This is a collection of friends talking about anything, something or nothing depending on life at the time. It will be nothing short of embarrassingly hilarious. We are building from a start up and attempting to become something of sustinence. Join us along the journey from here and watch this little thing grow (giggity). I am fairly certain that you will be nothing less than entertained. It should be a great time.
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The Bonds of Rivalry
What happens when two fierce competitors on the softball field turn into lifelong friends? Join us as we relive the colorful beginnings of our friendship with Keebler, exploring how a simple game brought us together in unexpected ways. From the late '90s as opponents to becoming a dynamic duo in fall ball, our journey is filled with laughter, unique stories, and those unforgettable moments that only sports can provide. Discover how our shared love for the game evolved into a bond that has stood the test of time.
Ever tried conquering the P90X program while juggling life’s demands? We’ve been there! Listen to our candid chat about the humorous and sometimes daunting task of maintaining fitness as the years go by. With a focus on motivation, mutual support, and a few laughs along the way, we share our experiences in making healthier lifestyle choices amidst rising food costs. Our conversation offers a light-hearted yet insightful look into the challenges and little victories of staying fit and healthy.
And what’s a friendship without a bit of chaos and adventure? Travel back with us to a wild weekend in Florida, featuring daring leaps into alligator-infested ponds and some memorable antics on a flight to Disney's boardwalk. Through these wild tales, we explore the essence of building and sustaining friendships, embracing the chaos and camaraderie of youth. Our stories are not just about the wild moments, but about the lasting connections formed along the way, inviting you to reflect on the power of shared experiences in shaping relationships.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to.
Speaker 1:Saki Tubi.
Speaker 2:Welcome back everybody. Season 3, episode 3. The end of our Little Minute series. We got Keebler here today. He and I are going to talk about how we met and how we connect people and what we went through and how we sustained our friendship to make it here All right, guys, stay tuned and hope you enjoy. Be good.
Speaker 1:Sake to me.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto, we're back. I'm here with Keebler.
Speaker 3:Hey, how's it going everybody.
Speaker 2:And in style and fashion as the last two episodes went, we're here to discuss the way we met, hung out and how we got here. Oh, boy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, this is going to be good.
Speaker 2:This might be the episode of the year.
Speaker 3:This is for my version. Yeah, my point of view.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, this might be the episode of the year. This is for my version. Yeah, my point of view. Oh yeah, you're going to tell it. Oh yeah, You're in for a treat and this might be the episode of the year. Don't tell the girls. I said that no.
Speaker 3:And they won't listen to our episode. So our secret is safe.
Speaker 2:They are so jealous of us they are, they are super jealous. It's winter. You're disgusting. What's wrong with you?
Speaker 3:Anyway, I like to be hanging out with the prophet Dedo. That's all that matters to me. Thank you, you're welcome.
Speaker 2:I'm glad finally somebody acknowledged it and I didn't have to say it first. I realize my man pots and pans. That's what I love about you. That's why we're friends. How the hell did we meet? I forget I forget.
Speaker 3:Oh, it's, it's. It goes way back. I'm thinking probably early, no, probably late 1990s. You were playing tournament ball, I was playing tournament ball, softball.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you were wearing that red hat and you just came out of the tree.
Speaker 3:I just came out of the tree. Yeah, I remember that I think we did have red hats Spartans back then. But anyway, we're getting ready to play a game and me and my, my buddy, ricky g, are in the dugout and we're from southington. We happen to be playing another southington team and there's a guy on the field just going off saying crazy ass shit, yelling it out of the top of his lungs and taking batting practice and whatever. And I'm like I go, Rick. He's like, yeah, I go. Who the hell is that ass spouting off at the mouth? He goes oh, you don't know, Ditto. I'm like who the fuck is Ditto? That's the exact words that came out of my mouth. He goes that's Ryan's cousin. I go, wait a minute. I go, wait a minute. I go, Ryan's cousin. I go. They're so opposite. This guy is just a jackass. He had a purple bandana on your head. Everybody else has his full uniform. I think you guys were Allstate or one of those.
Speaker 2:At that time we were Allstate and that was for. Asa, that wasn't even YouTube.
Speaker 3:It was ASA correct and I was like I don't know if I like that guy. Look at us. Now he goes. He takes a little getting used to. He says I go, apparently. But Ryan is so quiet and here you are just shooting your mouth off about. I mean, you were having a good time, don't get me wrong, and you weren't picking on our team and you're just getting your guys going. But I was like holy shit, does the guy ever stop?
Speaker 2:No, and I haven't stopped since. Yeah, my cousin Ryan obviously got the genes from the good side of the family. I obviously got the genes from the bad side. Oh my God, I was like what the hell is going on.
Speaker 3:So then, uh, you know, whatever happened, we come back. I don't know, maybe it's maybe about so. We didn't really, I didn't know you, we didn't know where we was. There was no introductions or anything, right? So probably a few years later, when you guys got your big boy pants and moved up to the top division in Town League, we started to get a little rivalry going. I lost the bandana too, and you didn't have the bandana, that's true. No, because you had nice hair back then, what are you saying? I still do, you'll see, it's starting to thin out a little. You're a dick.
Speaker 2:But you'll see it on the video. Yeah, okay.
Speaker 3:I'm wearing a hat. Yeah, so am I, because my hair is thinned out as well. But anyway, we started playing against each other and it was a good rivalry, you know? Yep, it was a great rivalry, absolutely. I mean back and forth games.
Speaker 2:There are personal stories that we could tell back and forth. Oh, absolutely, the crowd, the listeners, would not have any idea about Right, but there were so many great stories out of that rivalry between us that to this day, your team and our team, we're all good friends.
Speaker 3:Well, we actually that's what I was going to get up to. Then it was like a few years, you know, a few years later, I think, our team wasn't playing fall one year fall ball and you guys invited, like myself, g-mac, a couple other guys, miller, miller To ball, and you guys invited, like myself, g mac, a couple other guys, miller, miller to play with you guys and it was like just, it just fit so well, you know. Yeah, it was like and that's when we became good friends and then I started playing. I started playing tournaments right around 2007 or 8 and we needed guys and I think you came shortly, I think it came in 2009, might have been your first year.
Speaker 3:Well, that was my first year for U-Trip, for U-Trip, right, and I said our team needed a few guys and I was like I might know a character or two and I think we picked up you and Ham, yeah, me and my buddy.
Speaker 2:Ham.
Speaker 3:Little shout out.
Speaker 2:Ham, my man Pots of.
Speaker 3:Pants. Then we had the stories grew from there and to us, they're legendary. Oh, absolutely. I mean to anybody else doesn't mean shit.
Speaker 2:No, it's not that they'll be mildly entertaining, but you had to be there to live it. Yes, which? Makes it epic, like the day we left you on the highway.
Speaker 3:Oh my God, hopkinton, massachusetts, I go, I go into I don't know if it was McDonald's or we went to CBS, no it was Burger King. Burger King Okay, I knew it was.
Speaker 2:We went bowling and drank, we were at the alleys and then we went out for food, after, of course, got to go to a fast food joint like 1, 2 in the morning I get out of the car there's only somebody passed two in the morning because I get out of the car, somebody back passed out in the back seat I get out of the car, go in to get some food.
Speaker 3:Next thing you know there's no car, like what the hell. And that was because of miller.
Speaker 2:Yeah, ricky was driving, yeah and, uh, I was shitting my pants. I was so nervous. This isn't anything I would have ever thought to do to somebody. But miller's like nah, don't worry about it, dude, we'll get him, we'll find him.
Speaker 3:It took a while. I'm like where the hell are these guys? He?
Speaker 2:goes to me get him in the front seat, let's go. I'm like wait, what about Keebler? And he's like no, no, don't worry, don't worry, I'm like we Just leave keeps, he'll be fine.
Speaker 3:I didn't know you cared about me. I did. Well, I didn't know, because here I am walking I got a bag of double cheeseburgers In a blinking light. Oh, that's right. I had a little pin that a girl at the bowling alley put on me, that's how we found you?
Speaker 2:because of the blinking red light it just kept blinking.
Speaker 3:I was like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Speaker 2:And it was right on the entrance to the highway again, yeah, somehow.
Speaker 3:I was walking the right way. Anyway, I have no idea where Miller went, or? Where we were but all of a sudden. You guys go for like a joyride or something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because, well, we went for a joyride so that when you came out you couldn't find us.
Speaker 3:I thought Todd was. No, he wasn't that time. That was a different time and, like I said, there's stories for days, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:That time was just the three of us Myself, you and Miller, Gotcha and Miller was driving, which was probably a bad idea, not a good idea.
Speaker 3:No, love that guy, I love that guy, he's like, let's go.
Speaker 2:I'm like no, you can't, and we were just supposed to take a ride, so when you came out you couldn't find us, and then you'd come back, and then, whatever happened, the timing didn't mesh.
Speaker 1:And we couldn't find you Apparently.
Speaker 2:And it was like I don't know half an hour, 45 minutes before.
Speaker 3:Next thing, you know my picture's up on the post office wall, office walls, milk cartons. I'm like, have you seen this guy? Hammer alert, yeah, silver alert for me.
Speaker 2:Well, well I was older, I was going with because you're below four foot, because you're an elf thanks pal they think you're a child, you're not much taller. Hey, hey hey, I am taller, though that's all just a smidge. It's like like you're older.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm much older.
Speaker 2:That was one of the stories, and we've done a lot of things together over the years. Oh yeah, because of softball.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it stems from softball.
Speaker 2:And that's one thing I want to. It's like a brotherhood.
Speaker 3:You know Exactly. That's one thing I want to bring up.
Speaker 2:There are a lot of guys that play softball and I want to give a shout out right now to ct game up, or game up, ct, chad, yeah, chad, yeah, yep. And his podcast, oh yeah, good dude, he's a great dude.
Speaker 3:I played with him. Yeah, if you're into softball, played for him and you play men's softball or whatever.
Speaker 2:Check out ct game up. I wish I had written it down, yeah, so I would get it right. But if you search it a bit you'll find it. Chad's a great dude, right, I'm trying to get him on the show. Oh, really, I want him to come here and just sit with us. Oh, that'd be cool. I'd have him with the three of us.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and tell stories. Oh, we could tell stories, yeah.
Speaker 2:But the thing about softball that I know Just make a call, yeah Will be able to help me. Yeah, and they're right there, exactly Because it's like oh, you played softball. It's like Little League Baseball, right, oh, you played Little League Ball, you're a good dude.
Speaker 3:You're a good dude yeah, you're a good guy. But you meet electricians, whatever, yeah, and you can always get a favor if you need somebody to help you move stuff.
Speaker 1:But it's like a little brotherhood, I'm not going to call it a clique, because everybody seems to. On the field, you're against each other. Off the field, everybody gets along. Yeah, it's crazy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you know, you could be calling somebody out in one minute, in the next minute, you guys are hugging. Hey, get me another beer.
Speaker 2:I have an idea I want to propose to you after the show because I could use your help doing it. Okay, and I don't want to say it now because I don't want somebody else taking it from me, but I will. If we can make something happen, I'll blow it up on the air.
Speaker 3:Okay, I'll tell it but sounds good, man.
Speaker 2:Uh, you know I'm always down for something like that yeah, because it it's crazy and there are plenty of people that we could get to help make this happen also. Right, I guarantee it. Anyway, that's how we met. That's how it started. Yep, it was 2008. We met seven or eight and then, by nine, we were playing on. We're traveling, traveling, yeah, yeah yeah and uh, it stopped in what 15, 16 uh, I stopped in 15, yeah, I stopped for two years, yeah, because my ex-girlfriend didn't want me to play anymore and then I came back right, and then my wife didn't want me to play anymore, and now I'm dead somehow she thinks she can't.
Speaker 3:I played, but I didn't play tournaments. I kind of got well, this is my opinion I kind of got pushed out a little bit older. A lot of guys were getting, you know, a lot younger and stuff but please allow me to stop you right there.
Speaker 2:Okay, you're, you did, but that is the evolution of the game.
Speaker 3:The way that whole community goes.
Speaker 2:I did too. We suffered the same affliction and when I stopped and thought about it at one point I was like this literally happens to everybody At one time in your life.
Speaker 3:it's going to happen, yeah.
Speaker 2:Kramer's a dude that doesn't get pushed out. No, no, gmac is a dude that doesn't get pushed out. They can still play at a really high level. Yep, we can't, no, and we have to accept the fact. But I accept that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, exactly, You're right. I like that you said that I think until COVID.
Speaker 2:We should put an aging all-star team together and play in town. That would be. That would be.
Speaker 3:I think it would be fun. Great, I think it would be a lot of fun.
Speaker 2:We'll get back to that later.
Speaker 3:Yeah Well, that's another plan for another day, but I we're going to make sure everybody's got health insurance.
Speaker 2:At first I took it as an insult, yeah, oh, then I had to stop and think about. I was like look I'm, I'm chubby now. Yep, I'm not as fast, I'm not as athletic as I was. I'm 20 years older it's funny you say that and there's 20, there's 27 year olds coming in now and they're better than I am. Oh, yeah, yeah, you just have to accept it. Well, it's not that these guys that are pushing you out want to be mean. They actually do it in the most polite way it can be done. Yeah, do you know?
Speaker 3:you know what I mean Yep, yep, it's funny. You talk about being chubby. I mean I gained some weight. But I came out of the shower this morning and my wife was blow-drying her hair. She stops and I go, open up my arms and I go have you ever seen 220 pounds of pure dynamite? And she says why does it come with such a short fuse?
Speaker 2:I hate you. I didn't even see that one coming. I should have. I thought it was a real story. How did you win that one that was perfect.
Speaker 3:I'm working on things. I'm proud of you. Thank you, holy cow.
Speaker 2:I didn't even see that one coming, I got a compliment from the prophet yeah, you're getting up there. See, this is what I do as a prophet.
Speaker 3:You bring everybody together, I make everybody better. Yep, yes, you absolutely do.
Speaker 2:I want everybody to be as awesome as I am.
Speaker 3:Speaking of that, I want to give you some props. Oh boy, yeah, you're going to make my head explode. I probably will. But 2010,? I had a hernia operation. I had to stay home from work for seven weeks.
Speaker 3:Mm I had to stay home from work for seven weeks and all I did what do you do when you're just sitting home watching TV? Drink and eat, eat. So I gained about 35 pounds. Oh yeah, and 2011 comes around. Here comes somebody knocking at my door. He says hey, let's join the gym. I got this new program you in. I said yeah, but I go ditto, I can't really do much. Program you in. I said yeah, but I go Ditto, I can't really do much. I'm still recovering. I had a lot of scar tissue down there and he's like we're going to go at your own pace. So Ditto brings me. We joined the gym. Make a long story short. We do P90X and you were good with me. And we started off slow and in 90 days I lost 40 pounds. Bam bam.
Speaker 2:I remember that because everybody said you looked sick, yeah, and I was like would you guys shut up? He looks fantastic. He doesn't look like a fat ass sitting on the couch anymore.
Speaker 3:No, you're right, a lot of people did say I was sick, but I felt great. I mean, I'd be home on my day off cleaning cabinets and stuff. Like who the hell does that as a single guy? Yeah, I remember coming down to the rec park. We had a batting practice and one of the wives goes Keebler, you look fantastic. And I said body by Ditto. Exactly what I said. Man, that's a true story. Yeah, I said body by Ditto. Yeah, that's what this guy does for you.
Speaker 2:You know I had this conversation with I don't remember who else. It was on the show Right and I can't remember who was sitting in I think it was T-Bot but I was talking about manipulation and how I'm a manipulator. That's what. After my divorce, that's what everybody was considering. I'm a narcissist, I'm a manipulator, and I said I am a manipulator.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but in a good way, that's what I meant, right, an insult. I was like good, I am a manipulator. Oh, absolutely, I'm trying to get you to reach as far as you can. Oh yeah, I'm trying to help you do that. Yep, that's manipulation. I'm sorry, it is so. If you want to call me a manipulator, I'm doing my job yes, you are, and that's what I'm like I always want to thank you for that, my friend hey look, you know what.
Speaker 2:You helped me. You went with me. Yeah, I would have quit if I didn't have somebody else to go with. So you need to take half the credit.
Speaker 3:But you know, like everybody else, I kind of do. I'm trying to do the right thing now and stay good. I'm on a diet again, so am I, are you? Yeah, yeah, but I'm one of those rollercoaster guys, you know, we go up and down, up and down.
Speaker 2:I hate admitting that January 1st.
Speaker 3:Oh, of course. Well, I started Christmas Day because I got on a scale and I saw a number that I never want to see again.
Speaker 2:I started December 10th. Oh, did you? Yeah, so it's been a month, right. And I didn't do it because it was New Year.
Speaker 3:Yeah, same.
Speaker 2:I did it because my body's holding things that I don't need anymore oh, absolutely, and it's time to get rid of them. I started to cleanse, started doing that, and then I'm like you know what? I eat so much shit.
Speaker 3:Oh, I don't need to.
Speaker 2:Some of the stuff that goes in my mouth is like it's sinful Hold on, Because all that stuff that you're eating that's sinful is now three times more expensive than it was. Oh yeah.
Speaker 3:Two years ago. Yeah, that's another reason why I don't buy it anymore, which is good. So now you know what I eat right now. I don't like to bend over when I go to the grocery store. I don't like to bend over and grab my ankles for a bag of chips. You know what I'm saying? No with that.
Speaker 2:Do you know what I eat right now For basically the last month? My staple meal Chicken. No, Not even that good.
Speaker 3:Really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, which I'm going to reintroduce chicken into my diet in the next week or two, so you're less than chicken. Oh, I'm less than chicken, yeah.
Speaker 3:Really Like seaweed. Nope Salads, yes, salads, yeah, I've been doing a lot of salads, it's just trying to get everything out of my body.
Speaker 2:Right, trying to spell everything, so I it's start over, restart. Yep, but the one thing I eat the most honestly is is a mixture of cereal. Really, yeah, it's checks, it's corn checks, wheat checks and cheerios oh nice, that's it. That sounds pretty good and I'll have that twice a day not just a regular plain cheerios regular plain cheerios. Okay, I do put milk in it. Yep, two percent yep, and I eat that twice a day and that's it. I snack on pistachios and nuts and stuff like that.
Speaker 3:Add blueberries to that. It's like a nice flavor. Yeah, you don't like blueberries.
Speaker 2:No, I love them. Oh, you know what I did, though. What'd you do? I got a bag of chocolate covered blueberries.
Speaker 3:Oh, here we go In the fridge.
Speaker 2:That's my little cheat, that's my little cheat. Yeah, good for you. But yeah, and now, all I do is pound water. Yep, pound, pound, pound water. You know what I did? I invented a new drink.
Speaker 3:Okay, what do we got?
Speaker 2:Now this is going to be bad, but Does it taste good? That's delicious, All right. If we weren't in here You'd be making me one. It's outside.
Speaker 3:Remember when you used to do the shakes? It's on the other room. You used to come to my house.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, those were awesome. This is what that's going to be, because you can use it for anything. You could use it if you really wanted to have an adult beverage Right, a nice libation. Yep, you can use that as your mixer. Really, yes, no shit, all it is is Pedialyte. Yep, really, I call it PD heavy. It's PD heavy when you mix it with a little vodka Right, right, right. So I started drinking that to rehydrate me and to help flush everything out, give me back all the electrolytes. I started taking vitamins and for the last three weeks, I have not stopped pooping and peeing. It's like every 30 minutes. I can hardly sleep.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I hear that you know who's going to be proud of us. Who? Sammy J, sammy. J will be proud of us A little shout out to my girl, sammy J, down in.
Speaker 2:Florida. That little shit is going to be really proud of us A little cold down there girlfriend. Oh yeah, I hope you brought your winter coats, sammy J and Jason.
Speaker 1:It's not Jason, I know it's not Jason, it's James James.
Speaker 3:But I call him Jason, so every time I give him a shout out, it's going to be Jason. Sounds great, all right.
Speaker 2:I hope we don't meet anybody else named Jason, that way it won't become confusing. But so the one other story I wanted to get into about our relationship and how it went. Oh boy, this is the one you've been waiting for, and we told it the day we were on the first anniversary at sally's.
Speaker 3:But we lost that. We lost the episode. Nobody got to hear it, yeah and I want to tell it again oh, I want you to tell it I'm going to tell the best I can, but you're gonna have to help me fill in the blanks.
Speaker 3:I know I had to do it sally's anyway, I don't know why I just don't do it yeah well, I mean because there was a lot of drinking going on. I know there's a lot of like daring going on, but basically we're at a gated community and behind our house was nine nine o'clock in the morning yeah, let's make it clear. 9 am in the morning. We got a pond in the like a community pond behind us and somebody there was a bridge, there was a bridge going over it. Yeah, somebody dared detto to jump in.
Speaker 3:Can't remember who dared him, maybe me I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was ham probably was him I don't know that it was, I don't know, but somebody opened her mouth and it could have been cliff or eric also, but we'll get into those guys later yeah, yeah, it could have been cliff and eric, if you're out there listening.
Speaker 2:So guys give you a shout out what's up, brothers?
Speaker 3:um yeah, so that was like, gonna come in with me, I go, yeah, I'll go with you. But I kind of chickened out a little bit and of course Ditto didn't.
Speaker 2:No, you said you'll do it if I do it.
Speaker 3:I did say that. But like I said, I got chicken, you chickened out. Yeah, you made me do it, first Yep, and then you chickened out. And I chickened out Because you know what lives in ponds in Florida.
Speaker 2:What was my statement going up there? Something about I want to rassle me a gator. Kept saying that I thought it was a gated community, I thought it was safe.
Speaker 3:So I was just joking about rassling a gator, well, yeah, well, they could come in. I mean, they find their ways. I didn't know that when I did it, you didn't know there was gators.
Speaker 2:It was my Tuesday morning, oh shit. The flight took off at like 7 o'clock and we proceeded to get plowed on the plane, on the plane.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that wasn't pretty.
Speaker 2:No. After that flight I had to have a chaperone stay with me and take care of my licenses, my money, my wallets, my phones.
Speaker 3:Yeah. So that evening we decided to go out as a team down to the boardwalk in Disney and go to a dueling piano bar. It was called Jelly Rolls, jelly Rolls yeah, and it was fantastic.
Speaker 2:It was fun it was a lot of fun.
Speaker 3:But apparently right in the middle of there is a pond.
Speaker 2:It's right outside the boardwalk.
Speaker 3:Right outside the boardwalk. I outside the boardwalk and it's more of a. I call it like a small sea because it was a lot bigger than the pond at our house.
Speaker 2:Let's put it this way there was a boat on it. It was big enough for a boat. It was big, and what was the one thing Jelly Rolls had?
Speaker 3:Jelly Rolls Dollar beers.
Speaker 2:Dollar ponies. Dollar ponies beers, dollar ponies, seven out ponies and you got 24 of them.
Speaker 3:So for 24 bucks you got what seven times 24 is. Oh, we get a shitload, it's like 400 ounces of beer.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, and you just, we were just pounding beer. Oh yeah, it was crazy after we had gone to the package store twice that day.
Speaker 3:Yep plus the flight. And we didn't drive, we took a cab.
Speaker 2:Yes, we're we are very responsible, especially back then, and we've only grown to become more responsible.
Speaker 3:Absolutely Well, anyway, I'm sitting in jelly rolls and I don't know who I mean. You're going to have to fill in the blanks from here. Somebody says, hey, everybody, ditto just jumped into the pond. We're like what the hell, not again. We go out there and there's I think it was Beaver holding on to Peck, peck, pulling you out over the railing. I was like what the hell? And then all of a sudden, the lights go out. You know the sirens. I don't know if sirens, but the police lights were there.
Speaker 2:It was a golf cart with a light on.
Speaker 3:Is that what it was?
Speaker 2:Yes, and they wouldn't give me a ride back. Yes, that all happened. It was Beaver and I thought it was Peck. No, Peck was pulling me out. I don't think Peck was there in the beginning when Beaver and Potash.
Speaker 3:Oh, potash, oh, there we go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they dared me to jump in. I was like oh awesome, everything's in my pocket.
Speaker 3:I've already done this once before.
Speaker 2:I had my shoes on fully clothed. You didn't take your shoes off, no, Jesus man Jesus Ditto.
Speaker 3:I was kerfuffled, I guess you were.
Speaker 2:And I jumped in.
Speaker 3:Unbelievable.
Speaker 2:And they're like, oh my God, he did it. And that's when they went and got Peck and all the other guys, right, right, and Peck was. They were holding Peck. Well, they couldn't pull you out. No, that's right, you had to go back. I had hand in hand with Peck, right, myself and him, and we were looking at each other and I'm looking up at him.
Speaker 1:He's looking down at me. I'm looking up at him.
Speaker 2:And he. This looks like it's a lot easier in the movies.
Speaker 3:He's like yeah, it does. I was like just drop me, I'll swim, no kidding, with all that stuff in your pockets and your shoes, everything it was already done.
Speaker 2:Right right, it was already done. I lost everything. I spent the next two days trying to put everything back together in Florida. No kidding but yeah, so then I had to proceed to swim 300 yards to the boat.
Speaker 3:Shallow side. Yeah, oh, you got a boat, a boat. Really so I could climb up the stairs to get you onto the boat Now. Did they have people waiting for you over there?
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely, and they were none too happy. No, I'm sure they weren't. They were not happy with this, oh my God. Then I had to take the walk of shame. Oh, absolutely 300 yards back Back, yep, with these two people, with a crowd, with a crowd, yes, with a crowd watching me do this.
Speaker 3:Oh, pretty much the whole.
Speaker 2:At this point in time, I kicked off my shoes and taken off my shirt, so I'd be more aerodynamic in the water. Yeah, Because I was getting so tired.
Speaker 3:I mean Chili Rose was probably like what happened to our crowd. Everybody's outside. Yeah, there's a better show going on out there.
Speaker 2:Thank you, that's not what the prophet does. He brings people together. That's what he does. Unfortunately, that's true, and so I walked all the way back and we get back to where the entrance is. Yep, there's a door on the left hand side and now cliff is a police officer right and eric is was our team manager right, so they were both basically in charge of me after that. No, kidding. Yeah, so Cliff was talking to the Orlando police who at the time had no jurisdiction. Oh yeah, because that's why I never got arrested.
Speaker 3:That's their own community in there.
Speaker 2:And he couldn't go in with me to the head of security's office.
Speaker 3:Really.
Speaker 2:Who was a hot lady?
Speaker 3:Really I have no shirt on.
Speaker 2:I didn't hear that part of the story. I have no shirt on, I have no shoes on, I'm soaking wet. I probably stink to high hell because come to find out that pond is just sewage.
Speaker 3:Oh, pretty much.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and the lady looks at me and she's like when you get home, you probably want to take a shower, but I'm sitting there and I'm talking to her. I was like I know I messed up, right, it's all my fault. Tell me what you want me to do. She goes. Well, I could turn you over to the Orlando police and you could be arrested for trespassing and all this stuff, right? I was like is there any way? You can't do that or you won't do that. She's like yeah, I'm going to give you a simple trespass on Disney property and you, I basically got kicked out of Disney, the happiest place on earth. I got kicked out.
Speaker 2:The next day started our tournament. No, I lied, it didn't start our tournament. We started on Thursday we did, but the next day was you had to sign in, you had to go get your credentials.
Speaker 3:You had to go get our credentials.
Speaker 2:You had to go to Field Passes Wide world of sports, yes. And you had to go to field passes wide world of sports, yes. And you had to get your credentials yep, right exactly and so eric and cliff went out that morning and bought me that mask with a big nose and a mustache like wear this on the way in you had to get back in.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you already banned, first day banned. He breaks the rules.
Speaker 2:That's my guy then they shaved my legs, but yeah, that happened. I got kicked out of Disney on my first trip down there with you guys, and that is basically the sum of our relationship.
Speaker 3:Yeah, pretty much Been friends ever since.
Speaker 2:Been friends ever since, and that is what I was saying to Casey and T-Bot as well. We both have this weird sort of all three of you have a weird sort of story with me, Right, and here we are putting on a podcast Because I tried to take the three best personalities I could figure and put them together. Keebler, you can pretty much carry the show if you wanted to. You could, which I want you to do at some point.
Speaker 3:You don't give out compliments and I'm touched. That's not your. I'm not touching you. You bring people, I just want to make that clear you crazy bastard you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you could, and at some point I was telling the girls I want to go spin-off, so I want you to have one, and maybe you have Casey on there, maybe you have T-Bot on there, and the two of you just talk about stuff, whatever you want to, and we put it on. So, basically, sake kumi is going to become an umbrella. There you go and we're gonna have. You know how some of the people, some of those weirdos, have umbrellas with little ornaments hanging off them. Yeah, well, your show is gonna be an ornament casey show will be an ornament t-bot show we might have cookies hanging off of it well, it will.
Speaker 2:That's gonna be your logo as soon as I figure it out. But yeah, and so that's how we came together and I had a lot more stuff. You know, we're gonna go for it anyway, because I I think there's 50, 57 minutes left in our recording time, okay, and this one's gonna come out like the 17th, which would be the day after it resets anyway oh nice, so we can keep going for a little bit for people out there today's january 10th yeah actually, you know what we're over.
Speaker 2:Anyway. There was one more thing I want to talk to you about, and I mentioned it to you earlier, before we started and I oh, the fire season, that's what it was. Oh, geez, here we go. No, this was supposed to go in a slightly different direction. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what it was. Uh, I this doesn't even matter now, but they're, they've issued like a fire warning like connecticut kind of free balling right now we are now.
Speaker 3:It just I had, but this is is good stuff. This is where we get our best stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, obviously, when we just sit there and shoot the shit, oh absolutely, you and I could be sitting in the kitchen watching some stupid sports.
Speaker 3:Not eating potato chips anymore.
Speaker 2:But they're healthy potato chips. They're made from actual potatoes.
Speaker 3:At some point, yeah, but then no, they're veggie sticks now. Veggie sticks. There you are.
Speaker 2:Oh, you know what else I did start eating? What's that Edamame?
Speaker 3:Oh, really Any good Edamame yeah.
Speaker 2:You know what, right after we're done here, we'll go out there and make a bowl of edamame.
Speaker 3:It's delicious you'll love it.
Speaker 2:Okay, you'll never stop eating it.
Speaker 3:It's not like Brussels sprouts, is it? No, I don't like Something about Keebler. You know I'm not a Brussels sprouts guy.
Speaker 2:I find people that like Brussels sprouts to be strange anyway.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I hate them. Sorry, mrs Keebler, sorry, mrs Keebler, she loves them.
Speaker 2:I mean, I find people that eat Brussels sprouts to be far superior to me. Sorry, Mrs Keebler. No, I wanted to talk to you about the fires in California and how we're having one here. This is just so this doesn't go unspoken, and what are we being blinded from? But we're running out of time so we'll have to make that another episode.
Speaker 3:Sure, anytime, anytime, I'm always game to come into the studio with you, man.
Speaker 2:Why is it like pulling teeth to get you here then?
Speaker 3:I don't know. Well, I had the cold, remember. Thank you, Mrs Keebler. She works with the germ bags. I call them the little germ bags. Who's your gynecologist? Ah, you know, Dr Seuss. That's the whole point.
Speaker 2:Look at this one. Alright, we are at the end because we're over 30 minutes, which is nice, yeah.
Speaker 3:We'll do a little edit and bring it back down to size.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the other thing. I'm going to edit it and I still have 27 minutes to do. Another one still.
Speaker 3:Bring it back down to size like my fuse, oh God.
Speaker 2:Here we go again. I like the way you fit that in, though.
Speaker 1:That was nice, thank you.
Speaker 2:All right, keebs, love you, buddy, glad to see you. I love you too, buddy. Oh, by the way, before we end big weekend right here, wildcard weekend, ooh here we go A lot going on and go Notre Dame too, by the way.
Speaker 2:Good job. So, that being said, as always, be good. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to legendarycom. That's legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. All right guys, thanks, be good.
Speaker 1:Sake to me.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet.
Speaker 1:That's our sponsor always everybody be good sake to me, thank you.
Speaker 2:Welcome back everybody. Season 3, Episode 3. The end of our Little Minute Series. We got Keebler here today. He and I are going to talk about how we met and how we connect people and what we went through and how we sustained our friendship to make it here. Alright, guys, Stay tuned. I hope you enjoy. Be good.