fest and we would never have met up with Ham or Miller If we went, because we would have gone in there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we would have gone in there, yeah, but it was too late. It was too late, it was closed. Yeah, she's like ah, she goes. Why don't you guys come back? You know they'll be here all weekend she gave us passes Yep, yep.
Speaker 1:And we didn't go, we didn't go, anyway, but that's how you meet people.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:You just got to be friendly.
Speaker 2:Whoever you are, I want to be you for a day. Well, no, you don't. No Few do.
Speaker 1:Anyway, all right, that brings us to the end of this one. We're going over to video Guys. As always, thanks for joining us and, you know, be good.