This is a collection of friends talking about anything, something or nothing depending on life at the time. It will be nothing short of embarrassingly hilarious. We are building from a start up and attempting to become something of sustinence. Join us along the journey from here and watch this little thing grow (giggity). I am fairly certain that you will be nothing less than entertained. It should be a great time.
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The Unfolding of Friendship
What if a twist of fate could reignite an old friendship and set the stage for something unexpected? Join us as we share our serendipitous journey from the early 2000s when life took Kasey and Detto on separate paths, only to bring us back together when I built a house right next to hers. This fortuitous reunion not only restored our friendship but also sparked the creation of our podcast, where we explore the art of connection and embrace the delightful unpredictability of life's timing. Our conversations are an eclectic mix, reminiscent of a "show about nothing," where anything goes and everything is up for discussion.
We're not just building a podcast; we're creating an interactive community. With plans to transform "Sockeytome" through engaging segments like trivia, videos, and Q&A sessions, we're excited to connect with you on a deeper level. Look forward to segments like "Tell Me Why You're Mad," where we tackle everything from personal stories to conspiracy theories, all while sharing a few laughs. And, with potential spinoffs featuring our teammates Keebler and T-bot, stay tuned for the possibility of going live and connecting with us and others in real-time.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to. Saki Tubi. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. We're back, season 3, episode 1. And this one is about how I have the ability to connect anybody to anybody. It's a gift I was given as a young child and today we'll exhibit it. So stay tuned and listen. Hope you like it and give us feedback at wwwsakitumicom or email us at sakitumi at yahoocom. Alright, guys, enjoy the show sakitumi at yahoocom. All right guys Enjoy the show.
Speaker 2:Sakitumi. Hey everybody, it's Ditto, we're back. Season 3 is upon us and here we are. I'm here with my girl Kasey.
Speaker 1:Hello everyone.
Speaker 2:And we are here to talk about all kinds of stuff this season this year. Blow it up Right now. We're going to talk about what the stuff this season this year blow it up right now we're gonna talk about what the lost and found.
Speaker 1:Oh, I said I don't know.
Speaker 2:2025, I'm not sure well, 2025, yeah, which is why we're talking about this. Actually, we uh, this is a personal story between you and I. Technically, okay, that's what it's all about. You know what it is. You don't have to say, okay, we were friends in what? 2000?. Around there, yeah 2002, something like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think it was 2002-ish when we met.
Speaker 2:And we lost touch.
Speaker 1:Yeah, off and on, but yes, we did for a little while.
Speaker 2:I'd bump into you, I'd say, hey, how are you? And then run away.
Speaker 1:Run away.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I was away yeah, well, I was a little scared okay I was a little scared, I was intimidated by you and uh, then, all of a sudden, you know, 20, 25 years later, 20, 25 years later okay here. We are sitting here with a podcast right let's get into that story, because that's what we are really about. That's what this entire podcast is about. It's my ability to connect people.
Speaker 1:I don't know how it how it happens, and that's not that's not talking like I'm awesome, that's just.
Speaker 2:I have a strange ability. I don't know where it comes from, how it works, but I have this strange, strange ability to just be able to connect people to people. That's what we're going to do here. For whatever reason, our whole thing about this podcast is about whatever.
Speaker 1:Right, it's like Seinfeld.
Speaker 2:It's a show about nothing, pretty much.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's no real. There's no real topic. Topic necessarily it is, but not really it's more.
Speaker 2:Anything, but it's a show that's real and nothing's off limits. We could talk about anything, but right now what our real niche, I guess, is the fact that I do that Somehow, someway, and our story can kind of start to explain it. We have this podcast Right Because of that said ability.
Speaker 1:You're taking the credit for that. No, no, no, I see where this goes.
Speaker 2:Well, yes, I am Because, let's face it, I'm a prophet.
Speaker 1:Oh, here we go with the prophet thing.
Speaker 2:I'm a prophet. What do you want?
Speaker 1:from me Right.
Speaker 2:So we met way back when. So we met way back when.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:You worked at a restaurant. I was just a silly fool running around. We met, we hung out and we became friends.
Speaker 1:Uh-huh Right. And then we were friends. I mean, I don't know that there was periods that we weren't necessarily friends. I think we hung out more during certain times than not during others, and then once we got married obviously to others, I don't think we were friendly, we weren't friends.
Speaker 2:friends at that point in time I think we were always friends right it's just not hanging out and talking and it's not like you called me and said hey, what's up? You want to get a coffee? Yeah, so buy me a coffee, which you guys can follow us. If you'd like buy me coffee, follow us over the uh on over at buzzsprout or at our website, sakitumicom.
Speaker 1:Anyway, sorry to interrupt you there no, so, like I said, I don't think we were not friends. We just weren't really chatting at the time because we had lives and kind of just grew apart in that way, I guess. But I never thought of you as not my friend.
Speaker 2:Well, that's right I never thought of you as not my friend either, and we didn't grow apart. We just took different paths Right To obviously get to the same place. Because here we are now talking about it, and it was crazy because I ended up building a house down the street from where you lived. Yes, just randomly, right Through no fault of my own.
Speaker 1:I did call you for help, maybe the year prior, for something for my house. I think that was part of it as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but still, I got a call from a developer that wanted me to build a house. Yes, and it just happened to be right down the street.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:And the guys on my crew at the time. I was like, yeah, my friend lives down the street. If we really need a bathroom for anything, we could go there.
Speaker 1:Which I was unaware that that was. We could go there why, oh, I'm going to be working down the street from you. Oh, you want to use my bathroom?
Speaker 2:I see, I was actually more just saying, hey, I'm going to be working down the street from you, Right? You know you want to get a coffee right.
Speaker 1:My catch up yes, is that all right, exactly.
Speaker 2:So anyway that being said turns in that you wanted work done too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, did I rearrange your house yeah, you did a lot to my house, which is great, but my house we'll get into that in a little while.
Speaker 2:I swear to god, I have a hair on my nose right now. I don't know what it is. It it's driving me nuts.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:Anyway, all right. So we ended up reconnecting. Through that. I mean, you met the guys that I worked with. Yeah, we hung out, we did. You know we'd come over because it was during the summer, it was nice, yep, and through all of that we rebonded, right, right. Yeah, we brought it back up. It's really distracting me.
Speaker 1:I can't even keep a focus, anyway.
Speaker 2:So yeah, that's how we went, and how many times in life does this happen to people?
Speaker 1:I don't really know. I don't know how they put a number on it. I think certain people are just meant to be in other people's lives.
Speaker 2:I think our listeners should, if they're listening to this, should email us, message us. Somehow find us on social media, Right us, message us somehow find us on social media. Right the host Dedo Sakitumi on Instagram.
Speaker 1:Right, I forget what my handles are.
Speaker 2:You think I should know this by now.
Speaker 1:Aren't they just Dedo Sakitumi and the host Dedo? I think Mine is on Instagram, casey Sakitumi. That's all I've got.
Speaker 2:On any platform. If you look up Sakitumi, you'll find me Pretty much DM me, me if you. That's all I've got on any platform. If you look up sake to me, you'll find me pretty much dm me. Do whatever you got to do right right on my wall what? I don't know how it works. And then let us know if you have any stories where you went years and years without seeing somebody and then bam, all of a sudden they're back in your life and I'm gonna take a quick break here because I'm gonna lose it with this freaking hair. Be right back. All right, everybody, we're back. I apologize about that. There was one hair on my upper lip that was poking me in the nose and I could not focus on anything but that.
Speaker 2:That was terrible.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:I had to go take care of that real quick. We're back now. Where the hell were we? We were talking about how we rekindled.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And how it happened, because it all led to this podcast, which is the craziest part of the story, right, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, haven't seen you in 30 years. That's dramatic. You're really aging us every time you do that no, we were 15 at the time. Now we're barely 40 like no all right, so my math isn't that good.
Speaker 2:30 years is not the right number, but no, I had not seen you in a while, and then you've been off, had kids, got married, had kids and stuff like that. Yeah, everybody, yeah exactly. And then all of a sudden we're like, oh what?
Speaker 1:do, we do now but no, so then you did some work in my house, yeah, and we just have been friends since then. And then things happen in life, I guess, and uh, I had job stuff and you had some other situations going on, and we ended up doing this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was crazy, though, the way it ironed out. I mean it really, I really couldn't put. If I sat here, it would take a lot more than 23 minutes to tell a story of how it went. So I'm just trying to stay topical about everything, but it's nuts Like I never thought that I would be sitting here with you creating this Right. It's nuts Like I never thought that I would be sitting here with you creating this.
Speaker 2:Right, it's amazing, and sometimes that's what life is all about. Right, yeah, it's about backdooring it. This has been a dream for me for a long time now to start a podcast.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:I was like, oh yeah, why should I do? Everybody's like oh no, who wants a podcast? Nobody wants to do that, let's do it. Like well, I do.
Speaker 1:Here I am. Okay, let's do it. You want to do this, it's going to make you happy, let's go.
Speaker 2:But that was one of the conversations we had while we're sitting there.
Speaker 1:You're like what am I going to do? It wasn't bad, and I don't want to make it sound like that. Yeah, I mean, you make it seem like this was a miracle solution for all my problems, but it was something I'm trying to explain how this arose.
Speaker 2:I'm not trying to say that you were in some sort of bind where you needed this, but you were in a position where you're like, oh, my career is kind of changing, it's morphing into something different. I was like, what am I gonna do? I was like, well, my whole life is doing the same thing, so what the hell am I gonna do? Right, and we're sitting there with it. I'm just like start a podcast. And you laughed at me I did.
Speaker 1:I didn't think you were serious at first, but you were and you kept talking about it and I said okay, well, I'm gonna do it, let's do it neither one of us knew what the hell we're doing not a clue and now all we're doing is revisiting how we started a podcast, our first episode except that we have microphones now well, we had microphones. No well, we had, they just weren't being used.
Speaker 2:We did the same microphones so this is what one this is the difference one year makes right it's true, it's kind of crazy. It's very funny.
Speaker 1:We had the microphones. There's nothing new, just didn't know how to plug them in and actually use them, apparently. But we've learned a lot.
Speaker 2:We've learned a lot. We have set up a store.
Speaker 1:We've set up websites Several of them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we have a whole. We have 72 published episodes of sake to me which is insane which is insane. And, as far as it's concerned, as of right now, we're number 233 in the united states, which, after one year, it's kind of crazy that's crazy I mean, maybe there's only 234 podcasts.
Speaker 1:I don't know, I was just gonna say how out of how many podcasts, but whoever the 234 podcasts, I don't know, I was just going to say out of how many podcasts, but either way, whoever the 234th one was, we're ranked. We're ranked yeah.
Speaker 2:And then that whole other thing. It said that globally we're noticed as a. What does it say?
Speaker 1:I want a word of.
Speaker 2:I don't remember A popular podcast. I think it said Really, we were A popular podcast. I think it said Really, we were globally a popular podcast.
Speaker 1:Really. I mean we have had some countries that that's clearly not us or really anybody that we know that's listening.
Speaker 2:No, it's not.
Speaker 1:So there's definitely some countries that happen to be.
Speaker 2:So yeah, steve got to keep fighting for it.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I mean, I think we're global now I don't know how, but somehow some people in other countries are hearing us must have done something wrong or right.
Speaker 2:Well, that's what I mean.
Speaker 1:Whatever we thought we were doing right didn't work classified among the top podcasts globally based on the listen score.
Speaker 2:I don't know yeah, look, that sounds like it's a positive thing for me, so I'm gonna run with it positive so probably means. Here's a uh thanks for thanks for participating trophy yeah, everybody gets a trophy good job.
Speaker 2:Buddy, get out of here so now we're gonna take this, now that we've rekindled and we started this podcast, and we are here and this is the start of season three, where we are going to try and connect everyone like, let let's face it, nobody's different than us, we aren't. We aren't different from anyone. Nobody's different from us. We all have problems, maybe not the same problems, but we all have them.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:And this is where I'm just going to air it out.
Speaker 1:Life happens to everyone.
Speaker 2:Life happens to everybody and sometimes life's just fucking shitty. It's just shitty. It's like it took its pants down. It crapped right on you oh my god hot steamer right in the head disgusting yeah, think about that one for a minute. But you know it's weird because that whole thing it could always be worse is so true. Yeah, it is. It's like it could be worse and as bad as you always think it is. That's the scariest part.
Speaker 2:It could be worse it could be worse you know what I mean yeah and so here we are, and this is what we're going to do for, I don't know, most of the time. I mean, there's going to be things that come up. We started the video right, right, that's going to come up on friday every friday, on youtube there'll be a a clip from what we are going to have for the next episode yeah, it's like a preview.
Speaker 2:A preview. It'll be about a 5 or 10 minute clip up on YouTube, so check them out. All of our episodes will be up on YouTube. They're up on every other major platform. You can go to sakitumicom, check them out. It's going to be a good time and we're working on building sakitumicom into something more interactive. I want to have like trivia and videos and no in question and answers play games and I want to start to read the questions on the air when we do it.
Speaker 2:So I want to start a segment where it's like q a with socket to me or socket to me. That's dumb, because I'm sure somebody else has already done that yeah, the socket, thing yeah but tell me why you're mad. Or a segment where I just go off on something I'm aggravated with.
Speaker 1:And then have people ask questions.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and we're going to stay with it. The conspiracy theories when anything goes down, like that thing with the CEO, that shit's still ain't right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I haven't heard much on that one yet. But yeah, conspiracies are still. They're always going to be there.
Speaker 2:They're going to be there.
Speaker 1:Come up here and there.
Speaker 2:But for the most part we want to be able to help people, connect people to people, connect people to help or whatever Problems, or just make you feel like you're not the only one who's going through this.
Speaker 1:Make you laugh all together.
Speaker 2:Well, I hope we make them laugh.
Speaker 1:Hopefully.
Speaker 2:I think I'm stupid enough to make them laugh. I'm not going to lie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's for sure. I mean, you're probably the last person she should be giving out advice or anything.
Speaker 2:That's messed up, man. Why would you say something like that? You're always trying to tear me down. Is it because I'm so much better than you? Is it because I'm a prophet? Is that why?
Speaker 1:I don't think I know anybody else that's ever referred to themselves as a prophet.
Speaker 2:You watch by 25 weeks, by the end of season three, you're going to be like, oh my God, he's a prophet.
Speaker 1:I'll be wearing those. Didn't you look it up? And it says like prophet is somebody predicts the future.
Speaker 2:By the end of the 25th episode I will have socks and sandals on.
Speaker 1:Oh, boy With a white robe. I was going to say socks and sandals are apparently the in thing for the teenagers, but the white robe might make it a little longer yeah.
Speaker 2:And and, of course, we still got keebs, we got keebler, we got t-bot. Yeah, they're gonna add to all of this, and what I really want to start doing is is spinoffs. I want to start doing some spinoffs because I'm sure there's people that want to hear different things from you, different things from t-bot, different things from keebler, and I want you guys to go right and just take your own and go.
Speaker 2:We're gonna. We'll work that in somehow. Okay, there might be a special episode, depending on how many minutes we have left from our recording company.
Speaker 1:Paid. What have we paid for? Yeah, add in some minutes.
Speaker 2:Add in a lot of minutes.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:The other thing I really want to do is go live, live. I want to go live and I want people to come out and see us, so I think that would be awesome.
Speaker 1:Can you just think about it? If we had gone live tonight, can you imagine me live? You literally just had to stop to go pick a nose hair.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's me in a nutshell.
Speaker 1:If you were live, what would you have been doing? I would have left and went and found the nose hair. Who has a nose hair? I mean, you've been here for I don't know how long. It didn't appear until the second we sat down.
Speaker 2:That's what happens. I'm serious when I say you know you sit in the driver's seat and all of a sudden your phone blows up. You know you're not supposed to be on the phone when you're driving, but it doesn't ring. While you're sitting on the couch watching football, you got to go to the store to get more ice and all of a sudden 95 phone calls. Or every time I sit down here to record. I need five minutes to myself people.
Speaker 1:Well, nobody knows what you're doing at that time. They must, because they don't call when I'm not doing anything. I don't think so I think it's really just coincidence they don't call me when I can answer, unless everybody has you on some sort of radar that says, oh, he's sitting down doing something. He doesn't want to be bothered.
Speaker 2:Makes you think doesn't it Better call him? Makes you think Wow, all right Case, we're not anywhere near the end yet. No, we still got to fill this time. I wonder how many other people have had something like this happen to them in their lives, where 20 years go by and then they I mean I've had it happen several times, to be honest.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:You're not the only one. You just happen to be the one of point, because we did this, you know what I mean, right. I have a friend, em, that I knew in high school. We have the same birthday, we have all stuff, and when I graduated she was younger than me. When I graduated I left, I went to college and I lost touch with her. All of a sudden, one day I ran into her and I'm like no way and we hit it off. Now she doesn't talk to me again.
Speaker 2:Now I've got to wait another 20 years to see her.
Speaker 1:Whatever, that's how it goes. You never know.
Speaker 2:But how many stories are like this out there?
Speaker 1:like this out there, probably a lot, I would think. Do you have another one? I can't think of anybody right now, but it's possible. I can't think of anybody that I didn't really talk to, and are you not that friendly? I think I'm pretty friendly. Are you one of the?
Speaker 2:angry people that don't want to know, people you just want to sit in your house and be like no, not at all.
Speaker 1:How about now?
Speaker 2:you think so yeah, oh, stop it I can't say I, but I can't say I don't. That's the problem. Oh, wow, yeah you look like a homebody that just wants to not know anyone.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:I'm not talking to that guy.
Speaker 1:I have plenty of friends, but thank you. Well then, how do you not have that happen? Just because I have friends doesn't mean that people come in and out after 20 years. That's kind of random. I don't know. I've never really thought about it. I didn't really think about it even with you, until we sat and talked about it.
Speaker 2:I'm really trying to think about the last one besides you, that it was where I was, like I haven't seen this guy in forever. Oh, I got it. His name begins with a W.
Speaker 1:W, w.
Speaker 2:W, and he lives in Georgia. What's up, buddy? He came over to your house. I hadn't seen him in a long time either. We'll give him a shout out later.
Speaker 1:Sorry, I'm not sure who we're talking about. No, we'll give him a shout out.
Speaker 2:That's the other thing we have to start doing is giving shout outs.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:It was my buddy Wally.
Speaker 1:Oh, yes, I hadn't seen him in a long time. I sat down. I didn't know that.
Speaker 2:I went to a bar to get somebody to eat and a drink and he's sitting there at the end of the bar. I'm like, I look right at him. I was like what the fuck are you doing here? I hadn't seen him. He was my childhood friend. He moved to Georgia. I hadn't seen him in a long time. He just happened to be sitting and then it's like nothing. No time passed.
Speaker 1:That's true. That's the nice thing.
Speaker 2:It was.
Speaker 1:Certain people have that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and now he just had a baby. Congratulations, and I hope everything's going well for you down there. When you get back home, call me Seriously, but that was the last one that happened.
Speaker 1:All right, so I'm saying it hasn't happened to you more than just me.
Speaker 2:I can't think of anybody that's the case, or am I in fact a prophet?
Speaker 1:I don't think that makes you a prophet.
Speaker 2:I just want to throw that in there, oh boy, you and the prophet. Yeah, but anyway, anybody listening out there, let us know about your stories. Write to us, tell us. Drop a line, sakitumi, at yahoocom. Write us an email and we'll look at it, and anytime we get one, we'll read it on the air and we'll talk about it for a minute.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we'll give you a shout-out. We'll give you a shout-out on the air and chat about your questions or whatnot.
Speaker 2:Yep and, by the way, give us some feedback.
Speaker 1:Tell us what we're doing. Terrible, which. I expect one list to be longer than the other and I'm not gonna say which one. I think it is for way too long. Like deado's gonna stop, maybe just kidding, relax. Oh, he might come across and kill me right now. What is going?
Speaker 2:on. I'm trying not to talk. Trying not to talk like whoa, I wanted to keep quiet getting a really bad stare right now at least we now know that you can't carry the show oh yeah, I never tried to carry the show well, you're gonna have to
Speaker 2:why, because at some point you're gonna be the host. I'm gonna have to retire you're gonna have to retire I gotta turn these talents into something bigger and better. I just want you to know that, and I'm gonna have to go on and I'm gonna leave this with you oh and you're gonna have to be able to pull all this weight. I'm actually just sitting here grooming you now, oh boy, for what needs to be done. Wow, do you get it?
Speaker 1:I hear you? I don't think so this is what happened when we rekindled yeah we ran into each other yeah you should have expected this from the beginning, should have apparently no clue when I yeah, you should have expected this from the beginning. Should have Apparently no clue.
Speaker 2:When I said run, you should have run.
Speaker 1:I was not prepared for what was going to come.
Speaker 2:Anyway, everybody All right. What are your final thoughts on this?
Speaker 1:I don't know. I'm excited for the next season. See what comes next year. Bring good things. That's it. I think it'll be exciting doing good things.
Speaker 2:That's it. I think it'll be exciting. I feel like I am too. I'm excited for the video. I'm excited for people to actually watch us.
Speaker 1:I'm not as excited for that, although I know people like that, but you know.
Speaker 2:I know you two girls are not excited for it.
Speaker 1:It's To be fair. I think Keebler was a little more concerned than the girls have been.
Speaker 2:I can't believe you just called him out.
Speaker 1:He's a little more concerned than the girls have been. I can't believe. You just called him out. Oh, I'll call him out. He said it On national radio, national radio.
Speaker 2:You just called him out on national radio.
Speaker 1:He's not going to deny it.
Speaker 2:No, he's not. No, he's not. He's got too much time making cookies. He's going to. He's found too many.
Speaker 1:But he was pretty concerned about the video. I don't think he's excited.
Speaker 2:Well, we're going to be and, like I said, it's like it took us time to get used to hearing ourselves. Which is true, now we got to get used to seeing ourselves, yeah, so that's what we're going to do. Anyway, friday it'll be up, check it out. It'll be a quick little snippet of what we'll be sitting right on that. It's a building block for us. We, we rekindled, we made this happen, and here we are, season three. Let's go, let's move forward yeah all right, everybody do it.
Speaker 2:That's the end of this one. Thanks for listening, as always and, as always, be good. Hey, everybody, it's ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy larry over at legendary graphics Be good. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy Larry over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to legendarycom. That's legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. All right guys. Thanks, be good, saki, to me for anything you need. All right guys. Thanks Be good Saki Dumi.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show head over to someassemblynet. That's our sponsor and you can really do some business. All right, as always, everybody be good. Sake to me.