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The Tension of Gendered Connections
Can men and women truly be just friends? This age-old question sparks our latest conversation as we share candid personal stories and reflections on cross-gender friendships. We dive into why some people feel uneasy about such relationships, particularly when trust and independence are at the heart of the matter. Through humor and slightly awkward anecdotes, we discuss the often tricky decision between maintaining a cherished friendship and prioritizing a romantic relationship when insecurities arise.
We navigate the complex dynamics of friendships within the landscape of societal norms and gender roles. Picture this: a friend's unexpected bathroom visit or the urgency of a late-night call—these scenarios reveal the tension between personal relationships and society's expectations. By challenging outdated beliefs that suggest men and women can't be friends, we open the floor for a broader discussion on evolving gender roles and the potential unintended consequences of these shifts.
Boundaries and trust form the crux of our discussion, as we explore how jealousy and insecurity can impact partnerships. Whether it's differentiating between a lunch or dinner outing with a friend or dealing with societal perceptions, we underscore the importance of clear communication and transparency. True friendships between genders require mutual respect and understanding, and we emphasize that longstanding connections shouldn't be sacrificed for new relationships. We reflect on how trust, honesty, and support are the bedrock of thriving friendships, regardless of the nature of the relationship.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to.
Speaker 2:Saki Toomey.
Speaker 1:Hey everybody, welcome to Saki Toomey, the podcast that connects people to people and sometimes explains why those connections make everyone so uncomfortable. Yeah, what's up? I'm here with T-Bot.
Speaker 2:Hey, hey.
Speaker 1:And right now we're going to dive into the age-old question Can men and women really just be friends? Is it possible?
Speaker 2:Totally possible.
Speaker 1:You think so?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think so.
Speaker 1:I do too. I don't understand why people have fucking problems with it. Oh, and I think the problems arise because those people have problems with it.
Speaker 2:Well, exactly, and there's people that just don't feel comfortable being friends like that when their situation is, whatever it is.
Speaker 1:Well, isn't that like an insult to the person that does If you're married, right?
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And your husband has a problem with you hanging out with another dude. Yep, that means he doesn't trust you, correct, and he's insecure about you being friends with another man.
Speaker 2:Correct.
Speaker 1:Even though you, everything being said, have no intentions of crossing any line with said man.
Speaker 2:Correct Right so where's the problem?
Speaker 2:Some people just have problems with it. So where's the red flag? There's a red flag. There's always red flags when situations come around. I think that I I um, have no issues. I never had issues. I don't think I think I've been friends with guys more than I'm friends with girls my entire life never cause issues with my situations. I was ever in you cross the line. Yeah, that's an issue and yeah, there's probably trust issues or or maybe the guy's feeling insecure in my case. But I mean, I think it's okay to be platonic friends with someone.
Speaker 1:I have no problem with it either. In fact, if you and I were together, right, I'd walk right up to you and say, hey, what's up, buddy?
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:How you doing. You can be friends with her. Go ahead. She wants you over me. Go, good luck. No god, I'm just kidding, but I'm not really kidding, I'm kidding, I wouldn't do that right right right. But at the same time I'm confident myself would be like all right, buddy, go ahead. If she does, she does, and we'll deal with that bridge if we have to cross it. If not, let her have her own life, let her be herself. And I've always been one of the opinion that the longer the leash, the closer you stay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you have said that before.
Speaker 1:Yes, yep. Well, that's just me?
Speaker 2:Yep, no, and you're right. Everyone has a different opinion about this. I know people that in fact, don't want their significant others talking to other people at all, which is crazy to me it is, but maybe that's their insecurity, like you said before. So if that's the case, then that's going to be, that'll always be, an issue. And now do you sacrifice your friendship, or or your marriage or your relationship?
Speaker 1:yeah, what's more important?
Speaker 2:what's more?
Speaker 1:important. We'll get that into that in a little bit, okay, but right now, what's the most awkward or the most funny situation you've ever had with a friend of the opposite sex?
Speaker 2:Oh boy.
Speaker 1:Something that was completely innocent and you had to try and explain.
Speaker 2:I had a friend come in the bathroom and take a pee in front of me and my boyfriend said what just happened? I said so-and-so, just came in, took a pee. I was washing my hands. Is that a problem? It's like, yeah, no, it's not a problem. I go, oh, oh, okay, fine, no big deal. Awkward from for me a little bit because I didn't expect it. But at that point I'm friends with him, so I and we've all been drinking. I'm like, oh, all right. But then he's like it's just me taking a pee, are you proud with that? I'm like no. And then you know my relationship, my, my guy friend, my boyfriend saw and he's like yeah, but did that guy do it for that reason?
Speaker 2:I think he just had to pee.
Speaker 1:I think he didn't care well, that's the thing a lot of times it's innocent enough, I gotta pee.
Speaker 2:You're in here, I.
Speaker 1:We're all friends, I'm gonna do it I'd be one of those that would do it right. I'd walk right in there and be like listen, get, get out of the way. I got to pee you can watch me pee. You're not going to see my crank, but you can watch me pee Exactly.
Speaker 2:I mean again, I've always, like I said, I've had more guy friends that I don't. I think I've always introduced all my friends to whoever I was with in the beginning, so I think it was already set in stone.
Speaker 1:Go ahead.
Speaker 2:So they knew right away who my friends were. And if I met friends during the situation I'd be like, hey, this is my boyfriend or whatever, and I never hid anything from him, because that just causes problems too. It does Right Up front and whatever. You know what I mean, let it flow.
Speaker 1:The most awkward situation I have ever been in is I was in bed with my wife. We were asleep no, funny business. We were asleep. All of a sudden my phone starts blowing up and it's my friend and she's female and she's calling and calling, and calling, and calling and calling. And my wife was like what the fuck? Just answer it. Yeah, I don't want to. And then she's like why not? And you're stuck because it's like if I answer it, who knows what's going to happen. I don't know what she's going to say. Right, I have no idea what she's going to say. Right, it's not because I know what she's going to say and I don't want to answer it. It's just what if she says something stupid?
Speaker 1:Yep, come to find out she was having a heart attack and she was calling me because she couldn't get a hold of anybody else. Oh, and that's why I'm like dude. What the fuck Right Like. I chose marriage over friendship, yep, and that was life or death, right?
Speaker 2:You never fucking know. No, you don't.
Speaker 1:You never know. Now I also live a different life. I'm a person that has circles all over the place. Yeah, I know a lot of people in connection, whatever. We know this already. Yep, and that was happening and I woke up. I answered the phone. At that instance I was like what do you want? Like I was pissed at her. Right, I'm not, I'm freaking out, I'm having a heart attack. Oh my god. Oh my god, are you okay? I had to get up, leave the room, going downstairs, right, my wife felt like a pile of shit afterwards.
Speaker 2:So did I Right? That just happens to be a weird situation, Like you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
Speaker 1:You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't. Right, how do you know?
Speaker 2:Right, you don't.
Speaker 1:I knew that nothing was going on, and I knew nothing bad was going to come out of it. Well, but still.
Speaker 2:The reason she was calling me in the middle of the night was because she was having a heart attack. Had no one else to call right, right. Oh man, I know that. Wow, what do you do? What?
Speaker 1:do you?
Speaker 2:do right, you did the right thing, you, you did what did I do?
Speaker 1:I ignored it like four or five times until I got yelled at by my wife. Right to answer it, right to find out she was having a heart attack, even though I said what's the big deal? She's my friend. Yeah, who cares? Yeah, I'm not hiding anything, right? Why can't I just answer? Why is she calling? What's she calling for? Why is she calling so late? Oh, because I want to have a booty call right now.
Speaker 2:That's why yeah, but that's, it's no listen damn, no listen damn if you do.
Speaker 1:And damn if you don't Right right, right right. I don't know why it's such a big deal, but society says it is. Society says that men and women cannot be friends. Why? Because men hunt and gather and women sew and cook and clean.
Speaker 2:Wow, that's pretty bold.
Speaker 1:Sexist, stupid, ignorant and fucking retarded. That's what that is.
Speaker 2:Okay, no, it is, it is.
Speaker 1:For years and years, women have been held down, so they haven't had an opinion.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:It's coming back twofold now on men oh yeah, oh, hell yeah.
Speaker 2:It's ugly, it is ugly.
Speaker 1:But it's going to backfire on women.
Speaker 2:How come?
Speaker 1:Too fast, too soon.
Speaker 2:No yeah.
Speaker 1:It's, like you know, at the end of Just Friends when Ryan Reynolds finally kisses Amy Smart.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:And it's like, oh, that was like 20 years ago, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:That's what women are doing right now.
Speaker 2:Oh, you think.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know about that? I don't think they really thought it out in a collective plan.
Speaker 2:I don't think that's true. I think women just need to be heard. I think women, like you said, have been just so bottled down for so long and men always ran the roost and whatever, and situations like I said, friends and whatever. They should have an opinion about who they're friends with and not have the other person be mad.
Speaker 1:That's a true story. They should be heard, yeah, they should be saying things that are of their ideals.
Speaker 2:Or an opinion, or whatever Opinions.
Speaker 1:Right, whatever. Yes, but the hashtag Me Too was a little too much, oh.
Speaker 2:Well, I get that, it was.
Speaker 1:And now it's still too big. And I don't mean to demean women. I love women, I think they're fantastic. I have women friends all over the place, obviously, as you can tell.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And that's why sometimes I would rather not eat all those cucumber sandwiches.
Speaker 2:And I just want some wings once in a while.
Speaker 1:My God, let's watch some football fellas. But anyway, I love my lady friends and I wouldn't be here without them, but at the same time I should be able to have them anyway. Yeah, and I guess when you're looking for your significant other you should be able to say, hey look, I got these people Right. And look, there are four girls you have a problem with this, Right. Either go be friends with them or get the hell out right, I don't need you yeah, these are my friends, yeah, so what's more important?
Speaker 2:at that, yeah, at that point, you gotta make that decision.
Speaker 1:That person has to make the decision I'm always gonna err on the side of before. Okay, so we've been friends. Yep, you come before anyone else. If the person I bring into my life can't be friends with you, right, right, you can't be with me. Ah, you accept me as I am or you don't at all.
Speaker 2:That's a good way to be, and that's how it should go. That's the way it should be.
Speaker 1:But you also have to be up front. You can't be shady about it no. Which a lot of dudes are.
Speaker 2:Most dudes are. Most dudes are back door sliding exactly. It's like bro, come on now yeah, no, it's, come on now.
Speaker 1:It is true, man up. Yeah, I agree, even when I was married, if I was going out with somebody, whoever was, a group, whatever, yep, I'll call my wife. I'm like, I'm going out with these people that's good, though that was good if you can't tell your significant other that you're doing it right you're doing something wrong yeah right, true story, true story and I did that all the time.
Speaker 1:I I didn't lie about much, I told everything, like where I was and whatever. Yeah, was I 100 correct? No, but I'm a guy and I'm a liar at times right.
Speaker 2:Well, again that all that can be also the problem why men and women can't be friends. Because if there's not, there's even the slightest inclination of a non-trust there, forget it Ain't going to work.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it doesn't. That doesn't have, that, shouldn't have to do with anything. Non-trust forms from somewhere else. But that's my point. You bring the non-trust into the relationship, right?
Speaker 2:You don't form it in the one you're in, agree I, yes, but somehow, if that's an indication of where, of where they're going, and something happens, and then they have a lot of these girlfriends hanging around girls slash friends I should say that can be an issue explain that more clearly please okay, so right, you're in a relationship and you got trust, and then something happens in that relationship that causes one or the other person to be like, hmm, I don't know about this, I'm not sure I trust him.
Speaker 2:And then you know that already he's got girl slash friends that he hangs out with that you know about. But if there's a slight indication of like, okay, I don't trust him, then that could be an issue.
Speaker 1:But you brought that in.
Speaker 2:Okay, you did.
Speaker 1:He didn't give it to you you did, he told you up front that these are my girlfriends correct. Yeah, you did right, I guess and then, at that point, you make the problem, you right, you create the problem yeah he didn't right whether there's one there or not, right, you might be right. Sometimes he could be telling you that, oh, she's just a friend, she's just a friend, right, and she's not she. Right and she's not. She's more than that, right. But you brought the problem in by not trusting me in the first place.
Speaker 2:Right, which there goes the whole friendship at the door.
Speaker 1:Correct. Yeah, yeah, the girls. I often look to girls, women, females, to give me advice from their perspective so I can do better with women, right?
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:If I want to date somebody, I'm like what do I do? What have I done wrong? And you girls are always just like you do this. You're a dick. You say mean things to everybody. I'm like no shit, tell me something I don't know. And I take what you guys say into account right, okay, and I use it okay to try and make myself better.
Speaker 1:Yep, for every other person okay. So why is it that girls get so pissed? Wouldn't you want to have women friends? Wouldn't you want your guy to have women friends to give you advice? To come back to you, I I would, I would think so too.
Speaker 2:Because that would only make that guy better, because they're listening to women and I'm a woman and maybe other women have different opinions about how he should treat me.
Speaker 1:You've seen me do this already. I look right at people females and I'm like dude. That's not the way to go about it.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You're being a fool. Stop what you're doing, turn it around, collect yourself and go back at him like this, right he's gonna like it.
Speaker 2:You have done that. You have done that quite often to be a bunch of people and whether they listen or not, but you're giving your yeah, well, you're giving your opinion as a guy who has this put, you're putting yourself in that position how you would be. So you're giving an opinion to this girl like, okay, listen, this is what I would do. Don't do this because you might get him better or whatever. The case may be right, but yeah, I would.
Speaker 1:I would totally want that you think everybody would, you think you have like somebody in your corner, right, that's the opposite sex, exactly right. Go do this trust, trust me, right, and no, he's just telling you that because he wants to bang you, oh boy it's like come on, man Grow up. We're not in seventh grade.
Speaker 2:Well, this is real life. Yeah, it is.
Speaker 1:We all have kids, we all have friends and all we want is for everybody to be good. Anyway, big question if I went out, if we're together and I went out with one of my friends yep and it was a lunch date. Would you be alright with it?
Speaker 2:yeah, as long as you told me what if I went out for dinner? What's the difference?
Speaker 1:Well, that's a good answer, but what is the difference? You're talking about lunch or dinner.
Speaker 2:You're asking what the difference between lunch and dinner going out with a friend is. You're still going out with a friend, Different food times. I'm confused.
Speaker 1:Ask the question. Lunch is like friends. Friends go to lunch, friends go get coffee in the afternoon.
Speaker 2:Okay, Friends don't go out at seven o'clock for a steak dinner and stay out drinking wine, because that leads to like suspicion and stuff like that. Well, I don't know about a steak dinner and wine. My dinner would probably be like going to like a dive bar and having, like you know, chicken wings or whatever.
Speaker 1:Does it really matter what you're eating?
Speaker 2:Well, I guess not. You're right, I want to give you that one. I guess not.
Speaker 1:You're out at a restaurant.
Speaker 2:You have alcohol in front of you, fair enough, it doesn't make a difference.
Speaker 1:And you started at 7 o'clock and you don't come home until 11. Where were you the whole?
Speaker 2:time Right, yeah, you'll get the questions, I'm sure.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:And why?
Speaker 2:Maybe because it's too long, maybe because she's sitting home, or he's sitting home. Let's see, we go to do this, we only. We're home in a couple hours. Why are they going five hours? Again, these are the questions that might arise, but if you say it up front, I would be okay with it.
Speaker 1:Well, you should be okay with it, right? First of all, in a trustful relationship, you should be Correct, now I. A trustful relationship, you should be correct. Now I can see why would you really want me going out anywhere with another person at night, would you would feel like it should be you? Yeah, is that where it comes from? Probably it should be you instead of her probably but here, here's the situation, it you know.
Speaker 2:Um, you're telling me that you're going out. Uh, now, who is the girl? Is it a longtime friend? Is she having a problem? Is she coming in from traveling somewhere? Are you doing this or are you just saying, hey, I haven't seen her in a while, I want to go out. You know what I mean. Those are questions that probably the women would ask, you know, just to clarify exactly why you're going out to dinner.
Speaker 1:Which you have every reason to do.
Speaker 2:Right reason to do right and my answers are all above board, okay. Well then, yeah, if you have enough trust relationship and you trust your man, or your or your woman, I don't see what the difference is I feel like a lot of women wouldn't have, wouldn't be okay with that.
Speaker 1:They'd have a problem with it you're probably right because it should be them.
Speaker 2:That would be their feeling you're probably right which is weird yeah, I think women have a tendency to be very jealous, very insecure. I mean. I think it's just the way we are in this day and age. I mean there's a lot of cheating that happens in these relationships, a lot. So, yeah, for them to question or whatever.
Speaker 1:Well, why does cheating happen?
Speaker 2:There's always reasons why cheating happens.
Speaker 1:In my overall experience, cheating has happened because of the other person, and that's not to blame the other person. That's just saying that a situation was made about it so much that it became a thing like I'm not pointing fingers like it was your fault, but I'm saying that you made so much of a problem out of it that it literally became a thing. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy and that happened. So it's like your lack of trust, even though you say you have trust. Your lack of trust created this.
Speaker 2:Okay, no, you're totally right. Creates the problem.
Speaker 1:And that's happened to me several times.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Where I'm like no man Right, it's not what it is. Right me several times, yeah, where I'm like no man right.
Speaker 2:It's not what it is right and all of a sudden it is what it is.
Speaker 1:It is what it is right.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's happened to me a couple times.
Speaker 1:It's sad and it's yeah nothing I ever thought about happening or nothing ever wanted, but it happened right because everybody began to get on board right and everybody thought it yeah, so then you're like, well, if they think it let let's do it Right.
Speaker 2:And that all falls back to why the person will probably be uncomfortable if you said that I want to go to dinner with so-and-so.
Speaker 1:Well then we get back to. Should men and women be able to have friendships?
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, you know what? I guess it really would depend on the couple.
Speaker 1:It depends upon the third person. That's what it depends upon. Okay, if I, as a man and with you, and I realize that you can't handle it, I should be able to say, no, we're not doing this. I love you, but no, right, she doesn't like it. Right, and I gotta respect her. Not that I don't respect you. We should be able to be friends. Right, I'm going to work on this and get back to you, right, most people don't do that. No, and to be honest with you, I would be at you instead.
Speaker 2:For being insecure and not trusting. Yes, correct, get that Totally A hundred percent.
Speaker 1:I would be at you instead of saying look, this is my friend, she was here before you, she'll probably be here after you. Right, you either have to learn how right, and with me right, to accept it totally, or you can't have me right. So it's like which way do you go there?
Speaker 2:right, it's nuts.
Speaker 1:It's totally crazy I think it's fucking stupid.
Speaker 2:I do I do, I do too it's like I have.
Speaker 2:I have. I have so many friends. I'm still. I have my friends. I went to middle school with and high school with that I still run into and talk to and I've always. They've never crossed the line, I've never done anything with them. They've literally always been like that friend zone and I, to this day, I'd probably, if they were needing me or anything, I would drop everything. I don't care who I was with. This is a friend I've known way before you and like this is a friend I've known way before you and, like you said, way after you. And you know I'm sorry, whether you like it or not that's it right.
Speaker 1:You have to learn to love me for everything I've got right and I'm not. I'm not leaving these people, right? No matter guy or girl, right? If you don't like them, I'm not leaving them, exactly so, if you don't like it, yep. And every relationship I've ever been in I've said to all of them look, I don't necessarily care for this person, I don't like them, but they're your friend, right, I'll get along with them because they're your friend, right.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:And I want that reciprocated to me, of course, and nobody does that. Oh no, you and I personally, honestly, have been friends forever, right, and we get along. Famously, you and I could sit there and not speak a word and be like this is comfortable true and yet you're my best audience. It's like I couldn't imagine not having you as my friend and from no matter what happens from here on in, if somebody said, no, I don't like that that t-bot I'm like said no, I don't like that, that T-Bot.
Speaker 1:I'm like you don't why you don't like T-Bot, why not? Well, she's just. I just I don't. I don't trust her. I was like you know what, then I don't trust you. Yeah, and that's really where it starts, right? It's true, you've already put it up, like she's already insecure about you, right? Well, this is never going to work, then why bother trying?
Speaker 2:Right Because.
Speaker 1:I'm not dropping you Right. No, you were here before, you'll be here after, that kind of stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, that's the way it is. It is. And then people will kind of want to convince you of oh my God, that's not a good person. Why have you been? I see things you don't really, because you've only met them for an hour. How is that happening? And that causes more problems. And then there goes the whole spiral where it becomes an issue why you can't be friends with someone the people with more opinions are the people with more problems.
Speaker 1:It's true, they hide themselves, it is true, behind their opinions, yeah, and their, their thoughts and whatever Right.
Speaker 2:And they become problems in everyone's life. Well, there's also the the point where, like a woman and because again back to women can be very jealous and catty, and well, why does he have to be friends with her? Why, why? I don't understand why, what, what, what does she have that I don't have? And I had a guy actually do that. Well, why do you have to be friends with him? I'm like, why not? There's, there's nothing going on. We're I've literally been friends with him forever. I mean, I don't like him. Well, why don't you like him? Tell me why you don't like him. Never really gave me an answer and I'm like look, I'm sorry, this is either going to work. Obviously I was going to say it didn't last and then I said something to my guy friend. He's like wow, you don't need that in your life. I'm like nope, no, I don't.
Speaker 1:Which guys have to be in that case. Guys have to be careful about Because you don't want to say too much in those specific instances, because it could come off wrong, right, exactly as like you don't want to meddle in anybody's business.
Speaker 1:You don't want to say too much, but you also are a friend yes but you're a friend on different levels, like let's read a book right, yeah like I have a friend that's going through some stuff right now and she's out of state, yep, and she called me the other day and is is bad. So yeah, she's crying and I'm like I wish there was something I could do for you.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I wish there was Right, but we're two states away, yeah, and man, I don't know what to do.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So I just sent her a message today, and that is okay.
Speaker 2:It's totally okay. She knows you're thinking about her and she knows if, when she's ready to talk, you'll be there.
Speaker 1:Besides, besides that I made somebody's life a little bit better. Yeah, true, and if, if, if, in that somebody was upset about it, yeah well, you just look to have a miserable life no kidding I'm looking to help somebody yeah and you're looking to tear it down right, get away from me.
Speaker 2:I could be so miserable.
Speaker 1:I mean that's I want to punch you in the mouth right now, you stupid. No, I'm just kidding, that's not nice, that's not nice. Anyway, yellow light perceiver caution Turtle, Son of a, oh God, Anyway. So to recap all this, men and women can't just be friends.
Speaker 2:I totally agree with you.
Speaker 1:But you have to be open and honest.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And you have to be upfront.
Speaker 1:Yes, you have to be above board right right off the bat as soon as you take it to a different level, you're, you're screwed and you ruined it. You have platonic relationships do actually exist? They do, and I've had several. I still have several of them correct, several more than several dozens, yeah, but anyway, that's the way it goes and uh, I guess you know, having platonic relationships will actually lead you to where you're supposed to go, because men and women work together, no matter what on whatever level, that is true. So you find out where you're supposed to be when you get there.
Speaker 1:But you're like, oh, I knew it the whole time. Anyway, we are at the end. Okay, it was good to have you here.
Speaker 2:Thank you, anyway, we are at the end.
Speaker 1:Okay, it was good to have you here. Thank you. This is the second one of the day.
Speaker 2:Oh, look at us.
Speaker 1:This is coming out the week after the one with Keebler, okay. All right Next Tuesday. This Tuesday coming up.
Speaker 2:I'm on fire.
Speaker 1:This will be the following Tuesday and we're about to go light it up on video right now.
Speaker 1:Oh boy, watch out here we come alright, ladies and gents, we'll see you in a few. Bye, just kidding, as always. Be good. Hey, everybody, it's Ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to legendarycom that raps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to Legendarycom. That's Legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. Alright, guys, thanks, be good.
Speaker 2:Socky Doobie.
Speaker 1:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet that's our sponsor and you can really do some business. All right, as always, everybody be good.
Speaker 2:Sake to me. Thank you.