This is a collection of friends talking about anything, something or nothing depending on life at the time. It will be nothing short of embarrassingly hilarious. We are building from a start up and attempting to become something of sustinence. Join us along the journey from here and watch this little thing grow (giggity). I am fairly certain that you will be nothing less than entertained. It should be a great time.
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The Resilience of Christmas Joy
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to.
Speaker 1:Saki Tubi.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto, welcome back. This is a filler episode. This is just taking us out of 24 and into 25. It's just me. I have nobody else with me. I won't Just trying to fill some space and stay consistent with all of you and give you a little insight into what's happening, who I am and everything about it. So listen at your leisure. Hope you enjoy it. And wwwsakitumicom. Like and subscribe, share your thoughts, tell us what we got to do better. All right, guys, hope to see you in 25. Be good.
Speaker 1:Sakitumi hey everybody.
Speaker 2:It's Ditto, I'm back. It's actually Christmas Day, 12.09 am. I'm sitting up here on Christmas Eve night, christmas morning, and just thinking about everything that happened in the last couple years and how I got here.
Speaker 2:So, I was going to share it with you. I hope everybody's having a great Christmas time. I hope everybody had a great set of holidays and by the time you hear this, christmas will be over, but it should be right around new year's, so let's see what we got. Uh, this was a weird, long, crazy, wonderful journey. I mean I to explain how I got here at any point at all is I don't even know, I don't. I've had tremendous support, tremendous friends, and I can't thank everybody enough. It it's nuts. Life takes a left turn quickly on you sometimes and trying to manage it all is just crazy. It's crazy how you just sit there and you're like how the hell did I get here? The fact that I sit behind this microphone and spout out to you guys and the fact that you listen is awesome. It's awesome. I love it. I hope you guys love it I hope you keep listening.
Speaker 2:Anyway. If, uh, if you go back and you listen to a couple of the episodes uh, there were special episodes you can begin to get an understanding where I was and how I got here and where I came from and all that stuff. It was awful, it was awful and all of a sudden now things look so much better, they look better, and the more you believe in everything and the more you work hard and the more you try and you don't give in to what's always seems to be the easiest thing, the better off you're always going to be. Uh, there were times where, man, I was down. Now I was down and out. I didn't want to wake up in the morning. I want to go anywhere. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to see anybody. I didn't it was. It was horrible. I was just down the dumps and one day I was just like dude ditto, seriously, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward. Stop being a little bitch. And I did, and since that day it's gone exponentially better. But, man, I can see where people get down. They get down, they get dark. It's hard to fight your way out. It really is and since then I've been like you know what. I got to help people like that. I got to help people that were in the spot that I was in. I mean, I'm not even all the way out yet, but you can't let people sit there. You got to reach down, grab them by the hand and yank them out as best you can, because nobody deserves to sit there.
Speaker 2:It'll be two full years, january 17th, where my life went crazy, and it was through no fault of my own. I mean, technically I guess it was, but I didn't see it coming and I didn't know what was happening. And since then it has been a crazy shit show. And here I am now in all of that. In all of that, I managed to pull myself out, create a podcast, start a podcast, create a fan base, have people listen, have people engaged, and it helped a lot of people. And when I think back on it, I'm like how the hell did I do that? I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I didn't. And I look back on it now I'm like, wow, I helped people and I got myself out of that. And here I am sitting in front of this microphone talking to you guys in a manner that it's like, wow, that's incredible. In a manner that it's like, wow, that's incredible.
Speaker 2:It's really tough to do. It's insane how hard it is. Most of the time you just want to stay in bed. Most of the time you just want to stay in the house. You don't want to change your clothes, you don't want to get up, you don't want to get off the couch, you don't want to let the dog out. That's how painful it is. But when you make yourself do it and you get going, things begin to turn around. And that's how I got here.
Speaker 2:And now I'm sitting here on Christmas night, christmas Eve, christmas morning, and I'm like, thank God, I thought that way. Thank God I was able to pull myself out of it, thank God I started this podcast and thank God I had all the help that I had started this podcast and thank god I had all the help that I had. Man oh man, how amazing is that? I love it. We are getting ready to start season three, year two, season three and man, I couldn't be happier. I can't believe how much I learned while doing all that. I had so much time. It's like I can't waste this. Let's get, let's find something new to do. Let's learn something new. I came out of that darkness with a whole new talent, a talent I didn't even really know I had, and I've engaged at least three other people probably four or five into doing the same things and taking themselves into a place they never thought they would be or really expected to go the direction they expected. It's nuts. It's just amazing and I feel great about it. I feel great about the fact that even in my darkest hours, I was still able to help someone else.
Speaker 2:So here we are. We got started because, you know, I didn't have anything to do. My friend Casey didn't have anything to do either. We're just like hey, let's start a podcast and you can hear all about that in episode one. We'll tell you all about it if you go back and listen. And we just attacked it. We attacked it and we went. We just tried to get whatever we could done. We have no idea what the hell we're doing. We're not professionals. I have no idea how to sit behind a microphone and spout out about something that's going to keep you guys interested, but I'm doing it anyway. And she didn't either. I mean, for the first half of year we didn't even know how to turn the mics on, but we made it.
Speaker 2:So here we are after our first entire year, first anniversary, first year, first, everything, just 72 episodes later. I don't know how we did that. I don't know how we came up with that much material, that much content, that much everything. I mean, a lot of them are like topical, but we just kept going and we're gonna keep going, right into video, by the way, we're gonna go into video.
Speaker 2:We're gonna try doing anything we can to make this thing bigger and better, and the whole point is to connect people, connect people to us, to everything, and to let everybody know that. You know, no matter what, you're not the only one going through it. We're here. We got our own problems in our own lives and you're no different. We're no different. No one is, and I'm just going to sit there and put it out there. The cast that I assembled so far has been the people I knew that could sit here and talk about stuff, and every day I look for other people to be characters and for people to call in and be guests on the show and parts of this and have everything be entertaining and funny, because that's really what everybody needs is just the ability to laugh, like even in the dumbest times. If you laugh, you're going to get through it. When you sit there and you just think about how bad everything is around you, you're going to end up staying there.
Speaker 1:And you don't want that.
Speaker 2:Ain't. Nobody want that. I'll tell you that for free. So here we are and tomorrow morning is Christmas morning and I have a big breakfast with my entire family and I'm hosting it. And I'm excited Because for for two years I wasn't able to do much. I felt like a leech. Just somebody talk to me, and now I get to step into the limelight and go hit it, hit it hard, hit a home run, try and nail it, and I've got everything set. I've been focused on it for days and I'm really hoping for the best tomorrow. We'll see how it goes and I'll I'll come back and I'll let you know and I'll tell you how it went.
Speaker 2:But it is, like I said, quarter after 12 now and I'm a little tired. So I just want to start this and see where it would go from here and how much I could talk about. But no matter what, I hope all of you have a great Christmas. I hope everybody has a great time and enjoys their family, because that's what's most important. Family is always most important, and if you go against your family, you're pretty much screwed. So at this point I'm going to bow out for the night and I'm going to come back tomorrow and I'm going to just check in and tell you how Christmas goes, tell you how the breakfast goes. Might even be all day, who knows, who knows how anything goes anymore but I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas holiday. Whatever you're celebrating, enjoy it, enjoy family, enjoy your times and I'll check back with you guys in a little bit. All right, guys, be good. Hey, everybody, stetto, we're back for the next segment of this part.
Speaker 2:I don't know what the hell is going on, but it's late christmas night, it's almost over, and, uh, we had a great day, awful lot of fun. It's good to see everybody, it's good to have everybody over and, man, I did pretty well, did all right, I got everything done. Everybody had a good time and, even though I had a lot of help, I pulled it all off. There was a lot I had to do myself, but without everybody else's help I wouldn't have done it at all. But I hope all your Christmases were great. I hope all your holidays are great. I hope you're having a great time.
Speaker 2:It's getting long in the year. Hope you're having a great time. It's, uh, getting long in the year and things are changing and it's nuts and, uh, it'd be nice if you know everything were like it was and easy and flowing, but it's not. Shit gets crazy. Shit gets crazy and you just gotta deal with it. And you know what, when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. Right, that's what they say. When life gets tough, you punch it in the mouth. You gotta stand up and go ahead, forge ahead, do whatever.
Speaker 2:So this morning I got up at about I don't know 7.30? And I had everything prepped from yesterday. But I got on and I had everything ready to go and I was ahead of myself for the first time in my life Never ahead of myself. I'm always behind the eight ball trying to make it work. You know jimmy rigging it, and today I had everything set. I got breakfast made, I had everything ready for everybody here. Presents were wrapped, everything was ready to go and it came out nice. I was psyched because for the last two years things have been shitty and today wasn't. It wasn't. And christmas my christmas is my favorite holiday and I love it and I needed to pull this off and I did it. I'm pretty sure everybody had a great time.
Speaker 2:uh, everybody's happy and man, that makes me feel good. So, pancakes, waffles, potatoes, bacon, sausage, you name it. It was here Mimosas, bloody Marys, juice, kids running around wrapping paper everywhere living room full of nonsense man, it was awesome. It was awesome. And then, on top of that, I got text messages from people I never expected to get text messages from, saying happy, happy birthday, merry Christmas, merry Christmas, happy holidays. And I'm like wow, wow, people, I thought forgot about me. So that was nice too.
Speaker 2:We sat there all day and just ate and talked and had fun right up until setback at night, after dinner and movies. Man, it was crazy today and I am so thankful for it. It's nice when things go the right way. It's nice when you do the best you can and the outcome is good. It's nice when you forget about everyone else and just go ahead and do what you know is right and make it happen. People become happier, they stop saying negative things and it becomes awesome. And that's what happened today. It was a real Christmas miracle. A real Christmas miracle Because I was fucking nervous as shit.
Speaker 2:I don't understand life anymore. It's getting crazy. It's getting crazy. It's getting to the point where stuff doesn't make sense and you have to question it. You're still like what the shit? Why is everybody so negative about everything, especially on Christmas? Let's church it up a little bit here. Huh, why is everybody so negative? It's silly.
Speaker 2:Anyway, my son, who is basically the anchor of the show, the creator of it to be honest, he's the one that says sake to me. He's had a hard two years and it's been rough for he and I and we've trudged through it and we've gotten through it and we're still working on it and it has been awful based on other people's negativity, but we keep working. And man, was he excited today. You would think that he won the lotto. Today he got everything he wanted. He was so psyched and it was a joy to see his face smiling, caring and loving, loving his family, loving his cousins, loving his grandparents, loving everything. It was just nice because it hasn't been that way in a long time. And man did that feel good and that was my christmas gift. That was it to make him happy, to have him be happy and, holy shit, that was awesome. I love christmas more than any other holiday. I love it, the lights make me feel good the music makes me feel good.
Speaker 2:The music, the movies, the everything, everything about it. I watched the same movies over and over and over again for a month. It's incredible what this season does, and for anybody to not like it? Yes. Yes, it's a lot of work, yes, it's a lot of stress, yes, it's a lot to do, but, man, it feels so good when you do it.
Speaker 2:And if you're a bah humbug type type person, I don't know what to tell you. Don't hang out with me, I'll try and find any reason to be happy at christmas. You can't cry at christ, you can't be angry at Christmas, and I know there's people out there that have had things happen which may actually entail something negative. I get it, but you got to turn it into a positive. You got to make it good because Christmas, christmas Eve and Christmas Day they're the two best days of the year Hands down, no doubt about it. They're the two best days of the year hands down, no doubt about it, unbelievable, and the whole week when everybody's got it off, kids got it off from school, work is light, it's. It's like just sit back, relax and enjoy this season right here, because at least up in the northeast, we got to go through this cold spell after this until we get back to the summer. But this is the best week of the year, where everybody's happy, everybody's joyful, everybody wants to just have a good time and be pleasant, enjoy it and carry this stuff on into the future. Don't go back to the the mundane and the routine, because that's just a waste of everybody's time. Be happy, be fun, be polite, be nice and enjoy it. Bring the Christmas spirit with everybody all year round, because, god damn it, christmas is awesome.
Speaker 2:Like I said the other day, I'm taking my Christmas tree to bed with me. I love it. I'm not letting it go. It gives me hope. It gives me promise. Literally makes me want to do better. It does I makes me want to do better. It does I sleep by the Christmas tree every night? I do because it's awesome.
Speaker 2:I watch old reruns of shows Yesteryear Dukes of Hazzard, mama's Family, seinfeld Cheers, you name it. I watch it and I love them and it makes me feel comfortable and it makes me feel good, brings me back to a point in time where I was basically a kid, and that is what Christmas is all about Finding that inner child that you've shoved down inside you so deep that you don't even know who the fuck it is anymore. The world would be a better place if we were all kids. Remember kindergarten? It was fun. All your classmates, all that stuff, all the people you graduated school with, that was fun. That was a lot of fun. We didn't know what the hell was going on, and maybe we don't need to, but what the hell? Let's let life in and tell us what we should believe and shouldn't believe. Have your own thoughts and don't worry about what anybody else says. We'll get there. It'll be fine.
Speaker 2:Guys, I hope you had a wonderful, wonderful holiday season. New Year's is coming and I know I hate New Year's. I hate it. I think it's the dumbest holiday ever. But if you got to restart things and that's how you do it do it and good luck. Do the best you can. Don't stop. Keep working, because the only thing that stops you is yourself. Don't let anything else do it.
Speaker 2:Anyway, I'm going to take this podcast into the next year and I'm going to make it better than it was last year. I don't know how, I have no idea, but I'm going to do it. I promise you that If I can make this podcast better, you all better, make yourselves better too, and that's all I got to say about that. All right, yourselves better too, and that's all I gotta say about that. All right, guys, I'll be back with a the third segment of this probably in a little bit, but, uh, hope you all had a great christmas, great holiday, and I'll talk to you all in a little bit. All right, guys, be good. Hey, everybody, it's Ditto, I'm back.
Speaker 2:Third segment. This is a crazy little episode. It's just a filler and we're getting ready to bring on 25. 2025. Holy Jesus, huh, crazy stuff. And SakiTumi's ready to go. We are ready for it. We've prepped, we've gotten ready, we got our ideas lined up, we have a game plan. We're going to reach for the stars. Let's hope we hit it. We're going to need your help and we hope you guys are there for us. We hope in the first couple weeks, you guys can call in and email and whatever, and chat with us, because it'll help the show, it'll help involve everyone and it'll help improve the content, so we can really use your help.
Speaker 2:We had a great year. It's an amazing first year. We crushed it somehow. I don't know what happened. I'm just thankful, very thankful, and I'm extremely thankful for the three hosts here Casey, kat and Keebler. The three of them really worked hard. They did great. Just like me, they were all afraid to start this thing, didn't know what to take, what to think, what to do, and man, we somehow all managed to make it through. We're know what to take, what to think, what to do, and man, we somehow all managed to make it through.
Speaker 2:We're looking forward to the second year, seasons three and four, and we got ideas that are going to be fantastic. If we can pull them off, stay with us and find out. You know what I mean, it'll be awesome. So, whatever happens in 25, who knows? But I'm going to go at 25. I know I am anyway. I am anyway just charging in, you know, like a bull charging head down. Boom, bam done, gonna come up with some new lines and stuff. Bam done, pulls my skirt up and see what happens because, uh, who knows it's it's crazy out there and we're, we are excited to just get at it. Uh, we got video. It's be on YouTube.
Speaker 2:There'll be short snippets, probably every week, about what the upcoming show is about, so you can see us how we do things and what we do and you can then tune into the audio, because I know most of it's mobile and you guys can listen to it in the car, at work, whatever you do, when you're cleaning the house, whatever and enjoy us. Enjoy our laughter, our comments, and you're going to realize that we are exactly like all of you. We're no different, and that's why we want you guys to start interacting with us. Call in, email us, text us, whatever, send us messages Whatever way you can.
Speaker 2:I'm going to set up more pages on the social media sites. Instagram it's the host, ditto TikTok is Ditto Sakakitumi. Facebook is, I think it might be DittoSakitumi too. Either way, check us out and I'll set up more pages where we can interact and it's going to be more fun with games and stuff, videos. Check out our own website page, wwwsakitumicom. That's where you can get just about everything. We've got a storefront there. You can buy merchandise and stuff like that. We've got some puzzles and games and we're going to expand on that this year. That's my number.
Speaker 2:One goal is to get that website user and interactive friendly, so we have all kinds of stuff. We'll have videos you can go and watch. You can go play trivia games, whatever. Whatever I can come up with. I'm going to try and embed it in there and just have a blast with that website. And then the other stuff is just listen to us and call in and tell us what you think about what we're putting out there.
Speaker 2:The only way we can make it better is if we know. If we suck, tell us we suck, it's going to hurt. But we can't get better if we don't know. So we're leaving it all up to you guys. We're leaving it all up to you guys and we want it to just be great.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna be as funny as I can coming up. Uh, I don't even know if I'm funny. I'm no comedian. I can't stand up. My ankles and knees hurt all sports all over the years. But here we go. What's gonna hurt? So what's gonna happen? God hates a coward, so stay with us, stay tuned, stay tuned, find us and keep listening. Tell your friends, help us, spread the word, look for stickers and things all over the place. You're going to find them. I promise you that. All right, guys, that's it. Let's go into 25 all together, just charging in. It's going to be a better year. You know it is, you believe it, it'll happen. So, with that said, as always, guys, be good. See you in 25.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry, over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to legendarycom. That's legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. Alright, guys, thanks Be good. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet. That's our sponsor and you can really use some business. All right, as always, everybody, be good.
Speaker 1:Saki to me. Thank you.