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The Marriage Dilemma
What if the choices you make in a moment of spontaneity could change the entire trajectory of your life? Join me, Detto, and my co-host T-Bot as we unravel the story of my impulsive wedding in Edgartown, Massachusetts, and the unexpected journey that followed. From a second unofficial ceremony to the challenges and shared responsibilities of marriage, we explore the concept of the "seven-year itch" and how a seemingly small decision in January 2023 led to profound life changes. Through raw and honest conversation, we peel back the layers of marriage and reflect on the intricacies of personal growth and relationship dynamics.
In a world where truth and deception are often blurred, hear my harrowing account of surviving a toxic relationship riddled with manipulation and wrongful accusations. Imagine being painted as the antagonist while enduring emotional and physical abuse at the hands of a partner exhibiting narcissistic traits. We lay bare the betrayal and public embarrassment inflicted by the accuser, illustrating the frustrations of battling lies and misunderstandings. This episode is a gripping narrative of resilience as we confront the harsh realities of toxic partnerships and the struggle to reclaim one's identity and truth.
As the story unfolds, we navigate the aftermath of a deceitful plan, where legal battles and strategic victories become part of the journey toward healing and moving forward. With multiple arrests and opposition attempts to derail progress, the saga continues with the unwavering support of friends and family. Hinting at larger plans on the horizon, we invite you to engage with us—share your thoughts and feedback as we continue this narrative of resilience, personal growth, and the relentless pursuit of truth.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
Hey, everybody, welcome to. Saki Tubi. Hey everybody, you already learned the life of Ditto. I don't blame you for not wanting to, but here it comes anyway. Just kidding, I've been reserved, haven't been full-on Ditto. I can do that now. Listen to this episode and figure out why. All right guys Talk to you in a few. Saki-domi.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. We're back with a special episode. It's a little bit more about myself than anything else To let you guys know that I've been reserved, been a little reserved, and I'll tell you why. Now I've got T-Bot with me, hey, hey, and we're going to go through everything. I had some life. I don't know what. Do you even call it. Issues Like changing Life, changing issues? Yep, and it was nuts. It was nuts. Nuts is an understatement.
Speaker 3:It has changed everything.
Speaker 2:Yes, and you've seen it Been here Like I proved it to you.
Speaker 2:I wasn't just lying to you. No, all right, I got married in 2016. Okay, I got married in Eggertown, massachusetts. Yep, it was a kind of an elope type thing. It wasn't preempted, we just did it on a whim. We went and got married and then we threw another ceremony or party the following year in August. So I got married Columbus Day weekend, yes, where I went to Martha's Vineyard every year with a bunch of my friends. Yep, you did Stuff like that. Yep, I actually got married in the Eggertown Town Hall. Yep, the same place Jaws was filmed, that's right. You did say that Crazy right Crazy.
Speaker 2:And 10 months later, in August, we had our reception, which was at a place that held as many people as I could invite, and it was great, hot as hell. It was great, and even that we had a fake kind of wedding with a Judas priest. Yeah, he was not a priest, no he was. Oh, that was legit. What from a comic book?
Speaker 3:technically, technically, I need two divorces, not even kidding.
Speaker 2:I need your story, I never thought about that you're right, uh, but I don't. I don't think we actually ever filed the second one.
Speaker 2:I got you, I got you but that's where everybody thinks it is right, right, and that starts us out, thinks it is Right, right, and that starts us out with our lies, right, yes, yeah, we didn't really lie. We didn't tell everybody the truth. Well, and a lot of people thought that that was the wedding. Oh, my God, your wedding was so fun, right, a little be notes to them. We had already been married in Eggertown, massachusetts 10 months ago which was really nice. That's the best part of this story, though.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Yep, okay, anyway, we come home and blah, blah, blah Life starts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, life starts Right. And I loved my wife. I did, I loved it. I loved being married Okay, I really did. I enjoyed being married to her. I enjoyed being married period really did I enjoyed being married to her. I enjoyed being married period like it was. I thought it was great. Okay, I was not the greatest husband. Okay, not gonna lie. Uh, into every relationship there's like a 50 50 thing. Of course there has to be. I am 50 of the issue of the problem. That's right. So I don't want to start off going like I'm just going to go at anything. I want everybody to know I'm 50% of this problem. Say it in an outlet I did a lot of things wrong, could have done things better, could have, could have ended up better.
Speaker 2:But, I screwed up. Yeah, I screwed up.
Speaker 3:Takes two to party.
Speaker 2:It takes more than two to party. Takes two to tango, three to party Get. It takes more than two to party. It takes two to tango, three to party Get.
Speaker 3:That right Come on T-Bot Fine Come on T-Bot Fine. All right.
Speaker 2:And so we come along and we're going, and we're going, and we're going and things are crazy. Things are crazy and without getting into too much detail or pointing fingers at anybody or doing anything wrong or saying anything wrong, we come up and we're getting to a point in time where things are weird, things are changing and things are weird. It's like the seven year itch.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I don't know if you know what that is. No, I've been there, done that.
Speaker 2:That's when most married couples start to get like a weird feeling.
Speaker 3:Yes, correct, correct.
Speaker 2:We were married for about six or seven years and on January 17th 2023, everything exploded. I don't even know how. Still to this day, I don't know how. And again, things I did. Probably, if I had done one thing differently, I probably would have changed the course of the entire relationship.
Speaker 3:Maybe you can't completely say it was something you may have done to change it.
Speaker 2:No, it's that butterfly effect, correct. Do you know what I mean? Yes, and at that point, if I had done one thing, different things would have gone a different direction. Okay, no matter what. Okay, whether it was way far off or whether it was just like a oh, I got what you're saying, little fork in the road, gotcha. But I mean I screwed up. But so did she. Yes, again, it takes two. So did she? Yep. So her name is X, her name is X. Her name is X.
Speaker 3:I like X.
Speaker 2:It's easier to say. It's easier to say. Right Yep Her name is just X. We can call her other things. What we're going to do here I know, fine, I'll play nice.
Speaker 2:But on that January 17th, 2023, everything changed and X wanted desperately to get into my phone. Yes, that's what you told me. For like two or three years, mm-hmm Kept asking Can I see your phone? Can I see your phone? Like no, I was like the fact that you keep asking makes me want to show it to you. Less Right, correct, do you know what I mean? Right Like you're, you are just looking to have something wrong. Right, that's what you're doing. Non-trust issues, it's trust issues. Right, that's what it was. Yep, yep. And so I'm like no, I'm not showing you, forget this. And the more she asked, the more I resisted and said no until January 17th. January 17th, she accused me of putting my phone under the door and taking pictures of her daughter in the shower.
Speaker 3:Jesus, yes, I've been there with you the whole entire time You've been here.
Speaker 2:Yes, so has Casey. Yes, casey knows the whole story, also Correct, and so I was hoping she was here tonight. But she's not. Okay, it's all right, it's all right, she had things to do, but it was crazy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that was crazy.
Speaker 2:I'm sitting there at dinner and the kids are downstairs in the basement, taking apart the entire basement because we were going to redo it. Right, that was the next big project. Yep, to redo it right, that was the next big project. Yep, so I'm down, I'm up and down, up and down, up and down. Uh, as I, they're down there.
Speaker 2:My former stepdaughter and my son are tearing wallpaper and flooring and all that stuff up yep I go upstairs, I'm sitting there somehow, some way, which to this day, I still don't know what happened. Yeah, and from day one I've said look, I don't know what the hell happened, all I know is.
Speaker 3:I didn't do this happened.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and from day one I've said look, I don't know what the hell happened. All I know is I didn't do this. Right, you have said that from day one.
Speaker 3:That's all I know. You have said that.
Speaker 2:I still don't know what happened, Mm-hmm. Next thing I know, roughly quarter to nine, nine o'clock at night, X is standing in the doorway of the kitchen and foyer and saying I need to speak with you. Hmm.
Speaker 2:Like what for? Can I speak to you in our bedroom? This is weird, yeah. So I go upstairs with her and she's like my daughter told me you were taking pictures of her under the door. I looked at her. I was like what? She goes, open your phone and show me I'm not opening my phone. She's like open your phone and show me you didn't do it. I was like I can show you I didn't do it, but I'm not opening my phone. I'm not falling for this. This is a ploy. She goes and gets her daughter. Her daughter walks into the room crying uncontrollably what the fuck is going on here? What is going on here? She says if you don't show me your phone, I'm calling the police. I looked right at her and said call the police, call them. I didn't take pictures of your daughter under a door.
Speaker 2:I just didn't do it, I know. So she calls the police. The police come. I give them everything. Show my entire phone. They wanted my phone. I don't know why.
Speaker 3:Why mine?
Speaker 2:Right, why mine? Only Right? Four other iPhones in the house, yes, why mine?
Speaker 3:Right, right, exactly, should have taken all of them.
Speaker 2:They should have taken all of them.
Speaker 3:They didn't, nope, not only did they not take them all, they took mine illegally?
Speaker 2:Yes, they did. I showed them. They had no probable cause. They didn't arrest me and I said no, and they took it Right, they took it.
Speaker 3:They violated my rights. No warrant, no nothing.
Speaker 2:That's right. So since then, for no reason, I've been in court.
Speaker 3:Yes, you have.
Speaker 2:I just got out of it today.
Speaker 3:Woo Woo.
Speaker 2:Today was the end of it.
Speaker 3:Today is a celebration.
Speaker 2:And stick it to you ex no offense Big time. Yeah, Because she got nothing out of it.
Speaker 3:Nope, she did not, she did not. Well, when you fabricate something that's not real, what do you expect to get out of it?
Speaker 2:Well, that's what I mean. That's what I mean. Right, like you made this up, I didn't do this. No, your daughter basically lied Pretty much.
Speaker 3:Or you lied about it. Both of them did to create this synopsis of bullshit.
Speaker 2:Yep, and now I'm on the hook and then at court I go through that and they're like the state's like yeah, we don't have enough evidence.
Speaker 3:We don't have anything, because there's nothing there.
Speaker 2:Because it didn't happen, none of it. It was unbelievable, and I had to sit there and listen to a victim's advocate read a letter that sucks About how terrible I am as a human being.
Speaker 3:That's awful.
Speaker 2:So you were with me for 13 years.
Speaker 3:Yes, I have been.
Speaker 2:Not you. Not you as a friend.
Speaker 3:Well, I'm talking about X, oh.
Speaker 2:X. Okay, I have been, not you as a friend.
Speaker 3:I'm talking about X, oh, x. Okay, let's keep it together.
Speaker 2:Jesus Christ, yes, please. You were with me for 13 years and you just found out now that I'm this horrible human being. Yeah, and she had to have this I don't know victim advocate go there because she was afraid for her life.
Speaker 3:I cannot believe it when you told me that I was the one that was abused.
Speaker 2:I was the one I never said anything because, dudes, guys, you don't tell anybody, you're getting beat up. She beat me all the time you did say that she got so drunk all the time she would beat me jesus and then she wouldn't remember what the hell happened and tell me I was gaslighting her. Oh boy, I'm like how do you fight against this Right?
Speaker 3:How do? You fight against this, yeah Right.
Speaker 2:No, x, really you did this. This really happened. No, no, it didn't. No, it didn't.
Speaker 3:I'm like uh-oh, all right, cool, and she would end so mad where I would just be like, well, screw you, and I'd walk away and not talk to her right so, and now I'm considered the narcissist, but I'm struggling to understand why. Yeah, that's a hard one. Am I a narcissist? No, why not? It's just not who you are, it's just I know that yeah, you don't play that victim. You don't play that. That's not who you are. I'm not the victim you're not the victim, I'm.
Speaker 2:That's not who you are. I'm not the victim. You're not the victim, I'm half of the fucking problem. Okay, yes, I'm not the victim, right? I want to make that very fucking clear. Correct, all right, this is not me playing a victim role, which was said in the letter that was read today, plus many other things that we will get into in a few minutes. Oh boy, that letter was appalling, absolutely appalling.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you mentioned that.
Speaker 2:She was pissed that it went the way it went, because that's the way it was supposed to go.
Speaker 3:Because it was nothing that was going to happen to you, because it was a fabrication, because it wasn't real.
Speaker 2:She lied about everything and she lied to everyone about it Exactly, and here's how I know this. She called DCF on her best friend and lied about it and said to me we're taking this one to the grave. Wow, I actually told her friend that she did it. I turned on her and said, yep. I was like you can't get away with this stuff. No, you can't do this over and over again and think you can, nope. So I turned on her. There are certain people that you don't turn on.
Speaker 3:Yes, you don't snit.
Speaker 2:But there are certain people that you're just bad, you're a horrible person, correct. So you're going down Right, right, right. So I told her friend that she did it.
Speaker 3:Good for you.
Speaker 2:Because she did, she did, she fucking called DCF and screwed that girl's life up. Yeah.
Speaker 3:And DCF is bad.
Speaker 2:She also stole $12,000 from me.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you told me that when I was kind of shocked about that one. Yep, and this is the stuff she won't tell anybody, no, but yet I look like the liar.
Speaker 2:Of course, right, I'm the manipulator. Yep, I'm the evil one.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah.
Speaker 2:And so there are several other things that I can go on and on about which I won't, but these are just some of the topics that I can prove that she's a drunken liar. Yeah, it doesn't remember what happened. She got so drunk one night she fell down and smashed her teeth out of her mouth. You did tell me that for two days she had to sit there until monday, my god and go to the dentist and have new teeth put in her front. Teeth are fake oh my god yes, that's true, holy.
Speaker 2:So if that's true, tell me. Am I lying?
Speaker 3:definitely not yeah, she would fall asleep at bars. I personally witnessed that one.
Speaker 2:Thank you, oh yeah she would pass out at bars Embarrassing. There was one time she passed out at a bar that we were all at and then one of our friends put sunglasses on her. This is a true story. It is a true story. Put sunglasses on her so nobody would say anything, exactly so they wouldn't see your eyes.
Speaker 3:It's embarrassing.
Speaker 2:The next morning, when we woke up up, she looked at me and said whose sunglasses are these?
Speaker 3:like it was something else at your house or something I said to her they're yours.
Speaker 2:She's like no, they're not. Why would I have sunglasses? Who's here? I was like no one was here. Xxx, well, the the friend, yeah, put them on your face because you were passed out of the bar so I didn't have to leave and take you home. You're gaslighting me? No, that really happened, so embarrassing. And you were there. I was when that happened. Oh, yes, so I'm not lying about this. You're not. That shit happened am I wrong?
Speaker 3:oh no, you're not all right.
Speaker 2:Totally embarrassing today, in that court date, she in that thing, she stated that she wants her key fob replaced because she still claims I have it. Yeah, that's ridiculous, which I don't. Oh, because she got drunk and lost it, yep, and had to take the spare out of my safe. She will not admit it because she is the actual narcissist.
Speaker 3:Well, she probably can't even fucking remember. Don't give her that much credit.
Speaker 2:She can't remember.
Speaker 3:That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Plus, she's not that smart, she's literally not that smart. You did sit up she's probably as smart as that couch you're sitting on it's just embarrassing it is embarrassing oh boy and the worst part is I wanted to be married to her. I know I wanted to be married. Like I, I wasn't gonna leave her. I know I like being married to her. I didn't care about all that stuff.
Speaker 3:I loved her at her worst just goes to show you you don't really know how people are.
Speaker 2:You don't know how people are. She is one hell of a horrible human being.
Speaker 3:Horrible human being.
Speaker 2:And that was said to me. I was like screw you, that's my wife, Don't say that. Yet she proved it. She did. Her own sister said it. Oh, her own sister said it. Oh, her own sister told me be careful, because she's a terrible human being.
Speaker 3:Well, that sucks.
Speaker 2:Yep, that does suck. Yeah, and there's more behind that one too.
Speaker 3:Okay, alrighty, can't wait for that one.
Speaker 2:We'll get into that later, mm-hmm. So, as far as all the arrests and shit are concerned and everything that went on to get me to this point, which wasn't all that hard to beat down to nothing Because it wasn't true- Well, right. The original thing about the phone under the door. Yeah, no pictures, no evidence, right Nothing.
Speaker 3:Because I didn't do it, because there was nothing there, because I didn't do it Exactly.
Speaker 2:But she'll stick to that story, of course, for the rest of her life. Yes, even there's a stalking case where I was in Waterbury.
Speaker 3:Yep, I heard Yep.
Speaker 2:Yep, she has absolutely the worst timing ever, then, because I'm sitting here with Trinity Solar. Shout out to Trinity. Woo woo. Putting solar on my house. You can't leave.
Speaker 3:You can't leave.
Speaker 2:You have to wait until they're done and sign the contract.
Speaker 3:Can't be in two places at the same time.
Speaker 2:Can't be in two places at the same time. Idiot, so stupid. And this is what happened over and over and over again. And she knew that the first one, about the camera wasn't strong enough and didn't happen.
Speaker 3:Exactly.
Speaker 2:That she had to start throwing other things in there.
Speaker 3:She had to start making things up that she had to start throwing other things in there.
Speaker 2:She had to start making things up To stack them against me. Exactly, that's correct. Because she panicked, she panicked.
Speaker 3:And she's psychotic and she's a liar. Right, it's a true story. What a twisted situation.
Speaker 2:I swear there was a time. Here's why I'm telling you I was abused. There was a time. I was driving down. She can't find her lighter to smoke a cigarette in the car. I'm looking at her like you just had it. It's got to be right there. I can't fucking find it. She's yelling at me in the car. I was like you literally just had in your hand and she starts slapping me across the face as I'm driving down 95. Oh, j.
Speaker 2:Jesus After drinking. Oh boy, I composed myself. I was like are you serious? I pulled off the next exit, took her purse and whipped it out of the car. Oh boy, I said fuck it. Either go find her or get in the car. She got in the car and we drove home. Oh, we didn't speak a word the entire ride home. She passed out anyway, as usual, right. And when we got home, she's like where's my purse? I was like I threw it out at some gas station in Waterford. What are you talking about? That's got all my stuff in it. I was like yeah, I know you hit me in the face as I'm driving down the street. You're violent, I can't hit you. Please don't hit me, right, right. And so she's like what are we going to do? I felt terrible. I felt terrible.
Speaker 3:I get it.
Speaker 2:Of course. So I got, we and I drove back down there. Okay, somehow, somehow, it was still there. I fucking found it, stop it. I fucking found it, wow. And everything was still there. Ooh, mm-hmm, wow, that's a true story, hmm.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:But on the highway she's just smacking me against the face. Right in the eyes, right in the face, right in the nose. Knows all of it. That's not true. She was violent.
Speaker 3:That's not true, she was angry and violent.
Speaker 2:Nope, you remember the guy that was supposed to start this podcast with us.
Speaker 3:Yes, I do. Who's no longer friends with us, right?
Speaker 2:I would tell you guys he's friends with the enemy, he's a friend of me now, yeah, but I would tell you guys that this is what she was like. Yeah, because he would get so drunk, right, right, that he would be like and get angry and just it's like a toddler you can't use your words?
Speaker 3:Well, because they're so drunk and they just don't get. They just it's because they're dumb, Right Well, alcohol intensifies the dumbness.
Speaker 2:So it makes it 10 times worse, I think, which means they're dumb to start with, okay. But all that happened, jesus, and that's kind of the way the relationship went. That sucks the entire time. That sucks. It does suck, yeah, but don't get me wrong, there were good times.
Speaker 3:No, I'm sure. There were good times Because you stayed, so there must have been good times.
Speaker 2:I loved being there, right, I loved that life. I did, I loved it, but I loved it. But it became daunting to keep doing it and I probably checked out a little bit. Yep, I probably did. I probably distanced myself because I kept getting beat, right. And then what I did? When she would start to beat me, absolutely, I hit her back. I did. Oh boy, I do not condone, nor do I say it's okay, nope, or nor am I saying I'm right, but I did, but it took me 13 years to do it. Okay, 13 years of violence.
Speaker 3:Okay, all right.
Speaker 2:Until I stood up for myself, I guess.
Speaker 3:Right, okay.
Speaker 2:Nope. And as soon as I stood up for myself, this happened, right, this happened as soon as she figured out I figured out who she was. This happened. She got out, yeah, cowardly, cowardly. She got out cowardly, right. She used her daughter as a weapon. She made it look like I was a pervert and she had to get out in front of everything to look like the victim. Yes, that's a narcissist. She sure did. That's a narcissist. Yeah, I'm sorry, but that's what happened. Yep, say whatever you want. Oh, you're right. That's totally right. I know I'm right. I'm well aware. She lied right to the police officers on camera, the body cams, and she had a different phone Right. She told them that my son was downstairs in the basement. When you can clearly see his head in the video, oh boy, it's like are you serious, dude?
Speaker 3:Yeah, are you serious? There's so much flaws about this whole thing, it's just.
Speaker 2:She lied about everything, everything and flaws about this whole thing. It's just, she lied about everything and she lied to all of you. She has lied to all of you. If you want to believe it, you go right ahead, but if you don't want to believe it anymore, you've got a lot of making up to do yeah, if you even want to, because I don't care if you do or don't, right, but that shit happened.
Speaker 2:And yeah, uh, the other the thing about the waterbury case, where I was in waterbury when I was having solar put on my house, right, she found a tracking device in her car after the waterbury police went through it, right. So are you saying to me that the waterbury police are so inept, stupid or stupid they can't find a tracking device?
Speaker 2:exactly when you told me about that, it was like come on, you cannot be serious but yeah, you go home, change, go to your friend's house and then decide to go back and look in your car and miraculously and find a tracking device oh, it's there and then you take it to the southern to police, are you? What kind of stupidity is that?
Speaker 3:well, we all know what's going on there. Nothing absolutely so stupid.
Speaker 2:And then she was so angry in the fact that this got taken down to what I got today, oh yeah, which is basically Nothing Slightly better, slightly worse than being just thrown out. Agree, what I got was just slightly worse than being thrown out, right, and I'm like, I'll take that, exactly, I'll save 30 grand, yep, oh yeah, and get basically this yeah, let's go. Yeah, f that B, right, it's all over, it's all over, it's all over today. And that's why I can talk about it now. Yeah, you can, and I can say things out loud. So, for any of you out there that thought I was such a repulsive asshole, well, I am. Well.
Speaker 2:But still, I couldn't say anything on the air because I didn't need it used against me in court, right? So now we're going to get a different Ditto. Ooh yeah, the real Ditto.
Speaker 3:Oh boy.
Speaker 2:Who says the things that are supposed to be said and not said?
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:It's like Kramer from Seinfeld.
Speaker 3:No, your hair looks great, can't wait.
Speaker 2:You're as pretty as all of them. You just need a nose job.
Speaker 3:You just need a nose job.
Speaker 2:That guy.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And I couldn't say a lot through all of that.
Speaker 3:So it's true. Yes, you were in a situation where you couldn't say much, yep.
Speaker 2:And she was so aggravated she wrote that letter that as I was listening to the victim's advocate. Yeah, Now I haven't had any contact or anything like that with her since the divorce.
Speaker 3:Which was.
Speaker 2:Which I deserved, by the way. Okay, well, I deserved it. And there's reasons. There's reasons why?
Speaker 3:Well listen, Divorce is for two people. You don't really deserve a divorce.
Speaker 2:Well, in the whole thing had I gone to trial if he had just opened his phone.
Speaker 3:It wouldn't happen like this. You said that to me. It's like are you serious bitch?
Speaker 2:That's premeditated Right and targeting. Of course she had the whole thing planned. That's premeditated right and targeting. Of course she had. So this, this young lady who calls her other ex-husband remedial, is obviously remedial right and there's a reason why I didn't open the phone. Of course there was naked pictures on there, oh boy, of people that she would have flipped out on, oh boy oh boy and their friends and family oh. So, get ready, jesus. Good luck figuring out who. Oh boy, but here we go.
Speaker 3:Here we go, here we go.
Speaker 2:I just want to get that out there. That's why I didn't open my phone. Okay, it wasn't because I had pictures of her daughter on it in the shower, mm-hmm, it's because I it was trying to protect other people that were doing things they should not have been doing also. Okay, so I'm not. I'm saying I'm not perfect, I'm 50% of this problem. Yes, I'm not looking for, you know, exoneration, right, I'm just looking for everybody to look at him like, oh, I get it now, right.
Speaker 3:I get it.
Speaker 2:So there were pictures on there that, had she seen them, it would have ruined a lot of people's lives.
Speaker 3:You know I got to ask you something. What if you had just shown her the pictures? I wonder what would have happened. Seriously, Do you think about that sometimes?
Speaker 2:I fell on the sword.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I did.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:What would have happened? Yeah, I don't know. There's no way. I no, I know, I'm just wondering, but it would have been a lot worse. You think, yes, how would it have been worse?
Speaker 3:Because once she figures out who they are, it's going to go badly, okay, but it could have gone badly two years ago. So what would have been the difference? She put you through hell.
Speaker 2:I never thought it would get this far, and her friends and family did it to her. No, her friends and family, the people she trusts the most I know Did this to her. I know it's so bad. It's awful.
Speaker 3:It's awful. It is awful I know.
Speaker 2:And now everybody will know, mm-hmm, that yes, I'm not perfect, no, and yes, I am to blame. Well, and I'm taking the blame, and I am not sitting here saying that I'm a victim. Mm-hmm X targeted me, mm-hmm, and that means that she was either doing something or had an inkling that this was going to happen.
Speaker 3:Correct Right. I don't really know if she was doing something else on the side too, she probably was, probably, she probably was, probably, she probably was.
Speaker 2:She was always in bed. Early now she went to bed. We didn't do anything on Christmas Eve.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you said that.
Speaker 2:Her parents weren't coming over the last Christmas and I had to argue with her as to why the kids are here. Why aren't they coming over? She reluctantly invited them over and then New Year's we didn't go anywhere and she was in bed at 9.30. And the craziest part about the entire thing is january 17th. There is no call to 911 and there is no call for five hours yeah, there was a gap she had another phone oh yeah, we, yep, she had another phone right, so that I know.
Speaker 2:Either way, I'm free and clear now which is the best news ever I got the jewelry off and I got to cut it off.
Speaker 3:Oh.
Speaker 2:I got to cut it off, fun, fun, and that basically freed me, yep, from everything else, right? So what a day. What a day, Right? Oh my God, what a day.
Speaker 3:What a day.
Speaker 2:Oh, by the way, she's in therapy and I ruined her life and she walked out of the house. Wow, she premeditated this. Of course she did. This was premeditated, of course. No doubt about it. Obviously, she didn't want to be there anymore. No, and that's why everyone left me Listen, and that's why she got out in front of it.
Speaker 3:She should have just divorced you.
Speaker 2:Why you have to fabricate all this bullshit. The other thing I told her you're raising a mean girl. Oh yeah, which she is. Yeah, and that's coming next. Seriously, oh boy, the storm is just starting. Oh boy, everything's turning. The narratives are turning oh yeah watch this. I'm not wrong. By way out of all of this, I have all the proof to prove it.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, you do.
Speaker 2:I have everything I need to prove it. I'm not saying anything. That's not true. I'm not saying anything. I'm not making stuff up. All of this is true.
Speaker 3:Yes, correct.
Speaker 2:I have dental records where she smashed her teeth out Like yes, oh boy, I have all of it. I have the pictures of her friends and family that they sent me, the text messages, all of it. It is true, it is true, it is true. And you got duped by a narcissist. Wow, good job, guys, well done idiots Right. Got duped and if you read through all these warrants you can't make heads or tails of it. Neither could the court. The state had nothing. They had nothing. The judge was pissed at them.
Speaker 3:It just. It just took too long for them to have nothing. I think they were trying to contemplate how to deal with the situation. They couldn't, because it doesn't make any sense, no, it doesn't she?
Speaker 2:she turned in all of the evidence, right. She did Right in all of the evidence, right, she did Right. How stupid is she? None of the cops found anything. I know, oh, I got videos. Oh, I have a tracking device, oh yeah. Oh yeah, he stuck the phone on the door. It's definitely him, right? The thing about that is my son had the exact same phone, right, the same phone, right.
Speaker 3:So either way they should have taken two phones out of the house, no matter what, they should have taken all of them I was targeted.
Speaker 2:Yes, she did it on purpose. Right, it was premeditated, and if you want to listen to her, you go right ahead, but she's lying right to your face. It's incredible yeah, good luck people and I couldn't say anything until I got through with I know.
Speaker 3:So here we are now I'm sorry this one's a little long I am too so I got that thing off my leg, which I had to put on, so I stopped getting arrested.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly which every arrest was like? Four or five days before the next court date she was just banked.
Speaker 3:She's, like you know, put him on a pile, tried to get you to do something because she couldn't have anything on you and it was an epic fail.
Speaker 2:It was an epic fail.
Speaker 3:This whole thing was an epic fail because she's remedial.
Speaker 2:Yeah, x is remedial, yep, so anyway, we're at the end. We got it all out for now. There'll be more on this, because I'm sure this saga won't stop here I don't think so it won't be a lot to say I got bigger plans, yeah, but yeah, friends and family, they're involved. Think about that oh boy could be best friends, who knows? Anyway, that being said, thanks for listening guys. This is a special edition and, as always, be good. Sake to me.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to someassemblynet that's our sponsor and you can really do some business. Alright, as always, everybody be good. Saki to me. Thank you.