
The Kennedy Chronicles (WTF)

September 03, 2024 Detto Season 2 Episode 18

Fan Mail Me Brrrruuuuunnnden

What if we told you that your frustration with malfunctioning tech and bureaucratic nonsense could be a source of entertainment? Welcome to another cathartic episode of Ssockeytome, where I, Detto, and my ever-enthusiastic co-host T-Bot unleash our pent-up exasperations. From the madness of malfunctioning computers to the seemingly immortal Kennedy family constantly making headlines, we leave no stone unturned. Get ready for a raw and unfiltered rant session that, despite its intensity, manages to sprinkle in humor and truth as we dissect the absurdities of politics, work, and life.

Ever wondered why building innovative homes with shipping containers is such a bureaucratic nightmare? Or why selling foot pictures has become a quirky income idea? Tune in as we vent about the red tape surrounding tiny homes, share missed investment opportunities, and dive into conspiracy theories about the Kennedy family. Imagine a world where Vincent Fusca might just be JFK Jr. or where Robert Kennedy Jr. shifts to the Republican side. Our conversation is a rollercoaster of skepticism, hilarity, and strong opinions that will leave you both entertained and provoked.

Let's imagine a political landscape where Donald Trump unveils all classified documents about historical conspiracies—what would change? We grapple with the reality of deceit in politics, the resistance to change among the aging political class, and the public's preference for comforting lies over harsh truths. But it’s not all heavy; we lighten the mood with playful banter, quirky habits, and the occasional awkward analogy. Join us for a mix of rigorous critique, laughter, and the reminder that camaraderie and humor can help us navigate even the most frustrating times. Your thoughts and feedback are always welcome as we strive to make each episode better than the last!

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Speaker 2:

Hey, everybody, welcome to. Saki Tubi. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. This episode is about me ranting, inventing and just saying stuff that needs to be said in a kind, concerning, endearing way. You know what I mean? Just pleasant, yeah right, hey, listen up, here we go. Enjoy the show. Saki to me. Hey everybody, it's Ditto, we're back here, saki to me. I'm here with T-Bot. Hey everybody, it's Ditto, we're back here. Saki Tumi, I'm here with T-Bot, hey, hey. And I'm about to let it loose.

Speaker 3:

Oh boy.

Speaker 2:

I can't handle anymore. I just can't.

Speaker 3:

Is everyone ready for this?

Speaker 2:

Right down to the soundboard, the computer. I'm ready to smash stuff. Oh boy, does anybody else ever feel like this? I'm sure they're where you get in that mood where you're just like I'm going to punch the shit out of something, like I literally just went.

Speaker 3:

Oh boy, your face is priceless oh.

Speaker 2:

I can't take it anymore. I can't, I won't. This is awful, everything's awful.

Speaker 3:

Everything is awful.

Speaker 2:

From this computer right here in front of me to the goddamn Kennedys. Right now I don't know what to do anymore. I just don't. I don't know what to do and I'm not even sure I want to know what to do. I just want to go beat the hell out of some old lady.

Speaker 3:

That's not the best thing you should do.

Speaker 2:

I'm not really going to do that. Okay, good, first of all, I really love all these. Second of all, I'm going to stop this right now because they think well, who cares? Let's just record it. What's the problem? I don't know. The goddamn computer, it really blew my stardom for free. I'm aggravated with everything. I'm aggravated with work. I'm aggravated with work. I'm aggravated with this computer. I'm aggravated with politics in general, and we don't even speak about politics on this show. No, we don't now. But God damn it. Who the fuck cares? I know and, by the way, I called it Vincent Fosca. Why are the Kennedys back in the news all the time? Robert Kennedy dropped out Right, chopped off a whale's head, mm-hmm, drove it home. They put paper bags over their head, tried to suffocate themselves on the ride for five hours. Like you, kennedys haven't suffered enough. You're a little whack. You haven't suffered enough death.

Speaker 3:

Exactly what?

Speaker 2:

the fucking shit is going on. Yeah, I can't take this crap anymore. I can't take this crap anymore. I can't, I won't. I can go on for days. Right now, I can't, I can't. Oh man, oh boy. Now I have to pause for a minute because it's like what in the shit do you want to say next?

Speaker 3:

I'm afraid what's going to come out of your mouth.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you should be. I'm finally getting back to where Ditto should be. You know my story. You know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

I know your story.

Speaker 2:

This is horseshit Absolute horseshit, I agree. Anyway, it's about two in the morning. It is about two in the morning and we are recording because, well, we're stupid, to be honest.

Speaker 3:

We are stupid. Yeah, we should be asleep, we should be asleep. We should be asleep Doing nothing.

Speaker 2:

You should be home snuggling with your boyfriend.

Speaker 3:

Oh God and.

Speaker 2:

I should be in bed by myself, snuggling with my baby blanket.

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh.

Speaker 2:

That raggedy old thing Throwing that out there?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I still have.

Speaker 2:

It's the only thing I got in the divorce. It's the only thing I got. It's the only thing I got. It's the only thing that really mattered, plus Mazzy. So you heard that story about the restaurant in New Haven, but they want to shut them down.

Speaker 3:

I did hear that story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's stupid.

Speaker 3:

Tell us why.

Speaker 2:

Because they have shipping containers and they're supposed to be taken down. Mm-hmm. And so for the last eight years they haven't made them take them down. Now, all of a sudden, they're enforcing it. What gives the goddamn state the right? Let's not go down that road? Well, I'm just saying somebody else wants it, Probably right. Somebody wants it and has realized that it's probably worth that.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say it's probably worth a lot of money, and now they want to. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I feel bad for that guy. I do too. I feel bad for that guy, because what the fuck coronavirus has killed small business? Oh well, yeah and it's stupid yeah it's surfacing again too all of a sudden, all of a sudden, oh, we didn't get all the small businesses we wanted, so so we're gonna let's have round two exactly round two of something it doesn't exist anyway. F that s right now. Shove that corona right up your butthole and look off. You don't have corona if you don't test you?

Speaker 3:

oh, you don't, you don't? Well, yeah, you don't get corona if you don't test for infection.

Speaker 2:

The viral infection so is tomatoes. Tomatoes, they're viral weed.

Speaker 3:

It's an infectious plant, yeah, and something else. Monkey pox, did you about that one that's supposed?

Speaker 2:

to take over and the entire world slows down in 2025 either come up with something that wipes us all out or shut the fuck up. I agree, because this is stupid. I agree this goddamn scare tactic that you try and play with the American public or global public, I don't care, shut the fuck up. Nothing you have said it's going to snow 18 inches. We get three centimeters. 18 inches to three centimeters that's a big difference From American to metric. Come on, tighten up All of you, all of you, get it together. Come on, tighten up All of you, all of you, get it together Like you can't be this stupid. People are stupid, everyone is stupid.

Speaker 3:

And I hate them. And you're asking for miracles if you think they're going to get their shit together.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm not asking for miracles.

Speaker 3:

Because it's never going to happen.

Speaker 2:

I'm asking for an actual pandemic that just kills us all, and we're done. Either that or shut the fuck up and let's move on and be happy with our lives Holy fuck, this is nonsense.

Speaker 2:

I can't keep arguing with stupid people. I can't, because it's making me feel fucking crazy. It's making me feel crazy, I'm sorry. It's like I get into an argument and people are like well, that's not right. I saw it. I don't give a flying fuck the way you saw it. That's literally what happened. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Blows my skirt up Right. Tell you that for free, apparently. Go ahead, challenge me now.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, challenge me. I'm not in the mood to challenge you. You are on a roll. If on a roll.

Speaker 2:

If you're not in the mood, you better get in the mood, because you need to be in the mood. If you're going to fucking podcast right now, I'm serious, what are we?

Speaker 3:

talking about.

Speaker 2:

This guy in Connecticut can't open his his bar anymore. Yeah, I know, because the deep the D.

Speaker 2:

E E P wants to take it from him Cause he doesn't take down his, his. He's got a what do they call it? Cargo containers. The whole thing's built out of containers, which are awesome. I think I do too. I think it's the way it should go. In fact, I've been trying to get buildings I know Made out of these containers, Tiny homes and all that. Yeah, awesome, screw that, just put them down, put them down anywhere. And then look at the town and say, fuck you. Give them the big old middle finger. Say, oh, I'm sorry, does that blow your skirt up? Yep, so does your fucking rules and regulations. Oh my God, listen here, pal. This is why nobody calls for an inspection or a permit, because you guys are assholes. Yeah, exactly, except I gotta be honest. This town pretty good, yep, I like my town, but there are other towns. I just want to.

Speaker 2:

I've gotten flat out arguments, involved lawyers, oh man, it's been brutal yeah but that being said, shipping containers and all this, it's becoming bigger and bigger, and I said it before. Look, I said that you should just take pictures of your feet and put it on the internet. You did, did and let people pay for it. Mm-hmm, and nobody believed me. Mm-hmm, nobody believed me, right, right. I also said Under Armour a long time ago Buy Under Armour, buy stock, it's going to be great. Yep, it is Yep. Shipping containers, shipping containers. And what's my next thing? Come on, what's my next thing?

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh. Oh my God, don't make me think at this late hour.

Speaker 2:

Why do I bother telling you stuff if?

Speaker 3:

you're not going to listen, I listen. It's just kind of late at night and I'm kind of punchy.

Speaker 2:

You're punchy even when you're in the middle of the day. Okay, Just because I'm slow doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm just a little punchy. What are you rocky?

Speaker 3:

No, sounds like it. I don't think that's even close to truth Anyway. Anyway, shipping containers, yes, I think it's a great idea. I want one for myself, as a tiny home. I have ideas, two of them.

Speaker 2:

I have ideas through the roof. I know I always have an idea to do something, like you should do this with that thing or this with that thing, yeah. And they always seem to take off. I know, yeah, I'm the last one to do it.

Speaker 3:

So maybe that's what we need to do. We need to start getting into that.

Speaker 2:

It's like podcasting. Honestly, right, I'm the last one in.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I want to podcast about seven years ago and now so and now I'm like where's it going to go? And here I am, finally. And nobody wants to listen to us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah that's not true, we have people that listen.

Speaker 2:

We have people that listen, but thank you for listening. Thank you, sammy J. That really blows my skirt up, though Tell you that for free I could go sideways on this whole thing. Sideways, the Kennedys what in the fucking shit?

Speaker 3:

That is a twisted family.

Speaker 2:

We had an episode a couple weeks ago about Vincent Fusco, who is JFK Jr. Right, I said he is, he's not. Oh yeah, keep going, he's not. And now you got Robert Kennedy Jr chopping off whales' heads and driving home. And they're shoving paper bags or plastic bags over their heads and driving home for five hours.

Speaker 3:

Well, that was before.

Speaker 2:

How many Kennedys have to die before we say, okay, maybe this isn't the real political family we think it is.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're all bent out of shape. At him for switching over to Trump. Let me tell you, it's Well, they're all bent out of shape at him for switching over to Trump.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you it's huge news. Yeah, he switched over. He switched over to join Vince and Fusca.

Speaker 3:

Oh God, you got to get off that that's. Do I, or do I actually have to? Fusca is not JFK.

Speaker 2:

I just said to you verbatim I come up with stuff and nobody believes me. Okay, this is not far-fetched, it's outlandish it is not far-fetched, it's not the truth. Weeks ago we did that vincent fusca episode, right. And now here is robert kennedy jr defecting to the republicans Supporting Trump. Huh, finger over mouth, thinking Hmm, am I wrong? Am I wrong?

Speaker 3:

I'm not wrong. It's got nothing to do with either one of them. It's two separate issues. No, how do you relate to both of them? Then they're Kennedys. Dude, Fusca is not a Kennedy dude.

Speaker 2:

This was my exact. Yes, he is. It's JFK Jr. He's still alive and he's here now as Vincent Fusca. You can't come back as JFK because you're dead, right, so you come back as Vincent Fusca, but yet everybody knows you're still alive, so you're still a Kennedy, so you have this ability to do this. Just saying, and now Robert Kennedy is defecting. All of a sudden the kennedys are becoming republicans.

Speaker 3:

I think that's hysterical actually what did I'm right? No, I think that kennedy's kennedy's going to the republicans because forever they were democrats all the way I said it at least three months ago and did you also hear that if Trump does win, he's supposed to release all the documents related to the 1963 assassination of his uncle?

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what. I'll tell you this for free. If he did that, I will literally go out and say that Donald Trump is the best president of all time Really Best president. Okay, if you unleash the biggest secret in US history, really it is. It's up there. We know who and why shot. Lincoln Yep, the biggest conspiracy besides 9-11, which, if he releases that one, forget it, I'm a Trumper. I'm a Trumper after that. But if he releases all the documents, all of them not biased, not just all of them.

Speaker 3:

Well, there's some that have been. They claim things have been leaked for years?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but if Trump leaks, if Trump just divulges and gives everything out, best president of all time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, take the country back. Yeah, take the country back.

Speaker 2:

Yep, take the country back, take America back. If he doesn't fuck him, he's a loser. If you say that, you better fucking do it oh. I agree, you better do it.

Speaker 3:

You better pull through with that, because there'll be quick. Four years for you, buddy.

Speaker 2:

Quick. Four years, yeah, a long four years for the rest of us. You have a long four years for the rest of us. Wow, and these idiot Democrats that keep running, these morons that can't breathe, okay, like, come on, man, tighten up 300 million people in this country and you can't find anybody better, and there are only two people that can run. This is horseshit. Yeah, it's pretty sad Horseshit. The state of politics is awful, awful and it's like baby boomers still trying to run the country. True story Listen to your old farts. You're stupid. Get out of the way. Get off the highway because cars are going faster now and you're too slow. You don't even like to drive at night because it's too dark and you can't see. That's true. So get the hell out the way. That's true.

Speaker 3:

Get the hell out the way They've just seen so much. I think that's the problem.

Speaker 2:

So they don't like the whole new world They've grown into their own I would say rut their own ways of doing things. I agree, yes. Why would you want? That disrupted, I don't know. Keep it as long as you can. These people are worth millions. They don't do shit. That's my whole goal in life Make as much money as you can without doing anything.

Speaker 3:

I think it's pretty much a lot of people's goals in life.

Speaker 2:

Well then, politics is where you go. Politics, that's the highway that'll get you there. Sweet talk, some old ladies and boom, you're in. Wow, start at convalescent homes and work your way down. Oh my gosh, seriously, that's how skeevy politicians are. They can be. Yeah, hey, let me kiss your baby. Did you just yawn? Yes, I did. Well, hang on. They are seriously that skeevy. They're awful.

Speaker 3:

Politics are awful. Politicians are awful. The whole political debauchery is awful.

Speaker 2:

It's funny that we sit here as a country and try and elect somebody that is just flat out lying to our face Wow. And then you have to discover which one is lying less. But at that point in time, what difference does it make?

Speaker 3:

I was just going to say what difference does it make?

Speaker 2:

They're both lying.

Speaker 3:

They've already been told. So which lie do you believe?

Speaker 2:

like you said, they're like police officers, they're just flat out liars.

Speaker 3:

I think a lot of people lie. I think some people live in their lies so much that they think it's the truth.

Speaker 2:

You, know how hard it is to tell the truth.

Speaker 3:

It's easier than lying.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not, it's a lot harder.

Speaker 3:

You create one lie after another, after another, after another, and you need to be yourself.

Speaker 2:

No, keeping up with your lie is hard.

Speaker 3:

That's what I meant.

Speaker 2:

Telling the truth is harder.

Speaker 3:

Why would that be?

Speaker 2:

harder. People don't want to hear the truth.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's on them, but telling the truth is always on the lie. It's not on them, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I guess it is. You're right, yeah, but if you tell the truth, if you told me that I'm not as smart as I think I am, and here's why and you gave me examples as to why you're an asshole- Well, of course, because that would be something you don't want to hear, and that's on you, correct?

Speaker 2:

So people do not want to hear the truth, they want to be lied to. Wow, it's innate. They want to be lied to. You would rather hear that you're really smart oh, my God, I can't believe how smart you are. You're so pretty. Oh, you're tall, you're handsome, all that shit. You're fucking short and ugly and you're stupid. That's the truth. They're going to get pissed, but you know what they know they're short, ugly and stupid. Yeah, and it hurts Of course it does.

Speaker 3:

It hurts their ego, of course it does so.

Speaker 2:

nobody wants to hear the truth. Everybody wants to be lied to.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's true.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's 100% true and it blows my skirt up. Tell you that for free. The fact that nobody can tell the truth is it's absurd. It's absurd. Now I get that there's different sides of the truth. There's three sides. I guess they say Correct your side, his side, the truth, the middle Right, and there's your truth. But no, everybody lies about everything because people want to hear what they want to hear and even if you tell them the truth, they will take what they want out of it and that's what they're going to go with.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, sometimes it happens like that, I agree.

Speaker 2:

Most of the time, and that blows my skirt open.

Speaker 3:

Thank God you haven't really got a skirt on boy man.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm not wearing panties. I'll tell you that for free. Oh boy, you should see it.

Speaker 3:

I don't think the world needed to know that.

Speaker 2:

Well, the world wants to know it. The world wants to know what I look like. I'm so cool, wow, with my gaming glasses I look like a sinister bitch. Yeah, sinister Bitch. Yeah, that's what I'm going to call myself in my next gaming episode Sinister Bitch Heck. Yeah, of course it's going to be like Sinister Bitch 22447831, 22447831. Because there's like that many of them. Yeah, because that's not original. No, it is not Because you physically can't come up with an original name anymore.

Speaker 3:

Yeah you can't Even my email name.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's true, it's already taken.

Speaker 3:

It's already taken. What do you mean? It's already taken. Who has my name out there? Why the hell?

Speaker 2:

Why in the absolute hell can I not get this, and who?

Speaker 3:

would want it.

Speaker 2:

My name could be Super Batman and there's already 4,000 of them Exactly. Or it could be like Computer Screen 42. Oh, there's 4,000 of those too. It's like are you Desktop? It's like dumb shit Room fan. Yes, it's true, it's crazy. People are just buying up domains and names and stuff like that. It's like you people have nothing better to do. No, get out there and work. That really blows my skirt up. Really blows my skirt up.

Speaker 3:

Voice is that like a little sinister voice?

Speaker 2:

Gosh, I always wanted to do voiceover work. Oh boy, I wish I had the opportunity, but my voice is shot now because I smoke so many cigarettes. Sitting around here pondering what the hell is going to happen in life and worrying about it, crushing palm oils, nuts oh God, fucking nuts. Holy cow, hey, don't knock the palm walls.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

My grandmother used to smoke them.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No, I don't even think she did. I got that from Seinfeld.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I don't even smoke, I know, and I was just letting you go on your little tangent.

Speaker 3:

I was waiting for you to stop.

Speaker 2:

I could go nuts on everything right now. I'm just pissed at everyone. I mean, just trying to work this day and age is ridiculous, just ridiculous, I know. Then I got my own situation where I just want to punch people.

Speaker 3:

But I can't, because that's just going to make it worse. That's just going to make things worse, and it blows my skirt up. I'll tell you that for free, yeah it's frustrating and and it blows my skirt up. I'll tell you that for free.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's frustrating. And then, and then, and then, and then. If I have to see any more of those stupid drug ads, oh the drug ads bother you now too.

Speaker 3:

They have for years. You did mention that. You're right.

Speaker 2:

Dude, it's like why do you watch TV? Just Netflix and show bro, seriously, no commercials.

Speaker 3:

I was just going to say the same thing. And even on Netflix you still get those drug commercials.

Speaker 2:

Yep, it's like all right guys, come on. Hey Washington, it's like I want to fly down to Washington and just kick every single politician in the dick. Kick them right in the dick, because this should not be allowed. You are harvesters of fear.

Speaker 3:

You've got to keep the pharmas going. Why?

Speaker 2:

not, you have a headache.

Speaker 3:

Here's five medications that are going to help you, and then, if those five don't work, we're going to get you another five more. Don't worry, we'll fix you.

Speaker 2:

I wonder what they pay in taxes. Probably absolutely jack shit. Oh no, we gave so much to charitable donations. We're like a 501c3 or whatever the fuck that is for, like a church. Churches don't pay taxes on anything. They own more land than McDonald's.

Speaker 3:

That's true, and they don't pay any taxes on anything. I don't know how they get out of that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, farmers get screwed. Are you kidding me? Farmers get screwed Right. Yeah, farmers get screwed. Are you kidding me, farmers get screwed Right. But these churches who are molesting boys who take money Can just hide money everywhere. That's horse shit. Yeah, absolute horse poo.

Speaker 3:

People believe in them too. People are stupid. It's my safe place.

Speaker 2:

It's a place for me to go. It's where I go to repent, right Repent.

Speaker 1:

Great for you. It's where I go to repent, repent what the fuck are you repenting?

Speaker 2:

for? What are you repenting? Why are you going there To just reflect on your past? Well, what the hell did you do? I know what I did and it ain't great. I'm no better than anybody. I did a lot of dumb shit and yet I don't go to church. You know what I do. I drive around the street in my car with the radio off, so I don't have to listen to nonsense. More commercials over the radio about drugs, oh yeah. And or stupid stuff. Hey, dunkin' Donuts, dunkin' Donuts.

Speaker 3:

What do they say about Dunkin' Donuts?

Speaker 2:

It's a turd product.

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh, McDonald's coffee is where it's at. I do like McDonald's coffee, if you ain't drinking McDonald's coffee.

Speaker 2:

You are stupid, Okay you are stupid.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's not nice, but I do like McDonald's coffee.

Speaker 2:

It's not nice, you're right, but neither is Dunkin' Donuts. I want to go get a stale bagel with a fake egg on it.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's a fast food joint.

Speaker 2:

Can I have this toasted with butter here? It is mildly warm, with one little slab of butter posted on one. If there was a corner on it it would be in the corner.

Speaker 3:

But there's because bagels are round. Obviously you can't do it. You've had bad experience at Dunkin'.

Speaker 2:

Donuts. I've been at Dunkin' Donuts most of my entire adult life and I friggin' hate it. First of all, what's better? Mcdonald's breakfast or anyone else's? You could add all the other ones up, and it still doesn't account to McDonald's breakfast.

Speaker 3:

McDonald's breakfast is okay. I am a Dunkin' Donuts person, though.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you might want to leave. I'm not going anywhere. Why is McDonald's breakfast so goddamn good?

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's awesome.

Speaker 3:

It's decent for what it is. Their pancakes are phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

Are they putting crack in these things, maybe? How are they so goddamn good? I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I don't know either. It's a good old microwave behind there that makes them fresh. No, they got those weird trays that they pull out.

Speaker 2:

That's true too, a fake egg in there. Their fake eggs are better than Dunkin' Donuts' fake eggs, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that's your opinion.

Speaker 2:

I happen to like Dunkin'.

Speaker 3:

Donuts' breakfast. It's actual fact. It's not true.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, there's people out there that are Dunkin'.

Speaker 3:

Donuts' faithful.

Speaker 2:

How many times have you scrambled on a Saturday or Sunday morning like oh my God, oh my God.

Speaker 3:

McDonald's breakfast is almost over. Gotta say not very many. Lying sack of shit. I don't buy McDonald's breakfasts. You're lying Okay.

Speaker 2:

They're biscuits alone.

Speaker 3:

I don't like the biscuits at all.

Speaker 2:

They're biscuits alone are worth going there, for it's like don't, then you get the hash browns involved.

Speaker 3:

I like the hash don't start.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know you, you don't like me verbatim and I'm not gonna go into that.

Speaker 3:

You are not going down that road with the attitude you got right now oh man take a chill, I will light you up.

Speaker 2:

I will light you up something stupid. Anyway, you're not a meat eater, but you had to say something. Egg McMuffin, you would eat it, I would eat it. Yeah, you damn right you would, and it's better than anything at Dunkin Donuts.

Speaker 3:

I've never said that I don't like the breakfast. Shut up Shut up.

Speaker 2:

Shut up, You're wrong. Don't even try to stop me. I can't even tell you how pissed I am that this computer didn't work to start, how fired up I am over breakfast at McDonald's and the goddamn Kennedys. There's a lot going on right now. Oh, there's a lot. This is going to be one of those episodes that people are going to want to listen to but not even fucking understand, because there is no script. Nope, I just blow my skirt up and tell you that for free.

Speaker 3:

You are all over the place.

Speaker 2:

I am. I am all over the place and we're going to do another one right after this, as soon as we look up another topic. Great, that's going to piss me off.

Speaker 3:

Anything else you want to talk about right now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, why don't Freeze Pop, freeze immediately.

Speaker 3:

Oh, good question.

Speaker 2:

Why does it take?

Speaker 3:

like three days for those things to freeze. I don't have the chemicals they put in them and I just suck them down.

Speaker 2:

You suck them down, one right after another. I ain't even afraid. I'm not even afraid. I just suck those things down. It's like a wedding dress. I want to get it off. God, I don't even know what that means.

Speaker 3:

I don't either.

Speaker 2:

But anyway, I'm not even touching that one. Yeah, it's not the only thing you wouldn't touch. Wait, no, oh, okay, time out, wow, all the way around, really. That being said, we're at the end of the show. Great, here we are.

Speaker 3:

This was fun.

Speaker 2:

This was so happy. I'm here doing this with you, stupid ass. Anyway, it's turned out, I don't know, horrible. It turned out horrible, but thanks for being with me here, appreciate it. T-bot.

Speaker 3:

No problem.

Speaker 2:

All right, my dear, we're at the end, so I'm going to tell the entire audience, as always, be good. Hey everybody, it's Ditto. I just want to give a quick shout out to my buddy, larry, over at legendarygraphicscom. He's the one that came up with our logo. Came out fantastic, he does amazing work, and that's legendarygfxcom. Look him up. Sock you to me.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, it's Ditto. Thanks for checking out our show today. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, subscribe to us, we can hook up, interact. You can tell us what you like about the show, talk about what you don't like about the show, give us information and insight. We'd appreciate it. We only want to make the show better for you guys. Also, if you get a chance, head over to summitassemblynet. That's our sponsor and you can really do some business. Alright, as always, everybody be good Hockey Toomey.

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