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The End of the Beginning
The web of Hollywood's deep-seated connections to scandalous figures is more tangled than you might think. Could the shockwaves from Diddy's recent arrest for sex trafficking be just the tip of the iceberg hiding a network of secrets involving Hollywood elite and controversial government conspiracies? We kick things off by exploring these unsettling allegations and delve into the curious case of Laura Silsby, whose attempt to smuggle children out of Haiti raises questions about her true intentions and connections. As the layers of complexity unfold, we question the roles of prominent figures like Bill Clinton in the murky aftermath of Haiti's earthquake relief efforts.
Turn the spotlight onto the dark corridors of power, where celebrity glitz meets allegations of heinous crimes. We journey through the shadowy alleys linking high-profile personalities like Jeffrey Epstein, Diddy, and even Justin Bieber to possible illicit activities. Are secret societies pulling strings behind the scenes, and what does this mean for our perception of Hollywood's glamorous facade? With hushed whispers about reduced charges and powerful interventions, the picture painted is one begging for scrutiny and openness.
But it's not all serious. As we weave through the narratives, there are moments of levity and personal stories that remind us of the human element within these serious allegations. We swap tales of surprising arrests, unexpected birthday celebrations, and a humorous bar encounter that add a lighter touch to a weighty discussion. As we wrap up our journey, we touch upon familiar names like Epstein, Clinton, and Trump, leaving you with tantalizing hints of stories waiting to unfold, promising a series filled with suspense and unexpected twists.
Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at sockeytome.com as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
hey, everybody, welcome to sake to me welcome back, everybody. Welcome back to sake to me. We got a set of episodes coming up that are going to really blow your mind. Stay tuned for this. It's all going to tie back to Hollywood. It's all about Epstein, diddy, everything. Check it out, stay with us, hey everybody. It's Ditto. We're back with another episode of Saki To Me. I'm here with Keebler, my homeboy.
Speaker 1:Hey, how's it going? Good to be back.
Speaker 2:And we are on a tangent Still going to keep going. This one is a crazy one.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, this one's going to be nuts. This is all about Diddy. All about Diddy. We're not starting with Diddy, no we are starting with Diddy.
Speaker 2:Oh, we are starting with Diddy, we're going to start with Diddy and we're going to go all the way back to the beginning.
Speaker 1:Wow, way to throw me a curveball.
Speaker 2:I'm going to tie it all together. You usually do. I'll tell you right up front Yep, I'm going to tie Hollywood with sex trafficking. Holy crap, yep, watch this. We realized that Diddy got arrested, yep, and he's facing charges of sex trafficking and apparently really loves baby oil. Oh boy, but that's a different story. The thing is, I said this weeks ago months ago Probably- months. When that barge hit the bridge.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's a cover, yeah.
Speaker 2:That's a cover.
Speaker 1:You said there was something stinky back then and I didn't believe you. Yep, and you know what? I'm starting to believe you.
Speaker 2:I also just recently. I said that I believe the government can make, create hurricanes. Come to find out. I forget who it is, but there's one representative that said the same thing. Really I don't know if it's true or not, but uh, wow if you can send a man in space, you can start a hurricane. That being said, I don't think.
Speaker 1:yeah, that being said now you, you know what my head's spinning already. It's a rough day right here, diddy gets arrested.
Speaker 2:All this stuff is happening.
Speaker 1:All of a sudden we have. We go from P Diddy to fake hurricanes now.
Speaker 2:What? The Two cat five hurricanes hitting the states, and they're hitting Florida.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's a good place. Everything happens in Florida, yeah.
Speaker 2:Picture the hitting Palm Beach Right where. Jeffrey epstein lived, but diddy is the latest in this and it all started with roughly jeffrey epstein. Okay, as far as I can tell yep, and he had a book of everything that was listed, but we're going to get into that later. Okay, because that's the major part of this. Right right now we're going to talk about laura silsby.
Speaker 1:yeah, that's a name you threw at me a couple weeks ago and I was kind of flabbergasted because I never really heard of the woman. And then I started doing some research and I was like this is pretty damn good. I was like we got a lot of stuff to talk about. I go Ditto's onto something Heck, yeah.
Speaker 2:She formed a 501c3, which is a non-profit organization, basically a charity out of her house, based on a church. Yep, idaho, in two november of 2009. Yep, did you know that? I did. I actually did. The earthquake in haiti hit in january of 2010 2010, january, 12th yep that's odd, and what she founded that charity on was to save dominican and haitian orphans. Right exactly then goes ahead and gets arrested for trying to smuggle 33 kids out of the country.
Speaker 1:Tell me that's not strange. Allegedly Well, no, no, she got arrested. She got arrested. She spent three months and eight days in jail. I thought they brought down the charge.
Speaker 2:Of course they did, that's what we're going to get into and we're going to tie it all back, right, right. So, yes, that happened. How do you start a charity two months before a major earthquake hits the country that you just so happened?
Speaker 1:to start.
Speaker 2:To want to save kids from.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you're zeroing on Dominican and Haitian children.
Speaker 2:And then at least 22 of the 33 kids weren't even orphans.
Speaker 1:No, they belonged to mothers, fathers. And to not have the right paperwork, aunts and uncles, or whatever you know.
Speaker 2:You were definitely trying to smuggle them out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she had no paperwork from the Haitian government, correct, she did get permission from the Dominican, but wouldn't you think you'd have to cross both countries to? You know, get permission from both countries, not if one country's in major distress.
Speaker 2:Well, this is true. Like what are you going to do? You just had a huge earthquake Right and all of a sudden, you're saving these kids because there's no paperwork. Yeah, there's no paper trail, there's no nothing, it's just complete destruction, right? And then bam, you try and sneak 33 kids out of a country Unbelievable. In the name of God, there's a special place in hell for you, lady.
Speaker 1:That You're screwed Right next to Ditto.
Speaker 2:I'm not saving that seat, I wouldn't even do that, you wouldn't do it, no. Then she spends three months and eight days in jail, right, and they lessen the charges. There was 10 of them, there were 10 missionaries.
Speaker 1:Right, I think they let eight go right off the hop.
Speaker 2:They let eight go. Two of them stayed it was her and a girl by the name of Carissa Couture.
Speaker 1:Coulter, which Coulter? Yeah, coulter, I like your French buddy Couture.
Speaker 2:I think it's just a, I think a fragrance isn't it yeah, like sauvage. Do you know who Carissa Couture was? It was her nanny. It was her nanny, yeah.
Speaker 1:So she knew all about it. She did Something brewing here. Like you said, she starts this thing in December and all of a sudden, bam, all of a sudden bam An earthquake in Haiti.
Speaker 2:Either they knew the earthquake was coming, or they did it, or it wasn't an earthquake.
Speaker 1:If you can, make hurricanes, you can make earthquakes, you can make hurricanes. Okay, you can, I'm sure you can.
Speaker 2:You're out of your mind I'm not out of my mind those white lines in the sky that make it rain. Oh, here, we go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you don't think they can make a hurricane. Oh man, you got me See. Maybe, Maybe not.
Speaker 2:I'm telling you, this is how it goes.
Speaker 1:Let's get back to where we were. Yeah, yeah, the hurricanes.
Speaker 2:The Dominican doesn't have extradition laws, right, so that's why it started there. If they right, so that's where why it started there. If they made it to dominican, they're straight. They would have been, they would have been all right, they were straight yep, so they had to have known that there was either going to be an earthquake or it had to have been done. Because who does that in 2009, november 2009 and literally two months later?
Speaker 1:right, complete destruction, it's crazy, I mean I, I don't get it. Mean, can she see into the future? Or was she planning on, like you're taking all these children and they're not orphans, but you're portraying them as orphans. So is she trying to make money on the side? You think, adopting them out?
Speaker 2:Oh, that's exactly what she was doing. Okay, she was making money. I don't know how she came into the contact of certain people, which we'll end up talking about a little bit later on the show.
Speaker 1:I mean, she's from Idaho. I mean, who would want it's Midwest? How much need is there for? I mean, a kid is a kid and you've got to love them all, whether race, you know, whatever sex they are. But who's looking for, like like Dominican and Haitian kids? I mean, is there like a big need or is it just plain they just want children. They just want children.
Speaker 2:I guess, I don't know. I'm going a little far out here. Yeah, sex trafficking isn't just children, though. Oh, it's people altogether. They go all the yeah, Okay it could be a 20 year old, it could be 24 year old, it could be.
Speaker 1:Right, right. It's anywhere from like 10 to 80. So this is not. You're trying to tell me. This is not about adoption. No, it had nothing to do with adoption. Okay, they probably put them on the barge. I'm sorry to catch you on here.
Speaker 2:They probably put those kids on the barge that hit the bridge in Baltimore when Diddy's home was searched.
Speaker 1:Oh, here comes the name Diddy again.
Speaker 2:This is how it's all going to tie back. Okay, so listen closely. We're going to have a couple of these episodes illustrating how this works. Okay, all right, yep, I'm following. Here we are. They're trying to take kids out Right After an earthquake and all you're talking about is the earthquake.
Speaker 1:True, you're focusing on the earthquake.
Speaker 2:You never heard of Laura Silsby until I told you her name Exactly. I didn't know her name until somebody told me Okay, so I had to look it up and then I'm like, wow, this is all going to tie back. It all ties back to Hollywood and Jeffrey Epstein, woo, it all will. Wow, laura Sillsby was facing kidnapping charges. 33 kids, 33 kids, yep, which is a felony? Oh, absolutely so, at least 33 felonies if not more.
Speaker 1:Now, was she getting tried there or were they bringing her back? She was going to be tried there, there, okay.
Speaker 2:It got reduced to arranging irregular travel, travel, yep, and they claimed that the time she served was enough. Really, yeah, how'd that happen? A few months I'm trying to steal 33 kids from any country.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're going to have more than three months. Yeah, exactly you know. With 33 felonies, wow, you got to stack those all up. How'd that happen? There's somebody else involved?
Speaker 2:Yes, his name is Bill Clinton. Oh boy, she was an aide at some point for Bill Clinton.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, he was originally the relief coordinator for the hurricane or for the earthquake in Haiti. How about that? He was sent down there. How about that? How about that? How? How about that he was sent down there. How about that? How about that? How about that?
Speaker 2:Yep, way to tie that one together. I'm proud of you right there. Thank you, that's crazy. And he's also on the list of people that visited Epstein's Island. Oh no, I'm just saying.
Speaker 1:It just all ties together. So was Hillary, so Epstein's got a list.
Speaker 2:Diddy's got a list to Hollywood at some point. Wow, they're claiming now that Usher and Bieber are victims. Here we go. This is how it's going to tie back.
Speaker 1:I mean, I know you guys can't see me out there, but I'm literally sitting here with my mouth open listening to this guy.
Speaker 2:Usher and Bieber were brought under the wing of Diddy. Really yes, it's all going to tie together.
Speaker 1:I like Usher.
Speaker 2:Diddy is the. Yes, it's all tied together. I like Usher. Diddy is the new Epstein. Pete Diddy is the new Epstein. Oh, absolutely Really, and he probably has people like Laura Silsby that are doing this stuff. Yeah, working, yeah and the farther I go into Laura Silsby, the more I find, the more she became accepted into that higher echelon of people such as Bill Clinton and or what was Epstein Right? And it's like what is happening here. Is this a secret society?
Speaker 1:What the hell is going on. Yeah, well, you've heard of these before and usually it's to me. It was like with the presidents. You know, in the past they've been told or heard of secret societies, like all these guys that went to Yale. Yeah, I mean, we can bring that up another time, but that's in the Epstein episode. Oh, but yes, I'm a little bit ahead of myself. Look at me. We are, because we're taping this one first.
Speaker 2:Okay, but we'll get there, yep, but you're right, but you're right, and it all goes into fraternity, exactly.
Speaker 1:Sororities.
Speaker 2:Yep, you want to get into the best one. Right, you get into the best one, you have a good shot at being a president or a senator, or a judge, a high point lawyer.
Speaker 1:Right, exactly, or a judge or something like that.
Speaker 2:Yes, and it's like this is they're grooming people to do this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's all under wraps, stuff we don't hear about.
Speaker 2:And, if you look at it, most of the people that will be indicted in this at all are millionaires at least.
Speaker 1:Oh, easily millionaires, yeah.
Speaker 2:High-profile millionaires, right, because there's a lot of people that are teachers that are millionaires, oh yeah yeah, a millionaire is not uncommon.
Speaker 1:No, not anymore. I'll throw out a number at you that I did some research recently that there's 22 million millionaires in the US. Yes, 22 million, I believe.
Speaker 2:I don't know about that. I don't know the stats because I didn't look.
Speaker 1:Okay, and there's 740 billionaires, billionaires yeah, that's how hard it is to become a billionaire.
Speaker 2:So if you're a billionaire, like I would go out and say Jeff Bezos is in on this.
Speaker 1:Oh, he would probably have. If you're going this high, yeah, Just.
Speaker 2:I might put this episode first, but it's like Wayfair could be in on this. Okay, they're using the internet as this type of tool Right To traffic, right With goofy pictures, pictures that have goofy captions, and that's how you know. There's a secret word in there that you're supposed to know, you're supposed to know what it is.
Speaker 1:Right, right.
Speaker 2:It's like what, what Wayfair.
Speaker 1:What she owned another company earlier on this, laura Sillsby, didn't she Like? In 1999, she founded a company. It failed and it yeah, I'm trying to figure out.
Speaker 2:It was called Personal Shopper. Think about that. We'll come back to that. I mean, she went to the Baptist Church and pled for them to grant her the permission to use their 501c3. Right and took it out on her house. I don't know what happened with that or how it went. She filed her own Right and the church stood up for it. Why is the church always involved also in these crazy things? The church doesn't have enough problems. Exactly why would you do this?
Speaker 2:Unless you're in on it also Right, because it was the what it was the Baptist Church, central Idaho Baptist Church, I believe that's right. They're like okay, yeah, we'll send you on this mission. Yeah, 10 people went, eight came back, two stayed laura zilsby and carissa couture. Couture yep, couture was released like days later. Yeah, she passed out in jail and stuff she had diabetes and who knows, maybe she does right.
Speaker 2:I don't know the woman and I don't want to say that she doesn't. How does that happen? The whole timeline of everything in this is just puzzling. Oh, it is, I agree. And then when you look at the list of people that were involved and the places they were in at the time, it's like okay, okay, I get it now. Now I get it. This isn't coincidence, this is actually planned. This is planned. This is as planned as that earthquake was, and maybe it wasn't an earthquake, they just blew everything up.
Speaker 1:I'm thinking, if this was planned, I think it would have to go back before two months, and I think that's what you're trying to hit on.
Speaker 2:She claims she started the idea in like the middle of the summer oh okay and finalized it in November. In November, that's still not long enough, right? Even so, if you want to pull something like this off, you have to plan it oh, absolutely.
Speaker 1:So what do you start planning? You would think you need a lot of people too, especially with money. You know how much planning went into this podcast None Zero. That's why you're not listening to it. There's no direction. There's no direction whatsoever.
Speaker 2:This is what you're getting there is a direction. Now you get what you pay for, and it's all about this. And there are several other people like Laura Silsby Right, and Elaine Maxwell is one of them. Yep, she did the same thing. She was directly related to Jeffrey Epstein.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that was his girlfriend, right, or whatever. She yeah, partner she went out and got. Co-conspirator. The whole thing started, right, yeah.
Speaker 2:And then it went like a pyramid scheme from there. Right, they got one, they told her to tell her friends, and now there's two, and then they tell some more friends, now there's four. Yep, six, eight, ten. You know how it worked Exactly. And all of's like how do you get away with this? How is this possible? I'm just dumbfounded. I am too, and we're going to dive into it as deep as we can through the next several episodes. Yep, this is the first one, because it was so crazy. Right, this is the craziest one. Even Jeffrey Epstein his is huge, diddy's is huge. So the next episode's coming.
Speaker 2:This one, though, was a tiny little fragment, just a. It was just puzzling how this one person, that nobody knows.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just a little feeler that.
Speaker 2:Went out there.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:And got away with it, and then the people that were involved are all connected to everything else.
Speaker 1:It's like oh, it's crazy.
Speaker 2:Even Donald Trump.
Speaker 1:His name's in there.
Speaker 2:And this is also the only one that's not from Florida.
Speaker 1:And don't forget I mean we talked before the episode there's tons of actors and actresses.
Speaker 2:Tons. That's how we're going to tie it back to Hollywood, because they all know Actors, actresses, musicians, authors, comedians, comedians. They all went to these schools and they were brought up. Actresses, musicians yeah. Authors, comedians, comedians oh yeah, they're all there. They all went to these schools and they were brought up. Now, how many of those Were either victims?
Speaker 1:Oh, they could have been victims, or were they Part of it Involved?
Speaker 2:Right and are still doing it. And then you wonder If you get blacklisted from something and you never hear from somebody again.
Speaker 1:Yep, are you going? Somebody's got an axe to grind.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Like Epstein's dead Right, I guarantee you Diddy's going to end up dead.
Speaker 1:Oh, sooner or later, he's going to end up dead. I think we all are. Well, we're all going to end up dead.
Speaker 2:It's a true story. Sorry about that, shows my words better there. But yeah, his story is going to be absolutely nuts.
Speaker 1:Yep, it's going to be nuts, I'm glad you're bringing me along into this, because this is actually very, very interesting.
Speaker 2:It won't stop. It won't stop, and I think the closer we get, the more we might draw eyeballs. You think so, possibly, if I just keep spouting out about stuff.
Speaker 1:Now, this is all on the internet, so it's not anything anybody can't find.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, haven't. Well, I bet you, a lot of people didn't know about Silsby.
Speaker 1:No, silsby, that's a big name, because I really didn't know.
Speaker 2:That's kind of what. I want to have a timeline yeah, like start at 2000. Right Go till now, but Silsby's at 2010. Yes, so it's just so curious as to why her? Yeah, why her, and why Haiti? Yeah, it's just puzzling.
Speaker 1:All those questions. I agree, those are all great questions.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I think it's going to be like because all these people are in on it. All the people we're going to talk about from here on in are in on it. Okay, so you may want to stay tuned. Sakitumicom, like and subscribe. That'd be great. Stay tuned to us. Oh, this is going to get crazy, cause I, I just I'm a freak. I just start, I binge, and when I'm on a topic, I go for it and I'll stay up till I researching it. Oh, you don't, I'll take my eyes open.
Speaker 1:Hey, on a side note, one of my favorite episodes was that Tyreek Hill one. Yeah, I went there.
Speaker 2:Hey, yeah, you did. I hate you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was his two weeks that we lost of podcasting.
Speaker 2:Here's an ironic thing. We heard about Tyreek Hill, yeah, when he got arrested. Did you hear about Jabril Peppers? Yeah, he just got arrested, he did, but did you hear about it before that? No, no, me neither. I didn't hear about it until today, until today.
Speaker 1:Exactly.
Speaker 2:He got arrested Saturday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, today's what Monday?
Speaker 2:Yeah, we heard about it October 7th. We heard about Tyree Kill immediately.
Speaker 1:My birthday.
Speaker 2:Today, ah, it is your birthday, happy birthday buddy.
Speaker 1:Happy birthday to the Keebler.
Speaker 2:I got to get you a big cookie.
Speaker 1:Sammy J, happy birthday to me.
Speaker 2:Sammy J and two things. Ohio seems to be a big spot for this stuff. Yep, how do you get anybody there? Canada, holy shit, it's Canada. Ohio seems to be a big place and Florida is the biggest. Everything's in Florida, a lot of stuff happens on there. Diddy's house. They searched Trump's house Not for this, but for other things. For other things, and that's where Epstein is Right All in Florida.
Speaker 1:All in Florida Want to have nice weather. You get nice weather down there. You get easy access to the ports. That's what it is the ports.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely, and Ohio must be them coming in from Canada. It could be Because I was reading that last night, that there is a big problem with the border from Canada to America.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they all complain about the southern border. But the northern borders, you know, they complain about the southern border. It gets crossed quite a bit.
Speaker 2:They complain about the southern border because they don't want you to look at the northern border. Exactly there we go. It's all tying in Yep, Because they don't want you to look at the northern border. Exactly there we go. It's all tying in Yep. It's all tying in that. The schools, all of it. They all went to school, like most of them went to the same schools or the same type of schools.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's crazy that when you told me, that with the schools.
Speaker 2:I'm looking atism type thing, yeah, where it's like oh yeah, this guy's a good guy yeah, take him, all right, put him in here. Oh yeah, you're my buddy's buddy, so you're my buddy. And it's crazy the way it's working out and the way it seems, and nobody looks at it. Nobody looks at it because there's a hurricane coming, right. Well, they're here. Yeah, don't worry about that hurricane, that'll go away. This one won't, so keep watching. I'm telling you this thing's nuts. Prince Andrew is also one that's huge.
Speaker 1:That's another name, yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't know why that slipped my mind. I just looked up at my screen and saw Prince Andrew. Oh my God, that story, that guy's crazy. Oh, without a doubt, I think he's insane. Yeah, I'm not going to lie, I think he's insane. You guys must be related. I'm more insane than Andrew. So he's a distant cousin. Oh, there you go. He's farther down the line, but here comes Ditto. That's all I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, here comes Ditto. Hey, so back to my birthday, oh yeah, oh, I don't know. No, yeah, you are.
Speaker 2:I hate you, I super hate you. Go for it, I want to hear it.
Speaker 1:Anyway, it's all about timing, guy, I know you just ruined it, nah, nah, I ain't going to say it. Well, you know? No, you're only hurting them. I'm only hurting the people. Yeah, no, I went to the bar last night for my birthday. I had a drink. A Chinese guy comes walking in and stands next to me, next to the bar, and starts drinking and I says to him hey, do you know any of that? Jiu-jitsu, karate, kung fu? And he says to me why the fuck you ask me that? Because I'm a Chinese guy.
Speaker 2:I said no because you're drinking my beer.
Speaker 1:Want to know if the guy is going to knock me out or not. You know he's drinking my beer.
Speaker 2:He's drinking my beer. I can't with you, I can't.
Speaker 1:Well, here's the truth. I get a little mushy with you, with Mrs Keebler. So she says why don't we go out? This is a true story. So why don't we go out and celebrate your birthday? And we'll do like we did on our first day, because we started dating right around the same time. So we were down at AJ's, so I was in at the bar and she comes walking in and she taps me on the shoulder. She says to me hey, good looking, you want me to buy you a beer.
Speaker 2:And I says I ain't falling for that again. Why do I bother? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Why do I bother? I don't know why do I? I'm an idiot?
Speaker 2:no, you're not. Those are the best parts of the show. Those are the only people.
Speaker 1:People those are the only parts people want to listen to anyway, we are at the end of this already yeah, that's what happened.
Speaker 2:We just scratched the surface we might have to go to an hour-long shows for this stuff. Now, I didn't have enough material for that. Do I got to pay extra for that? Nope, I do. Oh yeah, I do. But anyway, we are at the end. Guys, stay tuned. This is going to get crazy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, remember those names that Ditto threw out there, you know, I mean, everybody knows the Epsteins and the Clintons, the Diddies, the Trumps. But this, laura Silsby, that's where it's. Like you said, it's just a small fragment and I'm sure there's a lot of more little ones in there that Ditto will tie into all of this.
Speaker 2:I'm going to tie it all in and you'll be like wow, I'm going to tie it all in. I'm going to tie it all back to Hollywood.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:Ditto says it's all in Hollywood. It sure is, it sure is.
Speaker 1:Hey, thanks for having me again buddy, you got it.
Speaker 2:Buddy, you're coming on again, so I'll be back. This story's probably going to take six episodes to do. Holy moly, yeah, I got a contract extension. All in different segments, all in different pieces. There'll be one on Epstein. There'll probably be one on the list he had.
Speaker 1:Right, epstein, epstein, there's probably one on the list he had.
Speaker 2:Right, the Clintons and stuff Clintons, diddy, diddy, there'll be one on. Oh, there's more. Oh, the police officer, the detective that started the case against Epstein, died suddenly of a brief illness. No, at 50.
Speaker 1:Are you serious? Yes, oh, this is good.
Speaker 2:It's going to get good. There's murder here. There's all kinds of stuff.
Speaker 1:It's almost like a series we're going to have going on. Here it is. This is a topic I've been waiting for to look at.
Speaker 2:And, diddy, thank you, thank you for giving this to me. You finally did something good, right? Okay, everybody, that's the end of the show. Thanks for tuning in and, like I said, stay tuned because it's going Socky Doobie. We only want to make the show better for you guys Also, if you get a chance head over to someassemblynet. That's our sponsor and you can really do some business. All right, as always, everybody be good.
Speaker 1:Sake to me.