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The Comedy of Social Media
Ever reconnected with a childhood friend on social media only to end up arguing with a stranger moments later? Join us for a humorous exploration into the peculiar realm of online friendships, where we take a light-hearted jab at those envy-inducing vacation photos and the curated perfection plastered across our feeds. We grapple with the irony of feeling more disconnected in this age of digital connection, questioning whether these virtual interactions truly bridge the gap or become a barrier in our relationships. From rekindling old connections to engaging in pointless online squabbles, we ponder the authenticity of the connections we make in the digital world.
As we grow older and life gets busier, our social circles inevitably shrink, but does that mean our friendships suffer too? We question the legitimacy of calling someone a "friend" when the interaction is limited to an occasional like or comment on Facebook. What happens when these connections fade without meaningful interaction? We suggest a three-year mark as a potential cutoff for these virtual ties and reflect on how only a few online friends remain genuinely relevant. Join us as we humorously dissect the complexities of maintaining friendships online and urge a reassessment of who we consider true friends in this ever-evolving digital landscape.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to.
Speaker 3:Saki Tumi, saki Tumi. Hey everybody, welcome to Saki Tumi, a podcast that connects people to people.
Speaker 2:Socky Toomey. Hey everybody, welcome to Socky Toomey, a podcast that connects people to people, Sometimes explains why those connections are so uncomfortable. We're back here, it's Ditto. I'm with Casey.
Speaker 1:Hi everyone.
Speaker 2:And we're here to talk about social media Connect or disconnect Laughing through the legs. So how do you meet people? I don't know that I really meet people through social media. I mean, how do you meet people?
Speaker 1:I don't know that I really meet people through social media.
Speaker 2:I mean how do you meet people anymore?
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I guess a lot of people actually do it through the social media thing, but you never know who you're meeting though.
Speaker 2:The magical place where you can connect with childhood friends. Is that what it is?
Speaker 1:Is that what social media is the magical place to?
Speaker 2:connect with childhood friends. You can also absolutely argue with strangers.
Speaker 1:You can.
Speaker 2:Or you can follow your dentist's vacation pics. Your dentist's vacation pics. And think that your life is way worse than theirs because they have nice pics and you don't.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can.
Speaker 2:It's the worst part of life. Social media.
Speaker 1:It's probably. I think there's good and bad.
Speaker 2:It's the judgment of all judgment. Forget god, forget heaven, forget hell, forget all that. This is the judgment who's the?
Speaker 1:the people that are on social media are the judgment. Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 2:yourself okay my life isn't great because my dentist has better vacation pics yeah, do you actually follow your dentist on social media?
Speaker 1:it's a joke. It's a joke, all right, let's just go with my butcher, my butcher is vacation fix to the middle of pennsylvania where he's cutting a box oh, geez, yeah, but you can make a whole life up. You can pretend to have the life that you want on social media. Right?
Speaker 2:that's what it's all about, yeah which basically uh, I don't even know the word it re it makes a reaction in someone else about how their life isn't as good because they're looking at your best moments.
Speaker 1:Which is true.
Speaker 2:They're not looking at your worst moments.
Speaker 1:No, you don't share those you don't share those, god forbid.
Speaker 2:Oh, so you put up with this fake ass life on social media, which means you suck.
Speaker 1:I know people that post vacation pictures all the time. They appear to be traveling all the time and they are. They are traveling to all these places, but apparently they're traveling in large groups. You never see anybody else. It makes it seem like it's just them on these exquisite vacations.
Speaker 2:Well, today we're diving into the good, the bad and the absolutely ridiculous of social media and the connections that we have with it. I mean, we're going to end up roasting ourselves here too, because I'm an idiot for doing it and I fall into it. I fall into it all the time. I mean I'm stupid, like why am I so concerned with?
Speaker 1:what other people are doing.
Speaker 2:It's true, my life is better than theirs is Quite possibly. I don't need social media to confirm nor deny that.
Speaker 1:But is that really why you think you're on there doing that?
Speaker 2:Well, why else would, would I be? What's the other reason for social media?
Speaker 1:I just like to know what people are doing. Sometimes I don't know. Keep up with friends. There's reasons for it to be able to see your friends, kids and things like that. You share pictures, family that you don't get to see all the time listen it's a time tested.
Speaker 2:A true statement here you get you have fewer friends when you get older the older you get, the fewer friends you have yeah if they were really your friends, you'd see their kids. All you all social media is for is being nosy probably yeah, it's like, oh my god, this kid did it. I saw on on facebook, I saw on on twitter, I saw on uh tinder, whatever it is on tinder.
Speaker 1:I don't know social media.
Speaker 2:I'm not a big social media guy. I think that's where you I'm not a big social media guy. I think that's where you hook up with people, whatever. Yeah, go on. Tinder.
Speaker 1:Isn't that a song?
Speaker 2:Anyway. But if you were really friends with these people, you'd know they're kids.
Speaker 1:I get it. I guess I mean if they're not around, like people live across the country or I have a cousin that lives in Alaska, or that kind of thing you do realize that they could send you like emails I know videos in them, so here's what my kids are doing.
Speaker 2:Here's what we're doing. And yet little bianca here has had a hard time with math, but she's doing well instead of like oh, here we are at disneyland with goofy what the fuck I'll be honest.
Speaker 1:I think really, I just find myself watching reels of people that I don't know at this point in time.
Speaker 2:How good does it make you feel when you reunite with somebody that you haven't seen in a long time via anything?
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, that would be great. I don't think that happens very frequently at this point.
Speaker 2:How in touch do you stay with them once that has been done?
Speaker 1:I guess that depends on the person. Do you have that happen a lot?
Speaker 2:I have it happen a lot and I feel stupid for doing it, Because then, all of a sudden, all I hear is oh, I'm friends with this person on Facebook. Friends with this person on Facebook. You're friends with this person on Instagram.
Speaker 1:Right, so you're not actually friends with the person.
Speaker 2:You're not actually, if you have to add social media, the phone, if you don't have a dorsal fin, then you're not really friends with them.
Speaker 1:That is said a lot.
Speaker 2:Do you know him? Does he call you at home? Do you have a dorsal fin?
Speaker 1:Oh boy, it is, it's like oh yeah, I'm friends with him on Facebook.
Speaker 2:I see everything. No, you don't. You see only the stuff they want, they choose to put on said social media platform. Right that they let you see so you're not friends with this person, you just. They just accepted your friend request, which is funny that they call it a friend request, because if you're really friends with them, you wouldn't need to request it.
Speaker 1:Well understood, but you can't just add everybody. I guess that gives the sense that at least your friend has to approve that they're actually your friend in the word, I guess.
Speaker 2:There are people on Facebook and all those social media websites that I'm not really friends with, of course not. I've known them, I've said hello to them and passed them by, whatever. And then here I am, because I said hi to you one time. A friend requests you and you remembered who I was and you clicked OK and that's it. Now we're friends, but we're not friends. You're not coming over my house for Christmas. No, you're not. Like what's the point?
Speaker 1:You don't even talk to them really, you just see what they're doing.
Speaker 2:And time tested ages ago. You grow farther apart from people. As you get older, your circles get smaller.
Speaker 1:Yeah, life gets busy. It's hard to keep up with a lot of people.
Speaker 2:That's correct. So why are these people considered friends?
Speaker 1:I don't know that answer.
Speaker 2:And if you ran into said people, what would your conversation go like?
Speaker 1:I usually avoid a lot of people. What the fuck is this. I don't know.
Speaker 2:What in God's name is this crap?
Speaker 1:I think I'm friends with them on Facebook, but I don't really want to go talk to that person.
Speaker 2:If you don't talk to somebody for at least three years, it's like trash. And I don't mean that they're trash, I mean it's like stuff that you haven't used in three years. Throw it away, you're not going to use it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, do you know what I mean. Yeah, if you've talked to him within the last year, keep going, man. Keep going, because a year is a long time to go without speaking to somebody, but it's not the end of the world. Two years is starting to push it. Three years is like alright, you're probably never going to talk to this person again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'd probably talk to 10% of the people on my friends list If that, if that.
Speaker 2:If that, give me a funny story, if you have one. You or somebody did this to you. They personally messaged you and you ended up going out.
Speaker 1:I mean a funny story about that. Yeah, I mean I.
Speaker 2:No, let's get it really down and dirty and go with a really hurtful one.
Speaker 1:It's not necessarily funny, I guess. I don't know. I can't think of anybody that I necessarily talk to and then meet up with, do I? I don't know that I've really done that.
Speaker 2:I have not either.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:I have a long time ago, but I've already gone over that story.
Speaker 1:No, I have a long time ago, but I've already gone over that story.
Speaker 2:Right, it's not going to do it again.
Speaker 1:But yeah, I don't think that I really everybody that messages me again now messenger and stuff like that. They're used just to send reels of people again that I don't know but everybody laughs at. That's basically life now.
Speaker 2:It's stupid.
Speaker 1:It is stupid but entertaining at the same time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I agree, so anyway. So why do we know other people's daily habits almost better than we know ours?
Speaker 1:I don't know I never understood that why people would post oh, this is what I had for lunch today, or?
Speaker 2:why so many people just enthralled with other people's food habits?
Speaker 1:It's very odd, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I think it's an American thing. I don't even think it's a real worldly thing. I think this is strictly America that deals with food.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's a lot of people that say, oh, this is what I eat in a day, and it's usually a famous person or somebody that's lost a lot of weight or something. Maybe that's why people want to look for that stuff. But I don't know, I don't care what you ate today, I don't need to know I think it's stupid yeah, I I hate looking at food on on any kind of social media platform.
Speaker 2:In fact, not only do I hate social media and seeing what other people do, I want to be the person that puts it out there so people have to look at it. I'd rather be like a creator, seriously, I'd rather put it out there and have people like, oh my God, this is what he does. This is what he does. No, I don't. I sit here, sleep all day, watch Seinfeld.
Speaker 1:Seinfeld. Yeah, that's it. You do use social media. I don't know why you say you hate it. You use Facebook and stuff, whether you're posting or doing whatever on it.
Speaker 2:What do I use it for?
Speaker 1:As a habit when you open your phone and look at it.
Speaker 2:What am I posting?
Speaker 1:You post stuff for the podcast, but that's not what I meant.
Speaker 2:That's all I use it for.
Speaker 1:You don't look at anything else.
Speaker 2:There's nothing else to look at. I don't have any friends. I'm looking for friends and I would love you all to like and subscribe and find the host Ditto on Instagram and the variants of on Facebook and or TikTok.
Speaker 1:Good plug right there. That's good timing on that one.
Speaker 2:Hey, I do my best. I'm learning. I just took a course on how to be a better content creator.
Speaker 1:Did you really? Yeah, still working on it.
Speaker 2:It's helping I guess huh. I'm going to be the best one ever.
Speaker 1:The best one ever.
Speaker 2:Mark my words.
Speaker 1:All right. Watch out Joe Rogan I don't think is he considered a content creator?
Speaker 2:Well, he's got a great show he does he's? Got a great show. So, yeah, he's a content creator, I would assume. Look, I'm still new at this. I don't even know what a content creator is. So, you're taking this whole course but you don't actually know what it is, and with Darren's help, we'll get that content creation?
Speaker 1:At what point in the content creator course are you About halfway through?
Speaker 2:Level two.
Speaker 1:Out of how many levels.
Speaker 2:Probably 76.
Speaker 1:Oh boy, You're not sure.
Speaker 2:No, but what I have learned so far is that by myself I've learned a lot.
Speaker 1:You have. I think that's easy to see.
Speaker 2:We are not like the world's greatest podcast by any means. We're not even like the world's greatest podcast by any means. We're not even like a world's good podcast by any means. But from starting from nothing, like we said, we've actually come a long way.
Speaker 1:And you've learned a lot. We've learned a lot.
Speaker 2:Yep, we have. We just keep working at it.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:Hey, we keep fooling around like this. We might get there someday.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean. We might get there someday Might hit level 74, 75 before we're done for.
Speaker 2:Hey, how many times have you ever had to add somebody on your? Let's just go LinkedIn, because it's the easiest one to exemplify, okay. You add somebody requests you.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And you say, yeah, I don't know this person, but it might build my overall I don't know resume.
Speaker 1:Right, what have you? Yeah, I don't know overall, I don't know resume, right, what have you? Yeah, I don't know People.
Speaker 2:I know, yeah, anyway. And then immediately you get something from them that pitches like a multi-level marketing thing, oh yeah. Or like all of a sudden just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and all they wanted was to send you shit.
Speaker 1:Pretty much and you can't send stuff unless you approve it. So those few stupid people, hell, I'll just approve.
Speaker 2:Yep and the random person from high school who comments on everything.
Speaker 1:You know that guy yeah, there's a few of those. He's like, oh God this guy again. I have one person from high school that I'm not even sure that I really know, but there was a period of time that I would decline the friend request and, like a few days later it would be back Then I would decline it again and then it would come back.
Speaker 2:You know what I do. I wonder if they remembered they had friended me or what they thought was happening. I fall into fights, arguments on facebook and stuff. Oh yeah, all the time I'm so stupid, I fall into it. It's like come on dead. Oh, you should know this and I fall into it, okay and I start arguing with the people oh, you're one of those and I'm like, well, yeah, well, I can't stop myself. And it's like why can't I?
Speaker 1:this person's an idiot and you don't know them and I don't know them not necessarily, but and now I'm as bad as they are.
Speaker 2:I can't even realize that I know better than this, yet I still do it people do that.
Speaker 1:I don't, I don't understand, I'm one of those awesome, that's cool.
Speaker 2:Why you don't? What do you I don't argue with? So you're one of those Awesome, that's cool. Why you don't? I don't?
Speaker 1:argue with people. No.
Speaker 2:What's your silly habit on social media?
Speaker 1:I really don't do a ton on social media. I post pictures of my kids, Fundraisers, randomness. Other than that I don't post a lot of stuff. I don't comment on a ton. I'll like things here and there, but nothing crazy.
Speaker 2:You're one of those that sends all those reels.
Speaker 1:A few and not To other people. A few, and to only certain people.
Speaker 2:And even though they don't watch them.
Speaker 1:Certain people should watch the ones they receive, because they're usually ones they would like. So just saying. And I don't send 100 a day. I send one here, one there Every hour. Not true at all, and you know that I send one here one, there, every hour. Not true at all, and you know that.
Speaker 2:A day.
Speaker 1:No, not at all. I work. I don't have time to do that all day.
Speaker 2:Well then, how the hell do you build real connections in the digital world? What do you do?
Speaker 1:Is it a thing to actually have to build a connection digitally?
Speaker 2:I think that's the way it's going to be honest.
Speaker 1:I don't think there's any other way. What are you gonna do? You're gonna go out and join a bowling league. Well, I'm not. I don't have my own shoes I do.
Speaker 2:That was, that was a knock on me. I do have my own shoes, but why couldn't you still do those things? I guess I, because they're not options anymore. I mean they are, but nobody thinks about that. Nobody thinks analog anymore. It's all digital.
Speaker 1:I mean, I still go out and have drinks and meet people and things like that, so why would that ever go away?
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:I don't know, I don't really look to make friends online.
Speaker 2:How often do you go out for drinks and where do you go and who do you go with?
Speaker 1:Usually existing friends.
Speaker 2:Do you ever go out with anybody you know on social media?
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, they're my friends, but they're on social media and in real life social media. And in real life? No, not really. I've never met somebody on social media. It's dating sites at one period of time. It's not dating. That's different.
Speaker 2:Somebody hadn't seen in a long time, Somebody you've known it wasn't a date, but you haven't seen them in a long time and they're like, hey, how have you been? Haven't seen you in so long. Let's get together for drinks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's happened like one time ever maybe yeah, so you don't do it?
Speaker 2:no, have you ever met anybody new without being on a dating, an actual dating site through social media? And actually met them and talked with them yeah where they're just like hey, you look nice blah blah. No, you haven't.
Speaker 1:No, well, I don't know, I haven't done that no I've never done that I would be weirded out by that that's what most people are yeah, I wouldn't want to. So that's the thing I. It just seems weird to me to do it that way Did you ever meet anybody on social media.
Speaker 2:That turned into a real friendship.
Speaker 1:No, I don't think so. Have you.
Speaker 2:I have not. I have not met anybody. Everybody I've ever met that turned into a real friendship has been in person and through some form of activity.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And other than that, no Social media, no.
Speaker 1:I can't think of anybody like that.
Speaker 2:I'm personally not on any dating sites. I'm not doing anything, I don't look for people. It's not me, I don't know Online. It's just it's like I don't know about online. It's just weird. There's a weird vibe to it. I'm sure everybody behind it is like very nice, very pleasant. Not everybody pleasant but not everybody is like if you don't see somebody in the flesh like um yeah, you're basically one-dimensional to me, right?
Speaker 1:I don't care what your avatar looks like. Yeah, go ahead and fix them filters to make you look better maybe that's how like our kids will be, maybe that's how it'll be more in the future, but right now I don't see that being a huge way for most people to make friends. But but again, I'm not out trying to make friends either.
Speaker 2:So I don't know, maybe let's touch on that right now because it seems like everything, as far as our kids are concerned, is going in the social way, in the, in the uh right digital way, I should say. Like they don't. They sit on the phone and talk about each other. It would be like it would be like a friday night at your friend's house gossiping with each other about the other people, except they're all separate and in a chat and talking about it.
Speaker 1:Even when they're all together, they're still on their phones.
Speaker 2:Which is even worse.
Speaker 1:They all just do things on their phones.
Speaker 2:It's odd, so how do you go about this?
Speaker 1:I don't know. I don't know the answer to that.
Speaker 2:I don't know either. So it's like is social media connecting us, or are we just endlessly scrolling past each other?
Speaker 1:I don't know that it's connecting people. I mean I just Maybe some people.
Speaker 2:But I don't know. You know what the worst part is. I'm not even entertained doing it.
Speaker 1:I kind of realize that sometimes I'll be sitting there scrolling and I think, why am I even doing this?
Speaker 2:It's just something to do. It's what I've been reluctantly taught to do.
Speaker 1:Why reluctantly?
Speaker 2:Because, for whatever reason, I have to pick up my phone, I have to turn it on, I have to hit Facebook, but nobody taught you to hit Facebook, but nobody taught you to do that, you chose to do that, you started doing that. No, I was taught who taught you that I had to have been taught, because I wouldn't have done it myself, I wouldn't have known how to do it myself. Unless I was taught how to do it, and for whatever reason, facebook was the biggest thing at the time.
Speaker 1:First of all, it was MySpace. It was, oh, myspace.
Speaker 2:Second of all, it became Facebook because MySpace became weird, for whatever reason.
Speaker 1:Do you know why?
Speaker 2:Tom got creepy. I have no idea.
Speaker 1:Tom was creepy from the beginning.
Speaker 2:Yeah, his stupid face right. Yeah, he looked like Matt Damon writing on a blackboard at Harvard in Good Will Hunting.
Speaker 1:Oh Tom.
Speaker 2:But, and then since then, it's just been one after another, and, yeah, we have been taught that. This is where you know you gotta go here, everybody's here, you gotta do this, you gotta do that, and you know what the answer is fuck that, oh really what's it? What is it getting me?
Speaker 1:nothing, absolutely nothing.
Speaker 2:No, just waste time it wastes my time and it gives me shit that I don't need to know about. Yeah, so it's a useless, useless product that is making billions and billions of dollars so much money and we allow it to do that and I'm like this is just bullshit yeah so I'm like fuck this nonsense. Like I am only on social media now to promote this podcast true that's it and I don't. It's like my name's not even up there.
Speaker 1:I don't have any pictures of myself, really, except for the videos I have that promote the show right and it's like there's no point so you're not mistakenly liking people's stuff at two in the morning no, not, it was not anymore.
Speaker 2:I did that a couple times, I did, and it's sometimes I don't even know because I don't know about, but my phone pops on by itself.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And I'll open it up. I'll pull it out of my pocket and the screen is enlarged.
Speaker 1:Enlarged.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you can't even really read it.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know how it happens.
Speaker 1:That's weird.
Speaker 2:And it happens all the time and I have to shut it off for a shutdown and I turn it back on and it goes back to normal. And I notice I've liked people's stuff or I've written messages where it's ADFJ hashtag, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, like what the fuck is this? I'm not even doing this. Or the thumbs up goes up to people. I didn't thumbs up you.
Speaker 1:I don't even want to. I don't even like you. Why didn't thumbs up you? Thumbs upping everybody. I don't even want to. I didn't even like you. Why would I thumbs up super?
Speaker 2:cool, and that's me. That's where I get to. Yeah, anyway, we are at the end and, uh, we gotta get more inclined to what's actually going on, because social media is a fucking hazard in life. Social media, it's good to have the ability to connect with people.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And the phone is a good thing because you can connect with friends from all over the world now.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Where you couldn't do that earlier. But I don't need to see your pictures of food. I don't need to see anything. If I really want to know, I will literally call you and ask you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't need to know if you went to the gym today.
Speaker 2:I don't need to see a picture of your sweet ass butt because you've been working out and still flabbing stupid like mine. Or your selfie from the top of town where your huge boobs are hanging out. It's like, oh, look at my boobs. Oh, my God, he sent me such a rude DM like nice boobs. It's like you just showed your boobs and now you're upset that somebody said nice boobs. It's like you just showed your boobs and now you're upset that somebody said nice boobs.
Speaker 1:Yeah that's what happens. You're not supposed to comment on it.
Speaker 2:Then don't do that.
Speaker 1:I don't.
Speaker 2:I mean, I know, you don't.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:People do. People put a shot of their boobs up there and somebody says something about them. They're like, oh my God now.
Speaker 1:It's for attention.
Speaker 2:That's all it's posted for a bunch of hookers. That's all it is. Anyway, we're at the end. All right, boys and girls, thanks for listening. Thanks for listening and thanks for staying off social media and not dming me late at night, at three in the morning, and tell me how great I am. Of course, nobody's done that, so I don't think I'm that great anyway, we'll get to that later, hoping that happens, I think we'll get to that later.
Speaker 2:Anyway, that's hoping that happens. I think We'll get to that later. Anyway, that's the end and, as always, guys, be good. Hey, everybody, it's Ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to Legendarycom. That's Legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. Alright, guys, thanks Be good, saki to me. Hey, everybody it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show. Talk, hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show. Talk about what you don't like about the show. Give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet. That's our sponsor and you can really do some business. Alright, as always, everybody be good. Socky Doobie.
Speaker 2:Holy cow. I just watched a reel where the inventor, creator of Hello Kitty, said that it's a little girl.
Speaker 1:She's not a cat. She's not a cat?
Speaker 2:She's not a cat. What the hell is she?
Speaker 1:They say that she's not a cat and she's a little girl.
Speaker 2:She's a weird looking, casper.
Speaker 1:She's got ears and whiskers.
Speaker 2:I think it's one dimensional.
Speaker 1:I think that she has a tail. She has a pet cat and a pet cat that looks just like her.
Speaker 2:Her and her twin sister. What is it, Mimi?
Speaker 1:I don't remember, but her whole family is cats.
Speaker 2:Isn't that what you call? One of those things on the internet, a Mimi?
Speaker 1:I don't know A meme.
Speaker 2:A meme, A meme. I am so lost with all this technological stuff I don't know what the hell is going on anymore. All I'm saying is are you serious with that? You want to call that thing a girl? She measures three apples. Listen, I understand it's a female. Don't get me started with the three apples. You don't even know where that started. I didn't know where it started. You don't know where it started. She ripped it off. I'm a little aggravated with Hello Kitty Creator. I don't even know her name.
Speaker 1:I don't know her name.
Speaker 2:In case you hadn't noticed, we took a quick break there to find out her name. Her name is what Jill Crotch.
Speaker 1:So she's the senior vice president of the company, and it's Jill Cotch.
Speaker 2:Jill Crotch.
Speaker 1:But it's yeah, I mean it's a Japanese company, Sanrio or Sanrio.
Speaker 2:Either way, they ripped off the Smurfs Three apples high and on every weekday.
Speaker 1:I guess I never heard that.
Speaker 2:By the way, she says they weigh three apples.
Speaker 1:And they're five apples high.
Speaker 2:What else is five apples high? That dude was right A cat, a goddamn cat, a goddamn cat. You can't put whiskers on a little girl and not say it's a cat.
Speaker 1:I don't understand.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:It's insane.
Speaker 2:This gender confusion is going out of control and it's time to stop it. You can't identify as a cat if you're biologically not a cat.
Speaker 1:I agree.
Speaker 2:Anyway, I don't have any problem with pronouns and all that stuff. I just want to be referred to as pronoun from now on.
Speaker 1:I know that's your new thing.
Speaker 2:Just refer to me as pronoun, that way you can't get it wrong. Hey, pronoun did this, pronoun did that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's going to go well for you.
Speaker 2:I literally tried to apply for something and it asked me for the Pronoun and I wrote Pronoun.
Speaker 1:Did you really?