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The Absurdity of Labels, Fires and Poo
Why does the world insist on renaming "ghosting" to "avoidant discard," and who exactly is in charge of these baffling rebrandings? Join Casey and me as we unravel the absurdity behind such labels and the blame games they often ignite. With humor and wit, we tackle how the internet can sometimes bombard us with information that distorts reality, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and personal responsibility in today's relationship landscape. Drawing inspiration from the no-nonsense advice of "He's Just Not That Into You," we stress that common sense is a crucial compass in navigating modern life.
Shifting gears, we journey into the heart of the food industry, dissecting the role of lobbyists and economic motivations that have transformed what we eat. As we compare past and present food products, Mexican Coca-Cola takes the stage as a nostalgic yet healthier alternative, free from the burdens of excessive preservatives. Our conversation touches on the intricate ties between food additives, health implications, and the vast economic systems at play, painting a vivid picture of how consumer products impact our well-being. Wrapping up, we extend a heartfelt invitation for listeners to share their thoughts, helping us craft a better experience as we look forward to an exciting third season.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to. Saki Tubi hey everybody. It's Ditto. We're back. Casey and I are here tonight, saturday night. We have 22 minutes left in the cycle, so we're just going to shoot the shit for a little bit. Join us, won't you, and call in, like and subscribe. Sakitumicom. Alright, guys, talk to you in a bit. Be good. Sakitumi.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. I'm back with a short little snippet of a episode because we have 22 minutes left in the whole thing, and why let them go when we're having so much using them? I'm here with casey hi everyone yeah, and we're just gonna fart around right now, uh, and talk about some stupid stuff and just kind of uh wonder why people are the way they are.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't understand people.
Speaker 2:I don't either. I was reading the news today and they reclassified ghosting. Did you know that?
Speaker 1:Who classifies that in general? To be fair, I don't understand that.
Speaker 2:To be honest, idiots.
Speaker 1:So what do you mean by reclassifying it? What did they do?
Speaker 2:It's now called avoidant discard. So they changed it to a really silly name not only did they change it to another silly name, stupid name, they created another category and they made the victims of ghosting realize that it's not their fault, it's the other person's fault.
Speaker 1:So now it's just finger pointing okay, I didn't realize any of this required classification of any sort.
Speaker 2:I'm confused it as to who does this. It does require, it requires classification.
Speaker 1:But who does this classification?
Speaker 2:Intellectually deficient people, emotionally incapable people.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Basically handicapped people. So it's handicapped people, it's the people that got the it's the people that got the participation awards.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's a lot of those.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:I don't like those.
Speaker 2:Few do.
Speaker 1:I just don't understand. Is there a definition of the dictionary of ghosting that they've now changed to a different name? I don't.
Speaker 2:It's ghosting, right, it's what you would imagine ghosting is.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:But now it's not the person who receives its fault.
Speaker 1:And, by the way, is it receives its fault or is it receives it fault? I don't, I don't know. I was, I was reading. I was like this doesn't seem right.
Speaker 2:Anyway, I'm prepared for that level it's the person who does its fault. They have emotional baggage and trauma that they have yet to deal with, and they can't get close to you where it's like that's what it was before or are these kind of situational things as well? These are people that can't see the forest from the trees. Okay, they're dating now and they're procreating. Yeah, okay, it's interesting. They said listen to this one, listen to this. What you need to do to beat this is to know yourself and not trust the internet.
Speaker 1:Not trust the internet? Isn't that where these things are coming from? Is the internet?
Speaker 2:Abso-fucking-lutely. Everything on the internet is geared toward. You type in one thing. I typed in female narcissists.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:When I was researching stuff.
Speaker 1:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:That shit hasn't stopped.
Speaker 1:Exactly, so you kind of get everything that you see is geared towards what you want to think and believe.
Speaker 2:And they tell you what they think you want to know. And then all of a sudden, guess what? What, you fucking believe it. Yeah, you have narcissism. I've read so much about it, I'm an expert.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm definitely not. No, you're not. I always wonder who they are.
Speaker 2:I just yeah, it's so strange to me it doesn't matter who they are, because they is anybody that wants to put something up on the internet.
Speaker 1:And most people think should know by now to not believe everything you see on the internet. But you keep getting bombarded with it. Yeah, but I, you have to have some sort of common sense to say, hey, this doesn't make sense the claim is necessary to get into relationships with a blend of openness and guardedness.
Speaker 2:If that's not the most vague statement I've ever heard in my fucking life, I was like I don't really not even respond to that, what, what this, what this?
Speaker 1:article, but what?
Speaker 2:what this article said to me is that what they've taken from you is your greatest asset, and that's common sense. That's what they've stolen from you.
Speaker 1:Pretty much. I don't think anybody uses common sense Not everybody. I shouldn't say that people do, but a lot of people do not.
Speaker 2:Most people do not Exactly. It's like are you that dumb? What are you doing? I?
Speaker 1:think some people are. If you have to read an article to tell you how to do things in your life, that's number one. You're not using common sense.
Speaker 2:How many times do I call somebody an idiot?
Speaker 1:All the time.
Speaker 2:How many times do I call myself an idiot?
Speaker 1:All the time.
Speaker 2:There you go. Call it like it is it's true. Call it like it is it's true. If you're an idiot, you deserve to be called one.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And if you're going to call people idiots, you better call yourself an idiot.
Speaker 1:I agree.
Speaker 2:Otherwise you're just a jerk.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:But anyway, I read that it's just one more I don't know label to put on people or to make some sort of person feel better that it wasn't their fault, so they don't cry. It's like grow the fuck up you got dumped Big fucking deal.
Speaker 1:I'm not a fan of the ghosting thing, but to rename it something stupid, it's just that's dumb Read that book.
Speaker 2:She's just not that into you.
Speaker 1:Oh, I said book.
Speaker 2:Men and women. It tells you everything you need to know.
Speaker 1:Yeah. And it's like 22 pages long I didn't realize it was a book. I saw a movie. Isn't there a movie that?
Speaker 2:It was a book. It was a huge seller too.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And it's like it tells you everything you need to know about dating in 22 pages. Okay, and the fact that you have to read those 22 pages makes you an idiot, exactly. Oh yeah, and I'm starting to believe that all those idiots live in.
Speaker 1:LA. All of them do A lot of people live in LA you know everybody complains about LA and how bad it is.
Speaker 2:Yet they continue to live there, Either shut up or move.
Speaker 1:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:And now they're all over the news, which I believe is a cover for something, I'm not sure what yet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the LA Fires thing is just so weird no-transcript.
Speaker 2:I have everyday struggles.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, a fire burned down your house Right.
Speaker 2:It's not cool. I'm not trying to say, oh, that's not a bad thing, it is, but I don't need to see it on the news all the time. It doesn't make me feel any worse because it was a celebrity.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:There's certain celebrities misplaced now, or displaced now because the fire hit their house. What about everyone else that's not a celebrity?
Speaker 1:Quit showing me these celebrities. There's lots of people that are not celebrities, that have also lost their houses.
Speaker 2:I don't hear about that stuff.
Speaker 1:I just don't really understand what's wrong with California in general.
Speaker 2:It needs to fall in the ocean.
Speaker 1:Why is there constantly? Every year there's wild fires, so they say they're wild fires, but why are they spread out throughout the state every year, like aren't they normally in a different section of the state? I don't what causes them to be in LA this year.
Speaker 2:How many houses did he have? Because all they're doing right now is cleaning up his mess.
Speaker 1:It seems like it. And don't other states have this issue too? You would think it wouldn't just be California. What's wrong?
Speaker 2:with that. I don't get it. There's a warning in Connecticut now. Well, a fire warning.
Speaker 1:There is, but how many actual fires have popped up?
Speaker 2:Fucking zero.
Speaker 1:Well, I think in the beginning there was one or two, but there's nothing like this there's one or two fires a day anyway.
Speaker 2:Exactly that's not news.
Speaker 1:Nothing like the state of California that practically burns to the ground parts of it every year.
Speaker 2:It's about time you just get on the eastern border of California all the firefighters in the entire country with their hoses and trucks and let it burn.
Speaker 1:Let it burn he said there was no water in the fire hydrants. There were so many issues, I don't know. It's just odd. I feel very bad. Listen, all the people that have lost their homes famous, not famous, whatever they are. That's terrible. Nobody deserves that necessarily. So it's very sad, but it's just weird. It doesn't make sense. There's something up.
Speaker 2:There is something up, because it doesn't happen that often, not naturally.
Speaker 1:It would be every state. If that were the case, why is it only California that this happens in?
Speaker 2:And even Northern California is more like Connecticut than anything else. It doesn't happen in Connecticut.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so something's off. And why is there no water, aren't it? Yeah, so something's off. And why is there no water? Aren't they near the ocean? They're right on the ocean, right out of the ocean. You just use the ocean and put out the fire.
Speaker 1:I just don't get it they're covering up something so they're at least taking your eyes off of something and there's something about insurance and I don't know if it's real, maybe not I I have not looked into it enough to know but there's rumors that a few months ago all the insurance, like fire insurance, on a lot of these homes got canceled. Uh, seems a little shady.
Speaker 2:But no, the whole thing's very shady and what happened to the ceo?
Speaker 1:what ceo?
Speaker 2:that guy that got shot in new york? What was his name? Exactly, I don't remember exactly that's what I'm saying. What was the guy's name that shot him?
Speaker 1:oh, I don't remember that either right now but you know luigi, was it luigi?
Speaker 2:but you know who lost her house in the fire well, that's this week and I only know some. That was that wasn't the guy that was light bulb. Don't forget about the two vans rented from the same app that caused all that destruction in las vegas and new orleans, luigi well, that's what you rested for it luigi was not the guy I know you say that it's not the person I said that when it started
Speaker 2:you did I was like there's no way a guy that smart goes into a mcdonald's with all of the evidence. They said he had every piece of evidence first of all, as soon as you're done, you drop it in new jersey and you go to pennsylvania yeah, if you can get away from the scene for days. I didn't go to Harvard and I know that.
Speaker 1:It just seems odd. But yeah, I agree it's a little weird and yes, now nobody's talking about that.
Speaker 2:I can't even remember the guy's name. I don't remember his name. It was such an uproar for a week or two it was, and then all of a sudden fires start.
Speaker 1:Yeah, why? I don't know.
Speaker 2:And who's out there with a flamethrower keeping them going? It seems like the firefighters are shooting out fire.
Speaker 1:It's just very weird, because it does seem like there's individual fires popping up all over. Okay, so somebody's either starting them, that's not just, oh, a flame blew. I mean what I don't know.
Speaker 2:You watch Like COVID. We found out it was all a farce. Uh-huh, we should have drank bleach.
Speaker 1:Right, we should have definitely drank the bleach, yeah, or?
Speaker 2:you should have just not worried about it like normal and went on with your life and you would have been fine, because it didn't happen anyway.
Speaker 1:Which is actually what I did. To be fair, I didn't actually drink bleach, I just went on with life.
Speaker 2:You didn't. That was a stupid suggestion.
Speaker 1:Just drank, just went on normal life and lived and did what I had to do.
Speaker 2:Didn't die.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:No, because you were never on a ventilator that they were running out of. It was basically legal mass suicide.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there were a lot of rumors about even that, about how they thought they would take out a portion of the controlled it was controlled population, something.
Speaker 2:After that happened here, at least in our state, all of our electrical bills went up like tenfold. Prices of food went up like tenfold. They tried to, they tried to jack up the prices on gas because of the pipeline situation. And now we have all these other problems where, where people are just shitting their pants what well the food? And then even with the ports. I've never heard of this many issues with a port system.
Speaker 2:You mean like Ever since that barge hit the bridge. Oh okay, the people have been on strike or they're arguing or they're fighting and they can't settle this. Look, it's an easy settlement. Talk about it.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Figure it out and agree on something.
Speaker 1:They're still fighting about that. I didn't even know that.
Speaker 2:When it was shut down for the three days, they put it off until January. Oh, so now it's coming up. I think it already passed, okay, and I don't think they did anything about it. So they're still fighting and there's going to be problems.
Speaker 1:Oh great, I didn't know that.
Speaker 2:But ever since that, everybody I talked to is shitting their brains out.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Shitting their brains out. And if any of you out there are listening to this and you had the shits for no reason and you couldn't figure out why, call in. Call in 860-863-4695.
Speaker 1:Let's talk about your bathroom habits.
Speaker 2:I've been shitting my brains out, but I have other issues. Yeah, I don't know, I'm just full of shit.
Speaker 1:Very true. Yeah, nailed it Very true.
Speaker 2:Nailed that one Are we dragging here?
Speaker 1:What do you mean?
Speaker 2:I don't know. I figured we were almost done. We still got 10 minutes left, oh Wow.
Speaker 1:I don't know. There's a lot of stuff about the food I've read before. They said even like so, and I'm guilty of this. So I grew up having cereal right, so you take whatever cereal. Oh, I used to eat that. Whatever, I'm fine. If you look at what was in the cereal when we were kids, versus the same cereal, versus what's in it now, it's very, very different I buy mexican coke you do.
Speaker 1:I don't know that that's a solution I buy the mexican coca-cola, but they definitely say like the food in the us, has a lot more stuff in it than it ever did it's not even food.
Speaker 2:No, it's not awful yep, uh at bj's. Sorry, bj's has the mexican. Uh style coca-cola right the bottles, yeah they're expensive and they're in the bottles, which makes it even better. But um, I buy those. I don't. I won't drink soda anyway. I don't like it. I think it's a terrible product. I think it's a piece of shit yeah, and I worked for coca cola for years. Uh, but the, the mexican stuff is cane sugar and very almost zero preservatives and all that. What's that stuff? The? Uh?
Speaker 1:I have no idea the fake sugar and the aspartame and stuff well, there wouldn't be any of that. That's like diet stuff has that stuff in it I know that, but there's other stuff. Uh, high fructose corn syrup syrup the one I was looking for, okay and that's not in there okay it's cola, it's sugar and it's seltzer water.
Speaker 2:That's basically it. Okay, how do they get away with doing that in mexico, but not here?
Speaker 1:well, is it actually? Is it labeled mexican coca-cola? Yes it really is, but they sell it. Yeah, I don't know. I don't have an answer for that.
Speaker 2:It's not illegal to sell it.
Speaker 1:No, I know, I, just I don't know why. I have no idea. I don't know enough about that.
Speaker 2:I just I don't get why there's so much stuff added to food, but they do say that that's not great for anybody. Because, the bigger the stores, the more people that go in there. Blah, blah, blah. It's that down the ladder.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And so if they can put a bottle of Coke on there, that's the stuff that we bought that. I bought that won't last all that long.
Speaker 1:How long is that good for?
Speaker 2:I don't know, but it'll go flat in the bottle.
Speaker 1:Oh, really the other stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's to keep it fresh. Okay, all the stuff they put in there is to keep it fresh, so they can put it out there longer.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And otherwise they'd have to produce more at a more rapid rate.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Because it'll go flat, which I don't understand. Wouldn't you want to? But then you need more workers, more trucks, more everything to get these out all over the place all the time.
Speaker 1:Right, it just costs more. Yep, so it costs more.
Speaker 2:Yep, so they do this, and everything in this country is about two things Money Lobbyists.
Speaker 1:Money and lobbyists.
Speaker 2:Well, that's what they do. They go in there, they lobby for more money.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:But every business is looking to cut their bottom line or to grow their bottom line. Right, cut whatever they can and cut the cost so they make more money Right, which is what business is, and so you send a lobbyist in there and say, hey, here's why we need to do this, and here's some fake sugar that the FDA has approved already and it's perfect, and it'll only give four children cancer a year. Oh, only four. Cool, that'll help us slow down the population without being noticed.
Speaker 1:Well, and that helps what industry?
Speaker 2:There we go, the medical industry, the medical industry which sends everybody in there. Oh, if they have this style of a disease, they need this, and here's why, Right here are these mild side effects. Next thing you know, they're pushed through. And the last one insurance.
Speaker 1:What about insurance?
Speaker 2:How to be able to cut rates, I mean cut payments. Okay, the insurance companies, though, have it tough, I admit, you know. I don't want to throw anybody under the bus, but I know a bunch of different type of businesses okay that go in to places and do something to claim insurance.
Speaker 1:Yes, and it works, it works and they make, they make a ton of money yeah by doing it by, and they're not scamming I know what you're saying insurance companies yes and no, but I know what you're saying, I guess they are scamming in a way, but in a way uh, they make a ton of money doing it and then that affects me the rates, and you exactly, because they have to jack the rates up.
Speaker 2:So the lobbyists go in from the for the insurance companies and they lobby how we don't have to cover this type of insurance if this happens because it's an act of god or whatever right. So if a tree falls through your house, they don't have to cover it because that was an act of God. That's not like your house burned down.
Speaker 1:Cool, and I've been paying for what? For nothing.
Speaker 2:And that's what they're doing in California. They're canceling all those insurance policies. Yeah, because the fire's going to burn them down and it's an act of God.
Speaker 1:An act of God Weeks before Months, I don't know when it was.
Speaker 2:The only place I know on Earth that this it might happen in rainforest countries there were those fires in hawaii too.
Speaker 1:That was weird too, though there was something weird about the hawaii fires too I don't know they appear to be set. I'm not I shouldn't say that I don't know enough about them, but I would put my life on the same thing, that the way that the thing burned. It burnt around certain people's homes. It was really weird. And now this when you start to think about californ it is every year, but it's always a different section. And if it's going to come every year and you know it, how are you not prepared?
Speaker 2:You can't be prepared for somebody lighting your house on fire.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm not saying them.
Speaker 2:I think it's Frito-Lay that's doing it.
Speaker 1:I'm saying the state of California.
Speaker 2:It's Frito-Lay that's doing it. It's Frito-Lay. Are at the end and I gotta have enough time to not go over oh okay, so cool with that being said, hey, this was just a fun one to do I know make people think right yes all right, then, case, thanks for hanging out with me. Thanks for chatting. We're gonna do another episode soon, anyway, and uh, get ready for the second push on season three all righty all right guys.
Speaker 2:enjoy and, as always, be good. Hey, everybody, it's ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry, over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to legendarycom. That's legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. All right guys, thanks, be Be good. Saki Dumi.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet that's our sponsor and you can really do some business. All right, as always, everybody be good. Sake to me.