
The Echoes of Betrayal

Detto Season 2 Episode 1235

Fan Mail Me Brrrruuuuunnnden

What do you do when your closest friends believe the gossip rather than reaching out for the truth? We take you on a heartfelt journey through the complicated world of rumors and misunderstandings, shedding light on the emotional hurt and isolation that ensue when trust is breached. With personal anecdotes, we explore the absurdity of how quickly misinformation can spread and the disappointment in realizing that those you once considered allies might judge too quickly. This is a raw reflection on our experiences with rumors, underscoring the importance of direct communication in times of personal crisis.

Detto and Kat provide a fresh perspective on navigating the tumult of false accusations and legal battles. We recount the emotional rollercoaster of dealing with restraining orders, electronic monitoring, and baseless claims that seemed to unravel under scrutiny. The episode reflects on the relief of being vindicated in court and the resilience required to emerge stronger from such adversity. As we celebrate small victories and personal accomplishments, we emphasize the importance of gratitude and moving forward with strength, even when faced with overwhelming negativity. Tune in for an episode that speaks to the power of truth and the resilience of the human spirit.

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Speaker 2:

Hey, everybody, welcome to.

Speaker 1:

Saki Tubi.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back everybody. One more special episode about my life till we get into the Ditto new topics, new everything Coming up clean for season three, where you're going to have video. It's going to be great. Listen here, tell me what you think. Sakitumicom, like and subscribe and talk to you in a bit. All right, guys.

Speaker 1:

Sakitumi. Hey everybody, it's to me.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, it's Ditto, welcome back. We're going to piggyback off that special episode last week. See what happens. I'm here with T-Bot, hey hey. She's my ace in the hole. I guess I don't know what else to call it.

Speaker 3:

Ace in the hole, baby Ace in the hole Last week we were talking about my overall life for the last two years right and how it went and how crazy, idiotic, stupid people are it true?

Speaker 2:

it's like I. I can't believe how fast a dumbass story catches fire come on, you can't be serious.

Speaker 3:

It's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

I know that, but it's like what in the Jesus?

Speaker 3:

I know, I know.

Speaker 2:

I can't believe. It's funny now that I'm finished with the court and all that stuff. It's funny how the stories start to come out. Oh yeah, In the last few days. It was only last Wednesday, so at this point it hasn't even been a week yet, right? Hasn't even been a full week, yep. Tomorrow will be a full week, yep. So here I am. Now people are starting to say things yes, especially because they heard the last episode, the last special episode, yep. And they're like that's not the story I heard, yep.

Speaker 3:

I'm like yeah, no shit.

Speaker 2:

Nobody came to see me.

Speaker 3:

Check on how I was doing, see if I was dead?

Speaker 2:

Nope, no one, nobody fucking cared, nope, but everybody had something to fucking say. That's the way it usually works. That's disgusting, it's terrible. People are fucking idiots. Yeah, and everybody deserves to be slapped in the mouth. Well, that's kind of harsh, but sure it's not harsh. It's not harsh. All All the people that knew me for so long and knew who I was and went along with these rumors, are you?

Speaker 3:

serious. Well that's what we talked about. I mean these people that have been your friends for a long time in your life. You know, always around you, always trusted you, judgment back then, always thought you were a good person. What? All of a sudden, your Miss X decides to start saying stuff that's not true and they immediately lose faith in you. And listen to her.

Speaker 2:

Now I had a whole Hollywood studio in the bathroom. I'm hooked on drugs, oh my God. I have sex with everyone man, woman doesn't matter, even the dog. Oh okay, that's what I heard. Nope, that's what I heard. Oh boy, that's how crazy these things have become. Oh well, yeah. And they heard nope, that's what I heard. Oh boy, that's how crazy these things have become. Oh well, yeah. And they're so far off of what was really happening and what was true. Oh yeah, and trust me, in a time like this, having to go through everything, you know what is true and what is not. Of course it's. It's like the truth shows itself. Of course right, and again, I had my side of the thing, she had her side of the truth, right and whatever. And in and in the middle is the truth Exactly Right. But the stories that are coming back now, now that people are listening to the podcast, I'm like that's not what I heard, right? That's not what I heard Right.

Speaker 3:

Well, what the fuck did you think? Well, why didn't you ask me? Why didn't you just stop?

Speaker 2:

over and say hey, you alright.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is what I'm hearing. Is this really true? I don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe it. Tell me what's going on.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why they wouldn't be on me. That's what. I'm saying it's like what are you doing, Right? Why don't you just stop over and say, hey, let's have a beer Sit? Down, I want you to tell me your side of public opinion and condemn you for something you didn't even do.

Speaker 3:

That's exactly the point. I think people just thrive on gossip, and then they just decide to spin anything they want to, and then they just it's like a miserable cesspool of people that are just miserable.

Speaker 2:

No, it's people that have to project. Oh well, yeah, I agree with you on that one Every single one of them has something to project about, because there are a bunch of them that I can just let loose on, yeah, and destroy oh yeah for what they've done, right, what they did here and what they do in their own lives, oh yeah, so where the fuck do you'd off having any kind of judgment, right, you know?

Speaker 2:

I mean seriously, and especially the people that were involved in this, yeah, pretending like they didn't, yeah, and then confiding in her yep and doing all that stuff. That's just a second level of sickness, to be friends. Yeah, it shut me out Like I'm the problem. Right, you were there too man.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, do you know what I mean? Right, actually, who's the problem?

Speaker 2:

Well, 50. I'm still 50%.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Well, which one? The one you got in trouble for? Oh, that yeah, oh yeah, like I said, I'm hearing now that I had a Hollywood studio set up in that bathroom, like there was grips, there were cameramen. Holy cow, that's how fucking crazy it's become.

Speaker 3:

That is beyond crazy.

Speaker 2:

Wild, and the entire accusation was me trying to stick it under the door. Right, right, that was me trying to stick it under the door right, right, that was it.

Speaker 3:

That was it. What the fuck do you get sticking a camera under the door?

Speaker 2:

yeah, now you got a hollywood studio in there now, all of a sudden, it's propped up, it's taped to the wall. It runs 24 7. Holy. Why would it do that? Why, right? How the hell I would have had to go in there before she even went in the shower, correct, right? I hit it, hit it Exactly. I'm sorry. I don't care who. You are Right, if you can't see a phone videotaping you, yeah that's, you're an idiot.

Speaker 3:

You are an idiot and you deserve to be videotaped, exactly.

Speaker 2:

It's like and me even myself and the police said this to me. You know this is girl would do a grown man? Would go stick a hidden camera in there somewhere? Exactly you wouldn't see a phone under the door. Right, and he's a hundred percent right if I really wanted to see that girl naked.

Speaker 2:

Right, I had a hidden camera somewhere, exactly, which I didn't exactly. So I I didn't do that, right, I didn't do any of it. Of course I didn't hide a hidden camera. I didn't put my phone in there, it wasn't running while she was in the shower, right, and I didn't even try and stick it under the door. But there was a trend on TikTok.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes, good old TikTok.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and they would stick their dogs in a room, okay, and they would stick their cameras under the door, oh. Now, up until maybe two, three weeks ago, yep, I never had tiktok. I only got it because of this podcast, right? I hate, I loathe social media. Yeah, especially TikTok.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I didn't want it. I still don't want it, yeah, but it seems to be the biggest way to get your brand out there, yep.

Speaker 3:

Right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I caved. Yeah, but that was only two or three weeks ago, right, this happened two years ago, right? Right, I had no idea what the hell was on TikTok and I didn't care.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know who did, though 14 year old girl.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, it's all that younger crowd, yep, they thrive on it.

Speaker 2:

You know who would have seen a trend? A 14 year old girl. You know who made that up. A lying 14 year old girl pretty much and the entire time. The one thing I didn't want to do was put her on the stand I know, did I mean? So here I am still thinking about everybody else and their feelings and stuff. I know, and yet I'm this drugged out.

Speaker 3:

Uh, hollywood movie making producer oh my, that just seriously cracks me yeah who is manipulative?

Speaker 2:

and oh, but I am manipulative, oh I am oh, yep, okay do I? Do I ever encourage you to do anything? Yes, you do does it work out for the better? Yes, that's manipulation okay, well, so yes I am manipulative, absolutely well, yeah, do I do it to make you do stuff that you don't want to do or make you feel stupid? No, I didn't think so. But to say I'm not manipulative would be a lie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but that's just, I guess, reaching, because I don't think it's. I think it's also when you, but I see your point. I do see your point because there's two words for it. Isn't it like giving someone encouragement, encouragement and manipulation kind of go hand in hand, but in a negative way? You're right, if someone's being negative about it, they're going to think you're manipulating them, correct?

Speaker 2:

Yes, there are two different directions of manipulation and I basically tend to go towards the better side of manipulation. Of course you can do it.

Speaker 3:

Just go do this.

Speaker 2:

Want me to hold the door for you? Here you go. Oh, thank you, you're welcome. Let me get you this coffee, all right? That's manipulation. Yeah, that's what it is. I'm not manipulating anybody to do anything for the betterment of me, right? I'm manipulating people to do things for the betterment of them, right? So, and even x? Uh, when we first started out, she had like a 12 an hour job. She had seven dollars in the bank. She had a 400 450 car payment a month and I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, it's like let's, this is what we got to do here. Let's, I'll help you. Let's do this right and turn it around where she's making like 130 grand now, wow, a year she drives her own car and it's paid off. Wow, because I supported her and I manipulated her into doing that, right? So, yes, the answer is yeah, I am manipulative, 100%. I don't like to brag about myself because I'm not better than anybody. I don't think I am. I don't act like it. I wear clothes that have holes in them.

Speaker 2:

That's for sure, I look like a bum all the time, pretty much Because I'm not better than anybody Right, and to hear these things said about me, oh God All this stuff.

Speaker 2:

Awful, when every single one of those people, yeah, especially the island of misfits, yeah, they would call me something's wrong. Can you come fix this door? Can you help me with this trim? You do this? Can you give me a hand? Yeah, all right, all right, all right, okay, I'm constantly finding time to go do all kinds of things for everyone else, right, and I hope to god that they are understanding that and they're, every once in a while, just like I should call. Like, oh, I can't call that. Oh, yeah, sugar, honey, iced tea. Wish I didn't make that decision. Right, it's like's, like good, that's your penance, that is, for being an idiot. Wow, Because I have no use for you anymore. Right, and even if you did call, it's too late, I ain't coming. Yeah, because, as far as I'm concerned, you're dead.

Speaker 3:

You died, don't blame me on that one.

Speaker 2:

You have died.

Speaker 3:

Yep, don't blame me on that one.

Speaker 1:

I've noticed that certain people are listening, yeah To the last two episodes. Yep, I agree, and it's funny yeah.

Speaker 2:

So here we are now at these crossroads, and I'm like everything will start coming out now.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And I love I didn't start this podcast to have this ability. That's not what this was about. No, you.

Speaker 2:

This started as a conversation between Casey and I, right In a transition in life. Right, she had her issues going on, I had my issues going on and we weren't sure what the hell this was going to happen. So I just looked at her one day. I was like, let's just start a podcast. She was like, well, how are we going to do this? I have no idea. Yeah, there's only one way to find out. Let's do something positive before everything goes to hell in a handbasket. Right, right, and we did and that's how we got here. But my having this ability now to say things where people can hear it and people all over the world, right.

Speaker 3:

There's like everywhere.

Speaker 2:

There's 215 cities that are listening to us. That's awesome. That's incredible. That is awesome. I love it. I'm honored.

Speaker 3:

I know. Thank you, that's just awesome for us.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, but the sheer fact that we added you and Keebler has been a blessing. Yeah, because you add a lot to this show. Thank you, you're welcome. Everybody likes all three of us and then and then they're okay with you.

Speaker 3:

And there it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. But why is it that people have to be so negative all the time?

Speaker 3:

I think they're just miserable. That's why.

Speaker 2:

Or is it because they do things and hide it and then feel bad when they project?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I'd have to think about that a little more. I don't know. I think if you're going to start saying things that aren't true in a situation, you've got to be miserable and or just going along with the flow about, or sticking up for the other person, I don't. I don't know how anyone in life actually can just, well, I have to take that back. There are people out there that just spread rumors and whatever. No, like not to take that back. There are people out there that just spread rumors and whatever, but I don't understand how. I guess it bothers me too, because I know all these people out there that you're friends with and they just stop talking to you. They never gave you the time of day.

Speaker 2:

I'm hesitating to say friends anymore. No, I'm I, You're right, they're not anymore In fact, the ones that really hurt are beginning to hear about it. Yeah, I've started doing several things. Yeah, just to say goodbye.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2:

Don't call me ever again. Yep, Don't think about if this ever gets better. That it's, I'm not. I'm going to forget about it. Right, Because I am not Right. Not only am I not going to forget about it. The one thing that's worse than a scorned woman is a. Well, you got Leo. That's what I was looking for. He's a Leo. I won't go out of my way to make problems, but I will not fucking forget it.

Speaker 3:

Of course not.

Speaker 2:

It's hard too, in this situation also, I mean it's, and you've had conversations with certain people, oh yeah, that have literally said they were going to do something and then not do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they haven't done it. Right, it got wow, well you yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why people even bothered then because those are the people that have the biggest skeletons in the closet oh, you're probably right about that and are afraid of what I'm going to do probably right about that because the other, the other part of me is if I have to, I have no qualms as you shouldn't. If you don't provoke me, you're fine, right, but if you do, which well?

Speaker 3:

they already have.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was gonna say but it's to the point where it's like it's not worth it right now.

Speaker 3:

Right, there's no reason for it.

Speaker 2:

What's it going to do for me? Right?

Speaker 3:

Nothing yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it's like, yeah, just let it go. Yep, but one more thing Piss off dude. Yeah, watch this. I can step on you. I know, sorry, that's to wet my whistle. Got a lot of dust in there today from cutting out those windows.

Speaker 3:

Oh boy.

Speaker 2:

Got a lot done today.

Speaker 3:

Oh good.

Speaker 2:

Did all my laundry.

Speaker 3:

Stop it.

Speaker 2:

Got work done on the project Good Podcasting.

Speaker 3:

Productive day.

Speaker 2:

Cleaned the kitchen again. And there was one other thing. Oh, the next episode honestly was a piece of shit.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I had to figure out how to fix it. You mentioned that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I hope it comes out all right. I'm sure it will so, and I promoted everything Cool.

Speaker 3:

So that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

I had a lot. I got a lot done already, and I still have more to do. As we sit here and just take a break for a little while, the uh back to what we. Right. It's just nuts how people are so stupid. Out of this whole situation, this is the worst situation in my life, possible Entire life Agree. This is I was facing 15 felony charges. I know that's a total of 81 years. I know that's what X accused me of. Wow, out of those 81 years, I got zero.

Speaker 3:

I know.

Speaker 2:

Out of those 81 years, they all got reduced to things that don't even have to do with what happened Exactly.

Speaker 3:

That's the best part.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's like are you serious? And the only thing, the only reason that I have those is because I chose to take them Right. It was a plea, mm-hmm, and I could have sat there and spent the extra money and went to court, right, and fought against it, yep, and most likely had it thrown out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Right, but why? But why it's been dragging on for so long the state had nothing. No, they had absolutely nothing.

Speaker 2:

They had nothing, they couldn't do anything about it, they couldn't even figure out the warrants Exactly, exactly. That's how stupid they are. That's what kind of stupid, idiotic accusations were made against me. Yeah, and then the stories grew from there. Oh yeah, and I'm like, thank god, yeah, but an extra 30 grand would have also put a minor on the stand with actually three of them. Yeah, we put three of them on there, right? So, people, you're welcome. You're welcome because I could have done it and I would have won.

Speaker 3:

True story. I would have won. That's a true story.

Speaker 2:

I would have won Count your blessings, people. Yes, I chose to take the plea, which it was right, in the middle of having everything thrown out or getting some sort of steeper punishment if I had gone to trial, because all it takes is a jury that wants to find me guilty. That's it Right, yep? So it's like I either put that law in their hand and take my chances but my attorney was great.

Speaker 2:

They killed it. They did. That's awesome. They're like this is stupid. I mean, she targeted you. It's clear that she targeted you. Everything she did she did on purpose yep, and we can prove it. And she has lied about all this. The only thing there was a couple things where they're like is it really you? Is it not really you? Is it really you? Is it not really you? Did you really do this? Did you not really do this? Questionable, yeah, questionable, they said. Imagine a human being has what? 32 teeth.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I think.

Speaker 2:

We have 28. They have four. We have to avoid getting bit by one, all right. So if you go to a trial, okay, if you get bit by one tooth, you basically get them all. Ah, so it's like you're going to give me this little plea deal, yep, where it's all misdemeanors. I get the thing cut off Right and I'm out Right. I I'm pretty sure that's a no brainer.

Speaker 3:

That's a win-win. That's a no brainer Yep.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I took it. It wasn't worth the risk, didn't? It wasn't worth the reward, right, just to get them all thrown out and say, ha, I had them thrown out, right. It wasn't worth it, in case it had gone the other way.

Speaker 3:

Yes, right, right, I've got basically, like it got thrown out pretty much, pretty much, because they had nothing. They had nothing right they couldn't prove anything.

Speaker 2:

No, they couldn't prove it because it didn't happen. Can't prove something that doesn't happen, yeah. And then out of that, with all those things, all of the accusations and the 15 felonies that I was facing, these stories grew. Oh, because the story was told and it was retold and telephone you know how, know how that goes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes, sirree.

Speaker 2:

And all of a sudden I'm hearing the comeback.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, and what happened?

Speaker 2:

Right and everything. And I was with my buddy the other day. He's been on the show Jay Yep. We were driving around and I played the episode for him Yep, and he looks at me. Is that really what happened? I was like, yeah, you can read the warrants, right, which at some point I want to sit here and actually read the warrants, okay. So anybody that listens can realize how ridiculous it was.

Speaker 3:

Huh, it was absurd. Yeah, no, that's a great idea.

Speaker 2:

But he was listening to the episode. He's like that's not what I heard. I was like I'm sure have you heard. Hold on, I'll get to that in a minute. I'm like I'm sure it's not what you heard. Yeah, this is what happened, Right, this is how it went Right. I'll let you read the warrants and the statements and everything every piece of paper I have that she falsified.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah and lied.

Speaker 2:

And so the story breaks out, or these, these stories break out. He's like, oh well, I heard you did this and you were doing this too. I was like not really my friend, not really, wow, Did you hear? You're out and about in and around our circle, right? Did you hear anything that you were like, no, that's ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

I mean I I actually I'm sure I did. We talked about it, but right now I can't. I mean I remember them. I definitely basically piggyback on what Jay said, that they heard different things and that you were following her all over the place. You were stalking her. Ridiculous crap, I'm like. Are you serious people?

Speaker 2:

I haven't had an ounce of interaction with her since the divorce.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, I definitely haven't had that, Nope.

Speaker 2:

No messages.

Speaker 3:

Nope, no letters.

Speaker 2:

No phone calls. Why would you?

Speaker 3:

Why would you want to be around evil?

Speaker 2:

I don't want to be around somebody that doesn't want to be around me, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what I mean. Right, you wanted to get out this bad. Right, bye-bye, go, my God. And the craziest part is I'll be fine. Of course you will. I'll be fine, right, which turns out, I am. Yes, the worst part about everything the best part about everything is that you guys were here for me. You guys were here, and without that I don't know what the hell would happen. But the worst part about it was the entire court's dates and all that stuff and the fact that she kept trying to piggyback it?

Speaker 2:

Oh God yeah, Because she had nothing Until I got that electric monitoring device on me, yeah, and I showed the court. I was like I don't do this Right, I'm not doing this Right, I'm not driving by her house. That's what I want to say. Okay, this person X buys a house closer to where I live. That's stupid as that's stupid, as scared as she is of me, right, and as awful as I am. Oh mean, this broad moves closer, right. What is going on? How do you even rationalize that?

Speaker 3:

When you told me that I was like are you kidding me? She moves close to me, Right, but you're so evil and you need to get away from me and you're just a rotten person and I'm scared she lives less than half a mile away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay I'm so dangerous, so dangerous and on top of that, moves, make sure that I'm not notified. The original uh protective orders and restraining orders yeah, were for a completely different address, oh yeah I remember that old debauchery, completely, completely for all I know, I could have driven by the house, of course I could have.

Speaker 3:

How would you have known?

Speaker 2:

I would have known. I didn't know. No, how would you have known I?

Speaker 3:

didn't right. That's my point.

Speaker 2:

That's probably how she got any kind of videos of any truck at all right exact grass. I don't know if she has mine or not, because I never watched him, but right uh, unbelievable I mean, she's literally.

Speaker 3:

She's literally grasping at straws because she knew the story. The horrific story she made up about you wasn't going to stick, so she had to have a backup plan well, we talked about that last time yes, yes, sorry, I didn't mean to repeat it, but no, she had to stack it yeah because, in connecticut, if I had just gone to court for that one thing for the phone under the door it would have been thrown out in two seconds, no kidding.

Speaker 2:

What happens, though, is, if you can continuously call which is fucked up that you can just call and accuse somebody of something Yep, and the sheer fact that they got a warrant in one day. Yeah, you have to apply for a warrant, and it takes a judge like a week to sign it? Of course it does they walked right up there said sign this please. They woke him up out of bed right, here's a coffee. Can you sign?

Speaker 2:

this here's a donut seriously here's your slippers fuck yeah uh, and got those things, and it was always four or five days before my next court date yep every single time it was like clockwork. Yep, the week before I'd start getting nervous looking over my shoulder. Looking over my shoulder.

Speaker 3:

I know.

Speaker 2:

Are they here? Are they here? Then they pulled me out of the bathroom.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, I know that.

Speaker 2:

Pants down. Awful, yeah, it was embarrassing. Awful, awful. They did so many things wrong, which leads me to believe that there was something happening. Of course there was, but that being said, how do you violate a restraining order you don't know about?

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Not once did I drive by the address. It was originally for Right and that was my argument in court. I was like I never drove by this. She never called and said he's driving by my house, yeah, over the original address, which they were all made out for right. As soon as she moves, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam and it ain't closer. If you can't tell me that this bitch be making stuff up.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, come on, come on oh gosh, it's actually when it was awful. You're going through it now, but now we're talking about it rationalizing it. It's ridiculously stupid Like unbelievably stupid, listen.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't believe I had to defend myself against this nonsense. That's another part. And the other biggest thing, you know, when somebody's not guilty, when they don't defend themselves, right.

Speaker 1:

It just didn't happen.

Speaker 3:

Right, I don't know what to tell you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what do you want me to say? Yeah I got nothing. Yeah, like I'm supposed to. How am I supposed to defend something that didn't happen? And what you do? You start making it up. Now you look guilty. Now you look guilty, right, exactly. But it's like if you just shut the fuck up, yeah, sit there and be like, yeah, did she go away in a few minutes this is stupid, right didn't?

Speaker 2:

go away in a few minutes, though took forever the nonsense. But yeah, she accused me of all that stuff, then moves closer, starts trying to stack it and the state looked at it like are you serious? Then she wrote that letter oh yeah, in court, and the judge was looking at me, give me this wry smile yeah he's like, yeah, this is just an angry ex-wife definitely this is just an angry ex-wife.

Speaker 2:

You can tell by the verbiage she she's using. She wants to make you look as bad as possible. And you're standing here and you're like yes, your honor, thank you your honor, no, your honor, whatever, using your manners and you don't look like an idiot.

Speaker 3:

It makes her look like she's insane.

Speaker 2:

It's exactly what it did. It totally makes her look insane. Part of me wishes you guys were there to see it looking insane. Part of me wishes you guys were there, yeah, to see it. Right. I went the last three times. I went myself. Yeah, the first time I went to the uh uh attorney's office and I sat down with him right to to discuss what we were gonna do. Yep, and so, while we're there, it was just me by myself and they they gave me the uh, I don't know, overall feeling that sure you know it's better than just you yeah, yeah, so I was like all right, the next time I had to go myself yep, which was fine and it got.

Speaker 2:

I thought I was going to trial. Okay, I picked trial. Yes, you did. Everybody in that pre-trial courtroom took a plea, right? I looked at the judge and I said I want to go to trial. She looked at me like I had four heads. She couldn't believe it, right? I said I didn't do this. No, I'm not going to take a plea. I don't deserve. No, you shouldn't. I'm not, I'm not going to have a felony and I'm not going to go to jail fuck you definitely not so I said I'm going to trial.

Speaker 2:

Yep, she looked at me. We go to trial. The first time the judge looks at the state and says get the fuck out of here with this. What is this nonsense? Give me a murderer seriously he looked, basically looked at where is the crime? Yeah, where is the crime? Right, this is a, he said. She said thing yep, I'm not trying this. Exactly how stupid it was, can?

Speaker 3:

you imagine I felt.

Speaker 2:

I felt bad for the egg on x's face, right for the judge and what he said, right and then. But obviously she wasn't there to see it. No, of course not. Because she had the victim's advocate Right and anyway. That being said, it all worked out. It did Well, and I'm just aggravated with everybody that left and believed all the hype of what went on because it's so ridiculously stupid. It is ridiculously stupid that the honest truth will not compare to all those rumors.

Speaker 3:

Truth will not compare to all those rumors Right.

Speaker 2:

It'll be a letdown. It will be. It'll be a fucking letdown. The only thing I hope it does is make her look like a lying idiot. Well, I'm pretty sure, because she did.

Speaker 3:

It's pretty much already looking like she's a liar and idiot.

Speaker 2:

And now she gets what she deserves. Yeah, for doing this, yep, and using her child as a weapon Right, which is even worse Because I was the only one that had any kind of concern for putting her on the stand. If she did, she's an idiot for doing it Right, and if she doesn't, she just lied about everything. So she was stuck Right. What are you doing? You're going to put your daughter on a stand, right? What are you an idiot, right? Oh, if you don't, you lied about everything Yep, so everything, yep. So I basically saved them, right, you did, by taking the plea right. I also saved myself 30 grand, which is what it was really about right, right right maybe even 40, I don't even know.

Speaker 2:

And then the other two. I saved them by not putting them up there.

Speaker 3:

That's true, which part of me really wanted to do, I know but that would have caused problems and put me in a worse position at that point you were at yes, now it's open, now it's, and now it worked out the way it was supposed to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nope, this should have been like this two years ago. Oh, I agree, it's been a waste of time. This was a waste of time and way too long. Way too long for something To get to this fucking point Ridiculousness Absolutely ridiculous and, like I said, all the other stuff that comes with it, all her friends and family that she confides in. Oh boy Stabbed her in the back. Oh boy, oh, that sucks for her.

Speaker 3:

Shit's going to hit the fan.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a rude way to end the war. This is why you don't do this stuff. This is why you don't do this. What an idiot Listen let's go back to just get divorced.

Speaker 3:

Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bye-bye. She actually the other thing I heard. She actually called people, some of my ex-girlfriends, and asked if I was a stalker. Oh my God, that's why she ended up having to put that tracking device in her own car.

Speaker 3:

What kind of fucking idiot are you Holy shit, I know.

Speaker 2:

And she went on and she stuck up for this lie the entire time.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait to blow it up. This should be a little sitcom. That's what I'm trying to make it.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally trying to make it a sitcom.

Speaker 3:

I'm listening to this stuff now and I'm like oh my. God, what an idiot, what an idiot.

Speaker 2:

This is my friend Moron. Anyway, we are way over time.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

I had some left. I had a lot left on the cycle here, Yep Okay, so had to use it. We got one more. Stick it out there and then I can start fresh with new episodes.

Speaker 3:

Can't wait. Hell yeah, Hell yeah, we got to get another topic too.

Speaker 2:

So go sit in your room and do your homework, because Diddy's dead. Anyway, that's it for now. All right guys. Thank you so much for stopping by and listening again. This is the last special episode, not the end of this topic, but the last special episode, and this was only to run out all the time. So, as always, be good. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. I want to give a shout out to my buddy, larry over at Legendary Graphics. He designed our logo for us. It came out fantastic. He does wraps, he does all kinds of customized stuff for you. If you get a chance, go to Legendarycom. That's Legendarycom. Check it out for anything you need. All right guys, thanks, be good.

Speaker 1:

Saki to me.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemb, all right, as always, everybody be good.

Speaker 1:

Saki to me.

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