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The Fists and Family Legacies
Could the boxing world have just witnessed one of its most perplexing matches yet? Jake Paul and Mike Tyson stepped into the ring for what was supposed to be a thrilling showdown, but left us feeling like we were watching a poorly scripted drama. Tyson seemed to be holding back, leading to whispers of a predetermined outcome, while the women's bouts stole the spotlight with their unexpected intensity and skill. Yet, the night was marred by shoddy production, leaving us yearning for the raw excitement that true boxing enthusiasts crave.
Switching from the ring to the podium, we dive into the political whirlwind surrounding RFK's rumored shift and ponder its implications for his family's storied Democratic legacy. Drawing lines between JFK's era and today's political battleground, we explore these intriguing speculations. The mania of Black Friday also comes under scrutiny as we recount our own retail war stories and question its relevance in an era dominated by the convenience of online shopping. And if you thought that was all, we lighten the mood with a quirky tale involving tequila, some slippery fingers, and the unlikely duo of Guy Fieri and Sammy Hagar. This episode promises a rollercoaster of discussions, from sports to politics and everything in between.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to.
Speaker 1:Saki, tumi Saki.
Speaker 2:Tumi. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Welcome back for another episode of Saki Tumi. We're here. This is going to be a news episode. It's going another episode of Saki To Me. We're here. This is going to be a news episode. It's going to be great. It's funny, it's light, it's airy. It's getting towards the holiday season. We're all ready to have some fun. So check it out. Let us know what you think. All right, guys, stay tuned.
Speaker 1:Saki To Me.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto, we're back. These guys are killing me in the studio. Holy Christmas, I'm here with T-Bot.
Speaker 3:Hey, hey.
Speaker 2:What's happening Not?
Speaker 3:much.
Speaker 2:What a weekend.
Speaker 3:What a weekend.
Speaker 2:You're in love with Jake Paul, aren't you?
Speaker 3:No, not really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 3:I really wanted Tyson to win. I don't think anything.
Speaker 2:Are you in love with Tyson?
Speaker 3:No.
Speaker 2:Oh, because you had a little lady bulge.
Speaker 3:I don't think, lady. Okay, I'm not even going to address this right now you got caught, you got caught?
Speaker 2:No, but this weekend was crazy. It started with the Paul Tyson fight.
Speaker 3:It did. It was uneventful. What a frigging letdown, letdown. I really wanted Tyson to go there. I really did. He's just older. I really wanted him to get that last minute. Hurrah, he was even on Eventful.
Speaker 2:F Netflix too. Yeah, I agree that was horrible, horrible. They had a horrible production of it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. I think the people that were fighting before, like the ladies and the other ones, were better than the initial fight.
Speaker 2:The early cards yeah.
Speaker 3:They were.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and the two girls oh God, I forgot their names. Yeah, I knew that was going to happen. Yeah, I know, but the one that lost should have won.
Speaker 3:Yes, she hammered her. They were both like vicious, like vicious. I'm watching them, I'm like, I'm afraid of them.
Speaker 2:I remember in the middle of that fight I was like would anybody? Because we had a couple of friends here and there were guys and I said, hey, anybody here? Would anybody here date a lady boxer? They're like nope.
Speaker 3:Definitely not. If they're bigger than me and look like that, screw that. I am sorry that's not happening. No, not a chance. Yeah, I was scared of them. Yeah, not a chance.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was scared of them. Yeah, they were beating the crap out of each other. They were, and the poor girl that lost Katie, katie I don't remember.
Speaker 3:I really don't.
Speaker 2:I thought she won the fight.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't remember. What do I know?
Speaker 2:The whole thing was a hoax.
Speaker 1:It was.
Speaker 2:I take that back. It was, I take that back. It was not a hoax, but it was poorly produced, it was poorly put together, it was poorly directed.
Speaker 3:They hyped it up to something that was going to really be great and it was a complete letdown.
Speaker 2:Well, you knew Tyson in the Jake Paul part was going to be terrible.
Speaker 3:I thought it was going to kind of be better than it was and it was a complete letdown.
Speaker 2:You could see Tyson biting his glove.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I did see that.
Speaker 2:And you could see him biting his glove because he wanted to smash Jake Paul in the face and he couldn't.
Speaker 3:Because it was scripted. Yeah, there was a big thing about that.
Speaker 2:Totally scripted, yeah, yeah, yep, yep and I said it while we were watching it and everybody's like why does he keep biting his glove? Why does he keep biting his glove? Because he can't hit him and it's his left glove. And if you don't know this, mike Tyson is in fact left-handed and that's his power punch. That's what he knocks everybody out with his left hand.
Speaker 2:Because most people can't see it coming. That being said, he's biting his left glove. Every time he's got his thumb in his mouth, he's biting it. Yeah, and that's to make sure he doesn't swing and knock the guy out, because he's going to lose whatever money he made on that fight if he knocks out jake. Exactly exactly so it was.
Speaker 3:It was awful yeah, all scripted, it was uneventful. I was disappointed. I really thought they would probably just give it to him just because of him coming back from whatever he was at. He hasn't done it in a while, but it is what it is.
Speaker 2:It would have been better received by myself, and probably by most people, if it had just been a real fight. They used Mike Tyson's name To draw everybody.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I'll give you that Right.
Speaker 2:And he's standing there, he's like I gotta take this, and that's why Jake Paul didn't even really try to fight him.
Speaker 3:No, they stood there half the time, like looking at each other with their gloves up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, hey, dancing around Right For nine rounds. Yeah, two-minute rounds as well. Yes, so he lost nine minutes of that fight, right, minimum, yeah, and Tyson should have won that fight hands down, hands down. Agreed Right and you know, fixed Like, whatever you do, don't knock him out, Don't knock him out.
Speaker 1:I mean honestly Don't knock him out.
Speaker 2:Right, and he stayed by the third round. You could see Tyson just pissed, yeah, pissed. That's when he started biting his glove. I can't do it.
Speaker 3:I can't do it, don't do it, I can't do it. He's in really good shape too for his age. Come on he looked great.
Speaker 2:There is no way he lost the killer instinct that he had.
Speaker 3:No, he can't. There's no way. It's just in your blood and Jake.
Speaker 2:Paul just doesn't have it. No, I agree, and Tyson, at 58 years, should have just let him go, like if this may be the last time he's ever going to fight. They just should have let him go. But that's why it was scripted and it was for that reason. It was so that you know, I don't know what they're trying to draw attention back to. I thought, let Tyson, let them fight, watch Tyson win, draw attention back to boxing so that you can now fight MMA or compete with MMA, because MMA has got they've got everything cornered. Yeah, everybody's like MMA. It's true, they're in like 270. Right, you've had 270 matches or events. Yep, yep, there's like two a week.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's ridiculous. Yeah, they should have just done that route and let them go that way. Who's the greatest boxer in the world? Muhammad Ali? No, now, oh, now, oh, I don't know Me either.
Speaker 2:Oh that's a trick question you're asking me. I thought for sure that that's what this was supposed to do. Okay, bring boxing back to a light. Bring it back and say, hey, boxing's gonna be back on the map, here's what we're doing and it's gonna be jake paul tyson too, yeah, right, and then jake paul wins, it goes on tyson's done, right. You know? I mean, which would have been smart it probably would have been smart tyson beats jake, paul talks some smack.
Speaker 2:Paul comes in, paul beats tyson the second time and then takes on connor mcgregor and all those guys that they don't box. But at least you have something to start with, right A platform to stand on and go, yeah, and bring boxing back to the limelight, yeah, back to the forefront, and get it back to where it was supposed to be, because it's gone.
Speaker 3:It is gone. You don't hear much about boxing anymore. Honestly, you really don't.
Speaker 2:And this would have been the way to do it. And they blew it. Yeah, they sucked, yep, they did suck. Then we started watching football on sunday. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And this was the weekend where the bills played the chiefs. Yes, they just finished the game, as a matter of fact. And hayley uh steinfeld, yep, is dating j uh josh allen, yes, and taylor, swift, is dating travis, correct, neither one of them, I believe, showed up Really. Yeah.
Speaker 3:Interesting.
Speaker 2:Well, you didn't see anything on it. No, you're right.
Speaker 3:You know what I say? That there was no like oh, look at the stands and look who's here and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, no nothing.
Speaker 2:Now I'm in the middle of cleansing so I had to pee a lot, so I could have missed it while I was watching the game, but still no, I didn't see anything.
Speaker 3:It was mostly it was all game, all game, no, nothing.
Speaker 2:No, taylor Swift hasn't shown up to an away game since the Super Bowl. Huh, and the only reason she? Showed up to the Super Bowl was because it was the Super Bowl. Who would miss that nonsense.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm not a huge fan anyway, you all know that, but I don't keep tracks of her. But yeah, now that you mention it, they've not actually said anything about her.
Speaker 2:We have spoken about how. I have spoken about how the NFL has just become a circus. Yes, you have, it's all about entertainment. It's no longer about the game, it's about who. A circus? Yes, you have, it's all about entertainment. It's no longer about the game, it's about who's dating who. It's like the biggest, most exciting reality show this country has ever put on.
Speaker 3:It's so sad because I just like football. I love football, it's my favorite sport and all I want to do is play. And these new rules? It's ridiculous. Just get out there, just let them play and just have a game. I don't care what's in the stands, I don't care what celebrity's out there, I just want to watch them play the game.
Speaker 2:And smack the piss out of each other.
Speaker 3:Exactly Right. That's all I care about. Just hit each other. Yes, crush them, hit them, screw them up, rip their face off. It's so true.
Speaker 2:And they don't.
Speaker 3:That was my skrittle. Tell you that for free. It's so sad.
Speaker 2:I can't take it. I can't, I won't, I can't, I won't. Exactly, that was my skrittle. Look no further, phil. Oh, but Wow. So, and then of course, my Patriot's lost.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, that was Right now.
Speaker 2:I don't want to say it out loud, but I'm going to anyway.
Speaker 3:Oh boy.
Speaker 2:Drake May looks good. Okay, I think he looks pretty good. Okay, yeah, he's lost a bunch of games. He hasn't really lost. The Patriots' defense can't really stop anyone.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:That being said, he's put up numbers that are solid for a rookie quarterback.
Speaker 3:I will give you that Better than Mac Jones was. I will give you that Better than Mac Jones was. I will give you that. I just can't believe he looks. He's so young as he is. Like every time I look at him I'm like, oh my gosh, he's like a baby. But he actually does play very well. He's really good, he's 22. And I'm not a Patriots fan at all, At all.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we hear this every time you're on here and talk about football. We get Patriots blah, blah, blah. You're a trampy Just kidding. I stopped myself.
Speaker 3:You're so lucky.
Speaker 2:The other thing about football is Carrie Underwood has been very having the sexiest legs.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just legs people. Is this really what's going on right now?
Speaker 2:Every Sunday night I'm on the floor trying to look up her skirt.
Speaker 3:True story people. It is a situation which you all need to see. Just want to throw it out there. Yeah, picture it picture it yeah, which is bizarre. But yeah, I don't think she's got the sexiest legs at all. I mean, she's got good legs, but I can't tell you she's got the sexiest legs no, absolutely no sexiest legs I've ever seen, so that's all that matters, oh right, because you're just the one person that made up the whole decision. No, I didn't even have a vote. I know Nobody asked me that at all.
Speaker 2:All I'm saying is, the day I saw her on American Idol I was like that girl's going to win.
Speaker 3:Yes, I watched that same day when she went on to go on. I thought she had a great voice and she was really pretty. And yes, Sexiest legs.
Speaker 2:She's going to win. She just turns out to have the sexiest. If she has everything else, why can't she have the sexiest legs?
Speaker 3:Because I'm sure there's other people out there that have got better legs than her or equal to.
Speaker 2:Well, let's get them up there. Let's have a contest.
Speaker 3:I'll win the floor for that one, Listen until you told me this five seconds ago, I didn't even think this was a thing. So I don't know who's voting for her sexiest legs.
Speaker 2:Honestly, oh, it's a thing, bro.
Speaker 3:Apparently I missed that, bro, okay, according.
Speaker 2:to who this guy okay?
Speaker 3:that's okay. Who's?
Speaker 2:got two thumbs and it concerns this guy. Okay, all right, moving on. So we're down now. Let's get into a quick discussion. Now this is a news episode kind of oh so we're really. This is like ui, usa today type news episode, where it's just real quick, real quick, go rfK defects and becomes the Department of Health and Human Services. There you go. Yeah, under who? Trump, which I said months ago when I was talking about Vincent Fusca.
Speaker 3:Oh, my God, who is? We're back there again.
Speaker 2:Who is what? No one, jfk Jr. No one Nailed it.
Speaker 3:No, no one. Jfk Jr, no one Nailed it. No, no, you are out in some wild goose chase on this one. It's not the same person. It's not a wild goose chase. Okay, yes it is.
Speaker 2:This is actually happening. It's not. You're not listening. Okay, don't listen to me.
Speaker 1:I'm not, don't listen to me when I tell you that this is happening, okay.
Speaker 3:And then when it does, Let me tell you something right now. If this becomes a true thing, I will definitely make a public apology on this podcast and say I am sorry, but you know what? I'm going to bet a million dollars it ain't going to ever happen.
Speaker 2:You want me to put some gravy on those words?
Speaker 3:Oh boy, you're going to eat them, it's like an old boot.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you're going down.
Speaker 3:I don't think so. I yeah, you're going down.
Speaker 2:I don't think so. You're going down, sister.
Speaker 3:I'm not worried about it.
Speaker 2:I'm just saying that happened. First of all, what we didn't talk about was the fact that Donald Trump won the election.
Speaker 3:Yes, he's the president of the United States. He is the president future president of the United States.
Speaker 2:Well, president-elect, yes, yes, he is Yep and everybody saw that coming. Everyone absolutely zero chance why she even finished running. I mean, well, she had to do her thing, I guess. That being said, right, trump wins, congrats, yep. Whatever we don't talk about politics, who cares? We do not I find it to be stupid. Well, anyway, uh rfk defects to the republican side and becomes the uh head of the department of health and human services.
Speaker 2:That was after I said months and months ago that Vincent Fusca just keeps popping up. That being said, whatever I don't know if it's true or false, I don't. I just find it odd. Question Everything.
Speaker 3:Listen, I I think it was a good move. I am still a little leery. Here's my thought process on the whole thing. He's always been, his family's always been democratic, always, always, always, always. So for him to turn all of a sudden to go to trump. Trump elects him to do his service. Here's my thought process. I'll bet you, because trump can't run another four years, I'll bet you he runs for president under democratic and just gets all the information sucked out of the Republicans to try to run the United States.
Speaker 2:What it is is like a cycle. When his father was president, he was a Democrat, but at that point in time the Democrats were like Republicans, so JFK was more of a Republican than Republicans actually are now.
Speaker 2:I agree with you there, yes, and now Democrat Republicans are like the Democrats were then and the Democrats now are like liberal. They're like independent. They just fire off of whatever they want and they cry about it when they lose Right. So it's become crazy. It's like a cyclical thing. But JFK Sr JFK was literally a Republican when you come down to his policies. He was.
Speaker 3:I will give you that.
Speaker 2:I will give you that, yeah, and so I don't necessarily disagree with RFK going to the Republican side. But even the Republicans now are not as Republican as his uncle was when he was president. I agree, but he's at least trying.
Speaker 2:He is Yep the sheer fact that Vincent Fosco popped up. Listen, I'm not going to say that he was actually JFK, but the fact that he kept popping up and they kept talking about it is odd. And then for Robert to go to the Republican side is even more odd. It's like you were staging this. You were staging this. This was a play.
Speaker 3:It was staging this, you were staging this.
Speaker 2:This was a play, it was whatever, okay, but I called it back then. All right, we're gonna move on, we can. And now we're with that segue, that sweet ass segue, right there. We're gonna go into black friday, which is coming up. Oh god, do we have to go there? No, oh my, I don't even know why black friday actually still exists does anybody leave the house to go to Black Friday anymore.
Speaker 3:No, no, I'm going to tell you something.
Speaker 2:Amazon has it and you just have it shipped to your house. Yeah, you don't have to get up at four in the morning and go stand in line anymore at Walmart.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Listen. I worked Black Fridays years and years and years before when I got out of college.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but that's a different kind of.
Speaker 3:Black Friday. You Want to go there, do you?
Speaker 2:Anyway, that was Black Friday night, not Black Friday morning.
Speaker 3:Here we go, here we go, and your knees were always sore. Okay, that's not what we're talking about.
Speaker 2:Was it two for one.
Speaker 3:Oh.
Speaker 2:God, okay, just kidding.
Speaker 3:Anyway, yes, Black Friday is a nightmare. I worked it. I was a retail right out of college. It was the worst. I worked it. I was a retail right out of college. It was the worst. People are idiots, jerks. They would stand out line at 4 am. I would get in there at 6 am. They were still outside purchasing their tents with food. Like what are you people doing? You're not going to get any more discounts that you're going to get a week from now. Are you insane? Their rude clothes are flying everywhere.
Speaker 2:In their defense in the very beginning. That's not the way it was. That wasn't the way it was.
Speaker 3:It's always been the way it was. They think they're getting these huge discounts.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, Right in the beginning. When Black Friday first started, you got those great deals that day.
Speaker 3:Yes, and that was it. That was it Correct?
Speaker 2:Then they realized that they can extend it, of course. And now there's Cyber Monday.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, and then Tuesday, testicle Tuesday.
Speaker 2:Exactly, of course. And now there's Cyber Monday, oh yeah. And then Tuesday, testicle Tuesday, exactly, wedgie Wednesday. It's like what? The frigging frig. It's true, you just keep coming up with something else to get yourself back in the black Right. Like, put these things out all year, you don't have to have one day Right.
Speaker 3:You'll make a lot more money. I think it's why they still camp and pitch out and whatever. I still think they give them some place to give substantial discounts.
Speaker 2:Well, they give substantial discounts, Right, they give you substantial discounts on stuff you don't need.
Speaker 3:Well, that's the whole point. That's why they all Zoom Like I'm going to get this because it's like 85% off.
Speaker 2:I don't need it, but I'm going to get it because it's 85% off. Stupid, I need a new house. Where's Black?
Speaker 3:Friday in the housing segment. I don't think that's part of Black Friday.
Speaker 2:Do you know what I mean? Why can't I get a house for like 50 bucks? I would love that, exactly Awesome. Where's that shit? Where's that Black Friday That'd? Be, awesome Realtors would be happier than picking a swap.
Speaker 3:Can you imagine their commissions? Oh my god, I'll sell 4,000 of them today.
Speaker 2:Yes, I'll stay up for a weekend.
Speaker 3:So true.
Speaker 2:Or cars.
Speaker 3:Right, can you imagine we're buying?
Speaker 2:vacuums and TVs, and even a couch or a microwave, whatever. Yeah, we already have these things. We're only buying them because they're cheap.
Speaker 3:And they're cheap. That's the mentality of people. They don't get it.
Speaker 2:They're cheap because they're fucking cheap. Yeah, agreed, they're cheap, they're going to break Right In two months. So you went out, you stayed up until bacon on the stove, yep. And then you went and you got a solo stove for $200 instead of $250. Yeah, and oh my God, that's your Black Friday, and next Black Friday you're going to take that solo stove, you're going to cook over it and you're going to go get another one, because it's now $180. So true it's like this is just recycled yeah.
Speaker 2:And you people are idiots for doing it, the mentality, the people out there, and if you just look the Black Friday right around Thanksgiving even right now they're already starting oh yeah, you can find I did all my Christmas shopping already.
Speaker 3:Good for you.
Speaker 2:Because right now are when all the deals hit. That's true, right, yep? So instead of waiting till after Thanksgiving and they know you have to buy it for Christmas they just jack up the prices after that, right, yeah, they do. So that's why it's Black Friday, because you go out there, you buy all these cheap-ass products at a cheap-ass price that you're going to do again next year anyway, yep. And then after that, the stuff you actually need and want are jacked up. Yeah, it's true, and yeah, it's true, and they're making more money.
Speaker 2:That's what puts them in the black, hence Black Friday.
Speaker 3:No, I really think the discounts even the day before or the night before, like Christmas Eve, have wicked discounts. I know Public Kibble won't go shopping until Christmas Eve. There's nothing left.
Speaker 2:What are you shopping for? That's why, if you're in a position to celebrate Christmas on the 26th, that is your best bet. That's so true. It's like Valentine's Day. Always celebrate Valentine's Day on the 15th of February.
Speaker 3:Because everything's discounted.
Speaker 2:Oh, they're giving it away, they're giving it away, they're giving it away.
Speaker 3:Like 75% off.
Speaker 2:Flowers on the 13th are $120. Flowers on the 14th are $1,250. It's so true.
Speaker 3:It's like are you serious with this shit? Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Fuck you, fuck you. That really blows my shirt up.
Speaker 3:Tell you that for free, so true.
Speaker 2:I'm a dude. I celebrate Valentine's Day on the fucking 15th.
Speaker 3:It's true.
Speaker 2:That's when it should be.
Speaker 3:Yep, I agree with you.
Speaker 2:And then it brings us now.
Speaker 3:Oh boy.
Speaker 2:In order to just soothe this all away.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's going to be a lot harder now because Guy Fieri and Sammy Hagar had over a million dollars worth of their tequila stolen. I heard that who steals two trucks?
Speaker 3:Someone's having a party At the border. Someone's partying.
Speaker 2:I bet you it was Sammy Hagar. He rerouted those two trucks to Cabo. It was like yeah, yo, here we go.
Speaker 3:That's his own product. That's not making any sense.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but now he doesn't have to pay for it, he can write it off as a loss.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:It's all in accounting. You got to understand okay, it's all an accounting we gotta understand this.
Speaker 3:No, I have no idea, but it's 24 000 bottles. Yeah, it was a lot, 24 000 and change bottles of tequila, gone, gone the heck is just fucking gone, man, I want to be at that party yeah I feel like I want to call those people and be like hey, what you doing later?
Speaker 2:what are you doing you?
Speaker 3:hanging. What are you doing?
Speaker 2:You hanging out.
Speaker 3:Margaritas, margarita.
Speaker 2:I don't know how to pronounce it because I'm not Spanish, but Margarita, dos yeah, dos Tres.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's a lot of tequila gone.
Speaker 2:How do you steal two trucks at the border?
Speaker 3:And they were four days apart. It wasn't like it was two trucks together. That takes a lot one truck and then four days later another truck. It's like they had something was going on. They're definitely thinking something was going on. Someone had but why target that product? I don't know. I never even know it existed until when you told me about it. Honestly, it's called santo santos or something like that. I don't even know it existed it just seems weird.
Speaker 2:The whole thing seems weird, yeah, and it's like what?
Speaker 3:what is equal to one point?
Speaker 2:something million it's like 1.2 or 1.4 million loss.
Speaker 3:Yeah oh, it took him like 39 months to create, and now it's gone and, knowing sammy hagar, that tequila wasn't terrible I'm sure it was not it was good tequila, I'm sure it was not terrible.
Speaker 2:It was good tequila, I'm sure it was really good.
Speaker 3:Tequila, that dude loves it. I'm not a big fan of tequila, but I do like in a good margarita or if it's the Reposado, it's really good, like a quick shot it's good. It's in Respado, reposado.
Speaker 2:Alright, you nailed it. Yep, it's very good, but I'm not a huge fan because I've had those lasting impressions when you're little and you just do them and you're like, oh boy, I had to stop. The next day I had to stop drinking. So, oh, I don't even know what it's called anymore.
Speaker 3:It's been a long time.
Speaker 2:Okay, right, okay I've gotten over it. Okay, I've learned. I've learned a deal okay, yeah, all right. Good, good, you take a break, it's good, now I just put it in a yeti and nobody knows. Oh my god, what an idiot. I know, that was stupid that was stupid I tried. Not every piece of spaghetti hits the wall sticks that one definitely did not stick no, they don't always stick, whatever. So here we are, close to the end of the show. What have we learned this weekend? Anything.
Speaker 3:That someone's having a big party somewhere.
Speaker 2:I think the big takeaway from this entire weekend is that I am always right.
Speaker 3:I am not.
Speaker 2:I'm always right.
Speaker 3:I'm not going to go along with that one.
Speaker 2:I have been right about just about everything so far.
Speaker 3:Okay, we're not going to go along with that one. I have been right about just about everything so far. Okay, we're not going to go there.
Speaker 2:That's fine. Okay, we'll let the listeners figure it out.
Speaker 3:You know what Please do. Please vote to see who is right and who is wrong, and please Hold on.
Speaker 2:Please let us know if you think he's right, we're going to get Kay to put a thing up.
Speaker 3:Oh, Kay's here A pull-up.
Speaker 2:Okay, kay is here.
Speaker 3:Hey Kay.
Speaker 2:She's here, she can't talk yet, she has laryngitis right now, but she's our girl that's going to go down the rabbit holes, find out all the stuff that we need to know, and she's also going to be the one that sends out everything to you guys the trivia, that kind of stuff, the games, the prizes. You're going to get white t-shirts, plain white t-shirts, hanes and Fruit of the Loom. What? And I want to see if the Fruit of the Loom ones have the cornucopia on them. Oh, because of that. Mandela effect.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, you know what I'm going to say. They did have, because I remember seeing them when I was little.
Speaker 2:They did have the cornucopia on them. I have a black nose, yes, in fact, yes, yes, yes, he did yes, he did yes, yes he did and they're trying to tell you yeah, he didn't.
Speaker 2:I know, because people are. Plenty of people are whack. Don't even get started. Look, I'm back. I am back in full full swing. I got shit to say about everyone. Watch out people. Here he comes and I want to punch people in the mouth. I can't wait till the first caller calls and has a disagreement with me. Oh man, I'm I'm going to get arrested again.
Speaker 3:It's going to be terrible. Okay, let's just not go there. Alright, I'm not going to get arrested, okay.
Speaker 2:Seriously, I got my own opinions and they're very stout.
Speaker 3:No kidding.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I'm tired of everything. I was tired of being so vanilla. Listen, time out, time out, time out, time out, time out.
Speaker 3:You were never, ever, ever and ever will be vanilla. You may think you were vanilla. I don't think you've ever been vanilla. As long as I've known you, was I Neapolitan. You're so stupid. You're so stupid Because that's my favorite.
Speaker 2:I'm not sure which one to eat first.
Speaker 3:Oh God, I can't what, what. I'm just saying You're so stupid, I know.
Speaker 2:I'm not that bright. I told you that several times.
Speaker 3:No, you're not. Oh, my God yeah.
Speaker 2:But this was good. We didn't really have a topic. This was a great one to do. We haven't done a news kind of version in a long time. So this worked out great, yeah, and now we're going to recycle, not recycle, rebuild Okay, and come back with videos and all that stuff, like we said before Looking forward to it, yeah, and just retool and become a better podcast than we were in season two. It's okay. Season three.
Speaker 3:All steps to a good future.
Speaker 2:The other thing is I realized why we're so far off on the calendar and season two is going to be our longest season. Okay, because we started in December. A week before when we first started. Gotcha so we're two weeks off, okay, so we have an extra two weeks to fill in before we get onto the? What are we going to do? Oh my God, you can't say that. You sound like Never mind, okay, you gonna do.
Speaker 3:Oh my god, you can't say that you sound never mind. Okay, you went there.
Speaker 2:I'm asking a legit question unfortunately, I can see your face and the way you said it. The listeners can't all right, they can only hear it. It's so weird. I'm like what are we gonna do? What do you think we're gonna do? Weirdo, oh my gosh, whatever.
Speaker 3:All right, whatever we're gonna do, we're gonna do. What do you think we're going?
Speaker 2:to do weirdo. Oh my gosh. Whatever, all right. Whatever we're going to do, we're going to do it with our pants on.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, All right.
Speaker 2:You're all idiots?
Speaker 3:Of course we are.
Speaker 2:All right, everybody. That's the end of this show. Thanks so much for listening. It's been a doozy of an episode. Glad you guys tuned in and, as always, be good. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps. He does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to legendarycom. That's legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. All right guys.
Speaker 1:Thanks Be good Saki Dumi.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet that's our sponsor and you can really do some business. Alright, as always, everybody be good.
Speaker 1:Saki to me. Thank you.