
The Comedy of Cues

Detto Season 2 Episode 1236

Fan Mail Me Brrrruuuuunnnden

What happens when an innocent glance sparks a whirlwind of self-reflection and laughter? Join us as we recount a hilariously awkward encounter with a receptionist that spirals into a comedic exploration of our social behaviors. Ever found yourself pondering whether hunger could influence where our eyes wander, especially when it comes to the connection between breasts and nourishment? Listen in for a blend of humor and self-deprecation as we tackle the quirky and sometimes involuntary actions that make us all uniquely human.

Life's little annoyances get a comedic twist as we navigate the frustrations of waiting endlessly for that one phone call, only to get it at the most inconvenient moment—hello, meeting interruptions! With a nod to being metaphorically knocked out like Tyson by Jake Paul, we share these relatable daily life challenges, including repetitive parent queries and the sweet, sweet relief of a Friday evening TV binge. It's a light-hearted romp through life's awkward moments, guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and make you nod in agreement.

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Speaker 1:

Socky Doobie, you are stupid.

Speaker 2:

Alright. Hey everybody, I'm here with T-Bot man. Have I got a little story for you? This should be good. What up T-Bot? Hey? Hey, had quite a day today. Had an evaluation, oral mental health, like they think I'm sick. Good one, that was classic. But I sat there, I went in and immediately insulted the receptionist behind the desk. That was bad. And then the evaluator literally had a demeanor that was just like she just didn't like anything in life, got her to crack. It was a hell of a day, hell of a morning. Let's go over it real quick.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, I got a real problem. You got a real problem with a lot of people. Now you're about to hear about it. Okay, oh boy. So I went to this evaluation thing, this, this I don't know what they call it, but anyway, it's necessary and it's it's done now. So I walk in and I'm sitting there at the front desk, I'm talking to the young lady behind the desk and there's a glass in front of us, right so? And they have to start you up and they hand you like an iPad to fill out the forms. Now, okay, so everything's electronic, you don't? No pens? No, nothing, right? I noticed they have two jars clean and dirty pens. I was like, oh God, shoot me now. What the fuck? Here we go. Clean and dirty pens, really.

Speaker 1:

Oh man.

Speaker 2:

What about the cups? I bet you don't watch the cups, right, anyway? So I'm sitting there and she gives me all my information and I go sit down and I fill out the whole thing, I bring it back up to her and she's sitting there behind the desk and she's plugging it all into the computer and making sure I can get a spot so the people of higher power can come out and interview me, gotcha. So as I'm sitting, there.

Speaker 1:

I accidentally glanced at her breasts.

Speaker 2:

Oh jesus, I did. I looked down. I not on purpose. Yeah, no, it wasn't okay. And I I'm telling you it's innate, it's innate in everybody it is. I don't think women look at boobs. The only people is not innate in are people that are bottle fed like wounded ducks.

Speaker 2:

You know have to save them from an oil spill bring it back to life okay, so no, and you could tell that she caught me looking at her breasts, even though I wasn't doing it for any demeaning reason, it's just. But she took her short, her sweater, and just pulled it over. You know, kind of closed it, so I couldn't look at her boobs anymore okay and that's when I was like, oh, oh, no, did I just look at them? I had no recollection. I was looking at them, I didn't know. Okay, and I have a theory on that.

Speaker 2:

Here we go, people. My theory is especially men. Men look at boobs more when they're hungry than they do at any other time.

Speaker 1:

Stop talking right now. You've got to be kidding me, need to stop talking that's a hundo.

Speaker 2:

That's a hundo no, it's not oh, absolutely people that's not so, so not true women look at boobs too, really, yes, okay, because boobs are where food comes from. Okay, in your earliest infant stages, food is where boob comes.

Speaker 1:

Boobs are where food comes from okay, but not all the time, because some women can't breastfeed I understand that those are.

Speaker 2:

Those are the people that don't look at boobs when they're hungry.

Speaker 1:

You really are going with this stat right now?

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely, because I noticed myself doing it and I'm like I have no reason to be looking at your boobs. Why am I doing it? Good question, but yet I am.

Speaker 1:

You're a guy.

Speaker 2:

And I find myself this morning I went in there. She obviously saw me look at her boobs, Probably Right, which was inappropriate Totally. And I'm not saying but I did it, it was involuntary and it's because I didn't have any breakfast this morning. Oh, my. So I'm hungry. I guarantee you there's some science to this. There's some science. Please, you're jacking me up right now. Trust me, there's some science.

Speaker 1:

I don't think there's anything. No science at all.

Speaker 2:

I clearly looked at her boobs without even thinking about it. It's not like I was like, ooh, I wonder what those look like unhinged, I can't wait to see that. I just looked down. I'm like, oh man, I'm starving.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, you have to stop talking Seriously, you have to stop talking.

Speaker 2:

That is what happened, oh God, no, what I did feel bad about is, once I saw her pull her sweater over, I was like oh my God, did I just do it? Did I just make her feel uncomfortable? Probably yeah, probably yeah, not on purpose. Well, I'm just freaking hungry.

Speaker 1:

No, you're just a male women do it too.

Speaker 2:

Okay, no, it's like when you put your hand behind your butt oh, because you're walking away, you don't want anybody to see your butt. Your hand's going to hide it. If you have such a complex with your butt, how big is your hand? Holy crap, do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

Are we really doing this right now?

Speaker 2:

Oh, we're doing it, sister. Oh, hell yeah.

Speaker 1:

Women put their hands doing something.

Speaker 2:

It's impossible to be scratching because they're backwards. The backside of their hand, not the palm, is against their butt, really so the palm of their hand is facing you.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, I don't think I they're trying to block the butt.

Speaker 2:

It's like the girls that carry their phones in their back pockets. Babies are falling from the sky. They can get that thing in there under milliseconds. You're walking away from a guy you might like and you can't find the pocket oh my because you're trying.

Speaker 1:

You're trying to hide your butts hide your butt, hide your butt, gotta hide your butt. So you're basically saying that women are trying to do it, so the guy looks at the butt by putting their phone in the back pocket they think they're looking at your butt, but they're generally not okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, that's probably untrue they probably are but they're doing it because they're trying to hide their butt, because maybe they're a little self-conscious about it. I don't know. I don't know why you do it. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I haven't perfected that science yet yeah, I was going to say I don't know where you're coming from at all.

Speaker 2:

But you do. You put your hand back there or you put your phone. You can't get your phone in your pocket. So now it takes the guy's eye away from your butt and puts it on the phone. Okay, now to you. Nobody's looking at your butt, except now everybody's looking at your butt because you can't get your phone in your pocket. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe it. It works against you in that way. Yes, oh, never heard of these before, but hmm.

Speaker 2:

Oh, these are tried and true. These are tried and true. I've and true Tried and true, these are as real as rain falling from the sky. Okay, that's what this is Really.

Speaker 1:

Yep, okay.

Speaker 2:

So that was the first part of the morning. So I'm sitting there and I'm waiting in the waiting room getting ready to go in. This young lady comes out and you can tell she has a very tight demeanor. She's not friends with anybody. She doesn't like nobody, oh she friends on anybody. She didn't like nobody, oh she's like. Get in here.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't like a job, she was actually very nice.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she was very nice, I'm not saying, but she, you could tell she was there for no nonsense, okay, so sitting in there and I'm in the interview and all this, they're asking me all kinds of questions and they're like you know, you do this. After third I'm like nope, nope, nope, nope. She looks at me and she goes. You know, nobody really answers no to all these questions. I'm sorry, like I'm sorry for them, people that sucks for them.

Speaker 2:

And then, what the hell was it? She said something and I got her to crack and smile. Oh, boy. And from there it was smooth sailing. Oh gosh, she was nice, she was very.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dead-o charm A lot more cordial, and I forget what I said to her. It was. She asked me a series of questions, and the last one was like have you brought anything from your childhood that still is with you today? I was like, yeah, the values are my parents. And she starts to smile and I'm like, oh, you're chuckling. And she starts smiling bigger. And at the same time I have my phone in my pocket. It's on silent, but it's like.

Speaker 1:

Oh boy, so at on silent but it's like, oh boy.

Speaker 2:

So at that point she asked me if I had any triggers or anything like that. And I'm like, yeah, stupidity and ignorance. And she's writing this stuff down. And I'm like, oh, and how? I sat out in the lobby for an hour and nobody called me or text me. I come in here for 10 minutes and sit down and all of a sudden then she starts dying. And then I knew I was like, yeah, nailed it, nailed it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I told her that in the driver's seat in the car nobody calls me all day. I sit down to drive home and it's like taking it off airplane mode. It was awful I could take it, so true.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I hate that. It's like oh.

Speaker 2:

And maybe I just don't notice how many people actually call me when I'm sitting around. Maybe not, but I know I didn't get any phone calls or any text messages. I'm sitting in that lobby, I go into that room for the meeting and then, bam, I get knocked out like Mike Tyson by Jake Paul.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah he got crushed, wow, okay.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just kidding. Mike Tyson should have whooped him. He should have. But anyway, I just want to tell that story.

Speaker 1:

That was a good story. Thanks for helping me get through my day in a laugh, as usual.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and then I get home, my father stops over and he just asks me the same questions day after day, day. If that any trigger, I don't know what is. Oh, and then I went to work, finally, and nailed it. And now I'm home relaxing on a friday evening gonna watch some tv. Yep, fall asleep early, go back to work. There you go, let's go, let's go, let's go. All right, everybody. That's it for this little snippet. I'm gonna put it up somewhere, figure it out. All right, guys, as always, be good.

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